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Trope-tastic Thursdays: Hot Chick in a Badass Suit

Trope: Hot Chick in a Badass Suit

Description: The Hot Chick in a Badass Suit means business – don’t mess with her, or you will probably regret it. She’s successful and she’s confident in both her profession and the way she carries herself. While short skirts are a possibility, she can look just as good in a long-sleeved pantsuit that covers her chest, because her tailor is just that talented.

Examples: Agent Scully from The X-Files, most of the female lawyers on Law & Order, with special shoutouts going to Abbie Carmichael and Alex Cabot, because damn, those were some enviable suits

Pros: Want to instantly make the audience think “strong female character”? Put her in a Badass Suit. If she’s wearing a Badass Suit, we can assume she must be intelligent and have at least some level of personal skills, as she’s advanced in her career enough that the suit is deemed necessary to appear professional. Also, if she cares about her appearance and the way she’s perceived in said career, we know she’s passionate about something.

Cons: There are some negative connotations that can accompany this trope. For example, if the HCiaBAS holds a position of some importance, some will wonder if she did anything morally questionable to get to that place. She might also get a reputation for being a hardass, and/or be accused of not caring about anything except her job.

Would/Did I Use It?: Specifically, no. (Though I have put some of my “hot chicks” in a uniform.) That said, I like the idea of this trope, and I am not opposed to the idea of using it in the future. I do have a strong love for Law & Order, after all!