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Winners, and More Free Stuff!

2013 is off to a super start! I loved reading about all the new things you’re going to try this year. (Some of you are far more adventurous than I am!) This blog hop was a blast – big thanks to everyone who participated, and especially to Carrie Ann for coordinating everything. 

Time to announce some winners! Celina and Shadow get a sneak peek at Disintegration today, plus an e-copy sent to them when it’s released next month! If you’re disappointed at not seeing your name here, that’s okay, because the first of the Disintegration prequels is available for your downloading pleasure! (emphasis on the “pleasure”…ahem.)

Clicking the link will open up the Google Drive window, and the download button (shaped like an arrow) is in the upper left-hand corner, so you can take your free story with you wherever you go. And if you’re not a fan of PDFs, the bundle of all three stories will be available in any e-format your heart desires next month!

Three countries, three women, three stories: Set between five and ten years before the events in Disintegration, this collection focuses on the past experiences of the novel’s female characters before circumstances bring them together. Each is of a different age and background. They have a variety of goals and dreams, ranging from living a quiet, stable life to achieving respect in the bureaucratic power structure. Despite the contrast in their beliefs, they share similarities in their strength and passion. Will they find all they desire, even as war threatens to tear their homes apart?

Disclaimer: This content is intended for readers over the age of 18 (21 in some areas).
I. Tektan: Meyta