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Departure – a newly-released FREE short story!

I had so much fun with the Disintegration prequels, I decided to self-pub some more shorts here and there and release them for free. Fresh off the e-presses, here’s Departure!

It was my first time making my own cover (using stock photography, which was credited appropriately in the front matter, and I notified the artist as requested like a good girl). I like it. I don’t really want to spend any money on these little ventures; while Boobulon did some awesome work on the prequels cover and I didn’t mind throwing some compensation his way at all, I do have my own finances to worry about. (Luckily, I have some very good friends who will proofread for free!) I downloaded Paint.NET, which did all I needed it to do and then some. I don’t think I’ll ever be a graphic artist, but it’s enough to get by!

Anyhoo, here’s the blurb!

Earth is dying, and humans need to find a new home before the planet becomes unable to sustain life. Among the Reverie project’s top researchers is Dr. John Verona, a brilliant scientist who tinkers with artificial intelligence in his spare time. While he works on the plans to evacuate his fellow citizens, his girlfriend, nurse Clio Lawrence, contemplates her role in his life. Despite Earth’s inevitable demise, she’s desperate for a family of her own, and wonders if the path to her goals lies with John and his two android “daughters”. Will he be able to meet her intimate needs while ensuring a future for the rest of humanity?

Smashwords link