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Hump Day Hook!

(If you’re looking for the Caliente Blog Hop and its associated giveaways, scroll down or click here!)

It’s Wednesday, and we all know what that means! This week’s hook comes from the third of the Disintegration prequels (which *cough cough* are FREE at Smashwords). After your attention span has recovered from this hook, don’t forget to check out the other participating authors!

Ro stared at the ceiling, gasping
for air. The wooden floorboards were rough and rigid beneath her, but the discomfort
barely registered. “I have a feeling my back’s going to be killing me tomorrow,”
Devan said from beside her. 

“My knees will probably hate me,
too.” She blew an errant lock of hair out of her face. “Doesn’t matter. It was
worth it.”

“Agreed.” He turned towards her
and ran a finger along the curve of her exposed breast. “When you’re on top of
me like that, with that look on your face….” 


Devan sat up. “Let’s
do it,” he said. “Let’s finally get out of here.”