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Disintegration Prequel #2

Happy Monday! (An oxymoron, I know.) If your weekend was as dreary as mine and if the coffee just isn’t cutting it for you today, then I think we can all use a little pick-me-up. The release date of Disintegration is getting closer and closer; let’s have another free prequel!

I’ll be honest – this one is my favorite of the three. While #1 was a bit of a smooshy romance (and hey! there’s nothing wrong with that), this one’s a little darker and, well, a smidge more kinky. It also reveals more information and plot points that are directly related to some of the happenings in the book. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This content is intended for readers over the age of 18 (21 in some areas).
II. Charytar: Tanith