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The Disintegration sequel (working title so I can make the label: The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions) is underway and the words are flying onto the page. I know I was hesitant to begin this one for a while, but all of my misgivings are gone. Despite having a touch of the flu (I could barely stand on Thursday, but went to the doctor and got a prescription for Tamiflu, good stuff), I wrote like crazy this weekend and I hope to keep plugging away at a good pace.

When I first started Defying the Skies, I mentioned here that there’s a certain ease and familiarity that comes with writing a sequel. The characters and universe are already established for me, though I do try to provide a basic recap for new readers. That’s been one of the [fun] challenges, actually — how do I re-set the stage without making it a giant infodump or a rehash of what already happened? What key details need to be mentioned right off the bat?

Chapter One is the longest introductory chapter I’ve ever written (I don’t want to call it a prologue, but I guess an argument could be made). In my defense, 1) a lot happens, 2) there weren’t any logical places for a scene break, and 3) only about a third of it is recapping stuff from the first book. Chapter Two admittedly has some more recapping, but it kicks off the main plot for the rest of the book, so I’m going to leave it for now. I really hope I’ve struck the right balance in refreshing the main plot points from the prior book vs. moving things along in the current book, but hey, that’s what editing is for, right?

I know there’s a good chance some (a lot?) will eventually be snipped, but I’m satisfied for now and raring to write more. I’m still itching with all the IDEAS that I want to put in this book and I’m hoping that fuel takes me far. Vroooom!