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Searching the Skies Giveaway!

Memorial Day weekend is over, and now it’s a slog to the next vacation day. (End of July for me!) To help soothe the pain and keep things steamy in this heat wave some of us have been experiencing, I’m giving away three e-copies of Searching the Skies!

Entering is easy – just answer the question below! If you want to up your chances, you can also follow me on twitter or facebook! (Each of these actions is worth one extra entry.) You have until midnight Friday (EST) to enter, and you’ll be able to enjoy the smut over the weekend!

(I do my book gifting from, as they have nearly every format imaginable. You do need an account there to receive the book, but I promise they have never, ever spammed me. I also promise that your email address is safe with me!)

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway