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Sneak Peek!

As I try to crawl out from beneath my mountain of work and try to ignore the fact that I am SO not prepared for Christmas yet, I figured I might as well toss up a quickie blog post. I don’t have a release date yet for Second Skin, my first novella for Decadent Publishing’s popular 1 Night Stand series, but I DO have a preview of the cover. And it’s pretty awesome.

This is my first big(-ish) project in a contemporary setting, though there’s still plenty of action. (Yes, action and action. 😉 ) I won’t give away too much yet, of course, but I’ll mention that the grapes are there because a lot of the book takes place at a winery, and the sunglasses…well, let’s just say our heroine is a bit of a badass. I like this.

On the writing front, the Disintegration sequel is still coming along nicely, though it’s had to take a little bit of a backseat to the day job lately. The desert is still hot and steamy, Ro’s still a pain in the ass, and there’s plenty of sass and snarky banter to go around. Life is good. I’ll write more about the progress there when we’re not all distracted by the shiny new cover.

If I don’t manage to check in before then, I hope you’re all having a fabulous holiday season and you finish out 2013 with a bang!