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This, That, and Other Things

With all the events that have been going on, as well as the weekly features I do/participate in, it’s been a while since I’ve actually written a typical blog post. In a perfect world, I’d sit down and organize my thoughts into a cohesive narrative…but I think we all know by now that our world is delightfully imperfect. So here’s some stuff that’s been going on, in no particular order:

 — I announced it on facebook, and I believe I alluded to it here, but if you haven’t heard yet: I signed the official contract for Defying the Skies, and it should be published sometime in July. Yay!

 — Things are going well for my work-in-progress. I feel like I’ve hit that point where I’ve established the characters enough that they almost write themselves. I actually organized my sloppy list of “stuff I want to include” into a chapter outline. (Well, most of it, anyway.) I’m usually terrible at estimating these things, but by my calculations, I’m somewhere between a third and halfway through.

 — Also on the topic of my WIP: Again, I know I’ve been a little vague and coy in various places on the internet, but I’ll say it outright here, in case anyone missed it – I decided to try something new and write lesbian erotica. It’s been fun so far, but there have definitely been some challenges. The biggest one so far? Pronouns. Oh dear god, the pronouns. They’re killing me. But we should always be challenging ourselves and trying new things, right?

 — Not completely relevant to writing, but relevant to my free time and what I do with it: I’ve been interning for a new job I spent a year and a half training for, so that’s been exciting and a little scary and all that other stuff that comes with change. So far, I’ve still been finding time to write, and I hope that stays the same when I start working for realz. I also want to continue to maintain this blog, and maybe actually get off my butt and write real posts more often.

That list wasn’t so bad. It’s probably even neater than my chapter outline!