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Hump Day Hook!

Happy Hump Day! I know I’ve been kind of slacking with the blogging lately, but every now and then, real life gets crazy busy. To help make it up to you, I’ll share a superfun longer excerpt from Defying the Skies (sequel to Searching the Skies), which will be released soon! Once you get your fix here, don’t forget to check out the other hooks!

“I guess that’s the problem with climbing the ranks,” Geneva joked. “Once you get high enough, the military thinks you’re irreplaceable and that operations will cease to function if you’re gone from your post for too long.”

Marcus smiled. “Well, they’re right about one thing.” He kissed the top of her head. “You are irreplaceable.”

“Oh, her absence is definitely felt on the ship,” Ash said to him, grinning. “All those young soldiers assigned to laundry duty had to get their thrills somewhere else when her panties weren’t tumbling down the chute.”

Geneva kicked him in the shoulder. “You’re terrible!”

“Terrible, but undoubtedly correct.”

“That’s not very nice, teasing those poor boys like that.” Marcus said. “I mean, they’re probably curled up alone in their bunks dreaming of you every night, and you couldn’t even leave them some dirty laundry?”

Her attempts to suppress her giggles were unsuccessful. “You’re just as bad as he is. My underwear is not nearly as fascinating as you make it out to be.”

“You know that’s not true.” Marcus ran his finger along the thin band of exposed skin between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her pants. “And forgive me for being forward, but instead of arguing about these things, shouldn’t we be making the most of the time we have together? With or without your panties, of course.”

“He’s a wise man,” Ash said. Another set of hands joined the provocative exploration.