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New Year’s Blog Hop!

Wow, another blog hop so soon after the last one? The holiday spirit must be strong in the romance/erotica blogosphere! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday, whether you were bouncing around from party to party, or just relaxing with a good book. (Either way, I hope there were plenty of scrumptious goodies to eat and drink!)

For my little stop along the New Year’s hop, I want to focus on new things. I’d like to think I learn something new with every project I start, and I’m looking forward to branching out even further. This year, I want to try my hand in a few sub-genres that are new to me, and I also want to have some of my established characters get similarly creative and adventurous. Stay tuned to find out how that all works out. 😉 

To go along with this “new” theme, two lucky winners will get a sneak peek at the first two chapters of Disintegration! (coming out at the end of February) To keep the excitement going further into the year, I’ll send the winners an e-copy of the book itself on its premiere date!

But that’s not all! Entering/leaving a comment here (don’t forget your email address!) will automatically enter you into the main giveaway, where you could win one of the grand prizes! They are:

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $300 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! (US only)

Good luck, and have an amazing 2013!

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