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Sunday Snog (giveaway and fundraiser!)

I’ll write an actual post sometime soon about video games and romances and such (hint: I just finished crying my way through Mass Effect 3), but in the meantime, I’m participating in the 100th Sunday Snog! If you want to read about a ton of great kisses and enter a bunch of giveaways, be sure to click through and follow all the links. In addition, donations will be made to Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders, which is a fantastic charity that does amazing, amazing work.

One of my favorite kisses that I’ve written is Callum and Meyta’s first kiss from the (free) Disintegration prequels, so I’ll pull that up for today’s event. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end to win your choice of ebook from the library!

A cool breeze drifted through the desolate landscape, and Meyta shivered. “Maybe you’re right,” she said. “Maybe I should take a trip to Coral City, or some of the other areas of the country, and see what they’re like for myself.”

She sensed movement behind her. A pair of hands appeared on her shoulders, their warmth seeping through the thin material of her blouse. “You know, there’s a lot to be said for what’s right here,” Callum murmured near her ear.

Her body tensed as he stepped closer, and then relaxed when she leaned back into the comfort of his arms. “At first, I thought you were lucky,” she said. “I almost started to envy you for your exciting life, and all your travels, and the important jobs you do with the military.”


“But then I realized how foolish that was. Every day, you run the risk of being taken out by a Charytaran missile, or ambushed by an army of Palavian drones. I don’t know how you do it.”

His hold on her tightened. “Someone has to.”

She tilted her head back. His breath danced across her neck, and the scent of his skin wafted towards her nose. A combination of the dust on his uniform and the effects of the day’s exertion mingled in the cool air, yet it was not an unpleasant aroma. She breathed deeply, keeping her gaze focused on the illuminated desert. “There’s so much danger out there,” she whispered. “Do you ever get scared?”

“On occasion. Just don’t tell my teammates.”

Meyta smiled. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

“I can think of better secrets to share.”

Callum squeezed her shoulders and turned her around. With one hand, he brushed an errant lock of thick, dark hair away from her face. She closed her eyes as his fingers grazed her cheek, and leaned towards him.

His lips, soft and moist, met hers in a tender kiss. Gentleness gave way to a stronger fervor as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Another tremor rippled over her, yet the cause of her quivering muscles had nothing to do with the outdoor climate.  Callum’s hands dipped down to her waist, pulling her closer into an ardent embrace. She locked her arms around the back of his neck, and pressed herself against his broad chest.

In the infinite expanse of cold, unfeeling sand and the ever-present threat of brutal warfare, Meyta no longer felt small and alone. Reminders of Callum’s impending departure prickled at the back of her mind. She pushed aside any negative thoughts, and succumbed to his smoldering kiss.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Defying the Skies Artwork!

Boobulon has done it again! I had an idea* for some artwork featuring the starring trio from the Skies series, and he accepted the commission. This is awesome and amazing and wonderful and I love it hard!

Click for embiggening!

If you’ve been following along on the DtS book tour (and if not, SHAME), this is one of the prizes. You know you want this badass scene adorning your mantle, don’t even try to deny it. If you’re impatient, the prints are available through deviantArt.

*I believe I said something along the lines of “How cool would it be to have Geneva and Marcus in the same pose as the ‘Army of Darkness’ poster, but with the genders reversed?” This is the answer, and the answer is really fucking cool.

Defying the Skies Tour!

Follow the tour!

What better way to celebrate a three-day weekend than with a blog tour! Check out all the sites that have been gracious enough to host me, leave them some friendly comments, and be sure to enter the giveaway! I’m giving away e-copies of Defying the Skies, the original Searching the Skies, plus prints of some brand-new artwork from Boobulon (that he’s putting the finishing touches on)!

Sept 2: Snarky Mom Reads
Sept 4: Rose & Beps Blog
Sept 4: SinfulReads Blog
Sept 6: Book Reviews
Sept 7: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
Sept 8: BookwormBridgette’s World
Sept 10: Triad Literary
Sept 11: Naughty Bits’ Book Reviews
Sept 12: Reader’s Edyn
Sept 14: Sharing Links and Wisdom
Sept 15: Wicked Readings by Tawania
Sept 17: Dalene’s Book Reviews
Sept 16: deal sharing aunt
Sept 18: Have Novel, Will Edit
Sept 20: Harlie’s Books (Review)
Sept 22: Danita Minnis
Sept 22: For the Love of Bookends

Til Death Do Us (A)Part

It’s September 1st, the seasons are changing, and that’s as good of a time as any to start new things! A friend of mine, Elizabeth Lake, has kicked off her free online serial today, and I love it already. I’ll be honest – zombies aren’t totally my thing (though they’re super-trendy now), but the description/blurb for this serial made the story sound irresistible:

When Madelyn Striker awakes on her wedding day, she has
only one goal: make it to midnight without killing anyone. With an
alcoholic sister, neurotic mother and busybody future mother-in-law all
trying in their own way to steal the spotlight and drive her crazy, it’s
a goal she’s not certain she can reach. Finding the groom and the maid
of honor in the middle of a chapel tryst certainly doesn’t help.

Family intrigue falls to the wayside when a sick guest unexpectedly
takes a chunk out of a member of the bridal party, and before long
Madelyn is on the run. Stuck with a photographer’s assistant, her
rapidly drying out sister and a handsome, mysterious stranger who may or
may not be a third cousin once removed, she must make her way through a
deteriorating city and avoid friends and neighbors who are suddenly
Very Hungry.

It’s Maddie’s Big Day, and she has a new goal: stay alive.

The first chapter went live today, and I’m hooked. Right off the bat, the characters are already well-developed and highly-entertaining. Even though I know that the zombie apocalypse is going to start at any moment, I can’t wait to read what happens next. Be sure to check out and follow Elizabeth Lake’s ‘Til Death Do Us (A)Part: Love (and Sex) in the Zombie Apocalypse!

Nothing Particularly Enlightening to See Here

So looking over at the blog stats and seeing that I haven’t done anything here since the 15th doesn’t feel too good. The new job got INSANE for about a week or two, and I really was doing little other than eating, sleeping, and working. It’s going well, so I can’t complain, but it is, obviously, leaving less time for other things.

I wish I had something brilliant and insightful to offer here about how to strike that magical balance between working a day job and writing…but yeah, I got nothing. I am writing, but not all that fast. I’m still doing weekly assignments for the video game company, and as that’s paid work on a deadline, that tends to be the priority in my free time. I’ve toyed with the idea of giving that up here and there, but 1) I do like it, 2) it does keep my fingers and my creative brain going, and 3) I like the “fun money” that goes right into my Paypal account.

Even with all that, I’m winding down on the [neverending] WIP. I have to finish up the current chapter, and then just one more to go! Of course there will be endless amounts of editing, and eventually preparing submission packets after that, but I’ll feel a huge sense of relief when it’s done.

I’ll try to do a better job of checking in on the blog, and who knows? Maybe one of these days I really will have some work-writing balance insights to offer!

Hot Summer Heroes Blog Hop!

It’s finally getting a little cooler here in the Northeast, but that doesn’t mean we can’t nudge the temperature back up with some hot summer heroes! No matter what your preferred flavor of hero is, you’re bound to find something you like in this blog hop!

When I started the Searching the Skies series, I found it hard to incorporate so many appealing traits into one man…so I wrote two! Ash is bold, charismatic, and his military uniform can barely contain his bulging muscles. Marcus has more of a quiet elegance – with his dark features and brooding stares, he can still captivate a room with his sophisticated charm. Either on their own or together, they offer our heroine Geneva more wild nights of passion than she could have ever dreamed of.

Such decadence and the pleasure of having the best of both worlds puts us all in a generous mood, so I’m giving away two e-copies of the original Searching the Skies. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this blog post (or follow the Rafflecopter directions for more chances to win). By commenting, not only will you be entered in my giveaway, but you’ll also be eligible for the Grand Prize! Be sure to stop at all the blogs on the hop and check out their hot summer heroes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Back in Action!

I’ve been back in the country for almost a week, which means it’s been almost a week that I’ve been neglecting this blog. To be fair, I did have to catch up on the mountain of work that accumulated while I was gone, as well as try to stay on top of the work that continued to build when I got back. However, it pays the bills, so I can’t complain there!

Confession: I did not write a single word while on vacation. I did, however, do a lot of reading, a bit of brainstorming for future ideas, and some other things here and there.

In which I reveal what I actually look like?

I’ve done some writing upon my return, both on my never-ending WIP and my game-writing assignments. I also come bearing good news in this blog post: I just signed a contract for a story I submitted to the 1 Night Stand series, so I’m super-excited about that! There was a lot of revising involved before getting to that point, but as with all sorts of editing, I learned a lot and I have a better idea of what to do for future submissions there. Now, as soon as I get a few more hours added to each day, I can start writing them!

Hump Day Hook, with Giveaway!

Not only is it everyone’s favorite day of the week, but all of us Hump Day Hook participants are hosting giveaways! Make sure you check out all the links this week, so you can be sure to shower yourself with gifts!

Neither my latest release or my WIP have hot, summery scenes, so I’m going back to the desert with Callum and Ro in Disintegration. Who doesn’t love a good dose of fresh air and tantalizing breezes to help soothe the fires within (or stoke them, as the case may be)?

As for me, I’m leaving for my own vacation to the Caribbean this Friday, so I’ll leave the giveaway open for a whole week. If you want to take advantage of the “tweet every day” option in my absence, go right ahead! For my prize on my own little stop of the tour, one lucky winner will win any book of their choosing from my list. Whether you like your characters rolling around in the steamy jungles or cuddling in freezing cold outer space, be sure to leave a comment here and on all the other great posts this week!

She grabbed his wrist. “I didn’t say we were done here.”

“What else do you want me to do?”

Ro fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. Her fingers walked up his chest, dancing
across the thin fabric that separated her touch from the firm muscles. “I did always enjoy
watching you move,” she said. “When you get into that zone, when your body takes

He glanced up. All he saw was the flawless blue sky, yet he was skeptical.

“Here? But—”

“There’s no one else around for miles and miles.” She pressed against him.
Droplets of sweat dotted her forehead, and her skin glistened with the lotion she had
applied earlier. “Don’t you want to take advantage of the fresh air while we still can?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Girl

Hey, a real blog post! As promised, it’s time to dissect the cover of Defying the Skies, and all the FEELINGS I had about it. To refresh your recollection:

I’ll be totally honest here: My very first reaction was “…where are her pants?” (Okay, if we’re going for total honesty here, it was “GENEVA Y NO PANTS?”) My heroic, ass-kicking commander seems to have left half her armor at home. That’s quite the oversight.

Then the feminism started to kick in. My heroic, ass-kicking commander should be appealing because of said ass-kicking, and all the really smart thoughts floating around in her head. For lack of a better term, this cover is a bit…fanservice-y. I had some concerns about my heroic, ass-kicking commander being relegated to little more than a pinup girl.

I walked away from the computer to marinate on this for a little while. (Next total honesty point: I was on the toilet.) Something about the boots and color scheme reminded me of someone. In thinking it over, I came up with Tyris Flare from Golden Axe, a well-loved game from my childhood and beyond. Well, the bottom half, anyway. At least Geneva had the good sense not to go try to save the world in a bikini. Then Boobulon pointed out the obvious – on this cover, Geneva looks almost exactly like Mieu, a popular character from Phantasy Star III, which friends and frequent readers know is part of one of my all-time favorite video game series ever. Seriously, the resemblance is striking.

It’s no secret that a lot of my writing has been influenced by video games. While not the most perfect representation of my character (and really, how often do covers flawlessly depict what’s inside?*), I think it works as kind of a kitschy callback to the games and character designs of my youth. I DID love growing up with Tyris Flare and her irrational bikini, after all.

Lastly, I took a step back and remembered what I’m really doing here: I write erotic romance. There is sex involved. Sex involves skin. There is skin on this cover. If anything, this cover hints at what’s inside more than any of my previous ones. And if that helps sell more books, even better!

Bottom line: I like this a lot. While some aspects (PANTS) made me raise an eyebrow at first and it’s not going to win any points for being sensitive to gender issues, I think this is an appropriately badass cover for Geneva & Co., and how they heroically save the day and go home for some kinky fun afterwards. Fun!

(*The worst example of this is when I was browsing a well-known publisher’s site and a lesbian romance book had a heterosexual couple on the cover. Eeeeeesh….)

Hump Day Hook!

Wednesday, Hump Day…no matter what you call it, it’s everybody’s favorite day of the week! Defying the Skies is still new and shiny, so I’ll try to hook you again with some naughty thoughts from my very first sequel. As always, be sure to check out the other fantastic hooks!

The idea intrigued her. “I don’t think it sounds strange at all.”

“You don’t?”

“It makes perfect sense to me.” She leaned closer to him and nudged his hands. He finally uncovered his face and looked at her. “Both of you make me feel amazing. And if you want to feel the same way….”

Her lips brushed against his. Marcus threaded his fingers through the hair at the back of her head and refused to let her go. His tongue slid inside her mouth as the heat blossomed between their naked forms. Geneva tried to picture Ash with them at that moment—his hands roaming over both of them, his mouth passing from her body to Marcus’s….