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Caliente Blog Hop!

I don’t know where you’re geographically located, but the weather’s finally warming up where I am! Summer’s just around the corner, and it’s time to crank up the heat with the Caliente Blog Hop! Every blogger on the tour will be contributing a sizzling post and hosting a giveaway with some great prizes, so be sure to check them all out!

Disintegration takes place in the desert, so my mind naturally went there when thinking about hot, steamy fun. Keep a glass of ice water handy!

The sun’s glare was bright and oppressive, yet it wasn’t as painful to his sensitive eyes as it had been before. They exited onto the sand; no other creatures were to be found on the barren landscape. “Now we have a real cactus for you to shoot at,” Ro said.

“I’ve heard they’re especially vicious this time of year.”

“Smartass.” She chuckled. “What, you wanted me to lug the targets and other equipment all the way up here?”

Callum inserted the earpiece she’d provided him with. “I’m ready to start whenever you are.”
He followed all her commands, shooting where she directed and tearing down any shrubbery that stood in his way. While she shouted instructions, various noises cycled through the tiny speaker in his ear. Monotonous buzzing, raucous commotions, and the echo of gunfire all rang out, controlled by a device encircling Ro’s wrist. He did his best to ignore it. Sweat trickled down his cheek and neck, collecting in the collar of his shirt. Nothing stopped him.

At one point, Ro snatched his glasses off his face. “Keep going!” she yelled. His mechanical eye adjusted to the influx of light, and he continued firing at the designated targets. The previous breakdown of his functions during the battle with Tanith and her guards remained a mystery. He needed to demonstrate his skills and prove his worth. Not only was he never sure of Ro’s opinions, he wanted to regain trust in himself.

Assorted shards of plant fiber cluttered the sands. Callum only stopped pulling the trigger when he realized there was nothing left to shoot at. He lowered his gun and waited for further commands from Ro. None came.

He looked around. She had returned to the outside of the hidden chamber from which they emerged. Her eyes were hidden behind the dark glasses, and he couldn’t tell where she was staring as he approached. “How are you feeling?” she asked.


“If there were other people out here, you think you could tear them to shreds?”


“Good.” She pushed herself off the ledge she’d been leaning against, and climbed down into the elevator car. Callum followed her. He waited for her to push the buttons that would close the roof and send them back underground. When she didn’t, he reached for the illuminated panel.

She grabbed his wrist. “I didn’t say we were done here.”

“What else do you want me to do?”

Ro fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. Her fingers walked up his chest, dancing across the thin fabric that separated her touch from the firm muscles. “I did always enjoy watching you move,” she said. “When you get into that zone, when your body takes over….”

He glanced up. All he saw was the flawless blue sky, yet he was skeptical. “Here? But—”

“There’s no one else around for miles and miles.” She pressed against him. Droplets of sweat dotted her forehead, and her skin glistened with the lotion she had applied earlier. “Don’t you want to take advantage of the fresh air while we still can?”

You can enter to win one of two e-copies of Disintegration, plus a supernifty magnet by following the directions in the Rafflecopter*. (Impatient? Buy links are here.) Directly beneath that is a second widget for you to use to be eligible for the hop’s grand prize! Good luck, and stay cool!
(*E-book prizes are international, magnets are US only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway