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Hump Day Hook (with giveaway!)

Let’s see how good my hooking skills are this week!

…wait. I should rephrase that. 😉

This hump day’s hook comes from Departure, available for free at Smashwords. Don’t forget to check out the hooks from the other authors listed on the main page!

get involved with a man who has kids! At your age, you need someone who will
focus on you!”
a coworker had once told her, only
half-joking. As John was several years younger than her, Clio hadn’t thought
this piece of advice would be necessary. She was surprised, however, the first
time he introduced her to “his girls”, as he called them. He had created both
of them himself in his spare time and exhibited the same fatherly love and
pride she’d seen in her friends who were parents. Their little family was a
departure from the norm, yet Clio was able to accept the situation. Said acceptance
didn’t prevent her from wondering when she would be able to start a family of
her own. 

Like this hook (or even this story)? Tell me in the comments! One lucky commenter this week will get a free ebook of their choosing from my list!