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Hump Day Hook!

It’s Wednesday! This week, I’ll be presenting a special Hump Day Hook to coincide with my latest release, Defying the Skies. Once you’re done reading the hook (and the other fabulous hooks this week), be sure to enter the giveaway, because I’m giving away two free e-copies!

Marcus is missing and Geneva is pissed. Watch out!

The armed guard stood with his back to her. She crept towards him, taking care not to draw his attention. Chase’s eyes widened when he spotted her, but he said nothing to reveal her presence. When she was close enough to reach her target, she lunged forward and grabbed his arm.

She twisted the joint as she pulled the limb back, hoping the gun wouldn’t discharge. A swift blow with her elbow succeeded in making him drop the firearm. She pinned his arms behind his back with one hand, unsheathed one of her daggers with the other, and held it to his throat. “Open the door,” she ordered.

He didn’t move.

“Do it.” She gave him a nudge with her knee. “Or else it’s your time that’s running short.”

“Your friend wasn’t going to kill me, and neither are you.” The quiver in his voice suggested a lack of confidence.

Geneva applied more pressure to the blade, feeling it skim the outermost layer of his flesh. “Are you really so sure?” 

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Defying the Skies Celebratory Giveaway!

Win this!

Good morning, and happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. (And if you didn’t have the holiday weekend off, I hope you at least kept cool!) To help chase away the Monday blues, I’m giving away two free e-copies of Defying the Skies! Turn on your fans, grab a cool beverage, shed your pants like our favorite Commander, and get ready for something steamy!

You know the drill – follow the Rafflecopter directions, get your tweeting fingers ready, and so on. I’ll pick the two lucky winners on Sunday, so stay tuned! 
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Defying the Skies Release!

What better way to celebrate the holiday weekend than with a brand new release?

I’ll admit that when I first saw the cover, I had some mixed feelings about it, namely about Geneva’s…uh…lack of pants. Yeah. However, after I marinated on it for a little while, I’ve decided that this is pretty damn cool. Would pants be more helpful in taking out a slew of space terrorists in their hidden lair? Maybe. But Commander Geneva Greyson is just so much of a badass, she can kill you without pants. Yup. I’ll elaborate on all my feelings more in a future post, but for now, let’s just marvel at that sweet weapon of mass destruction.

The book’s out at DDP and Amazon as of rightthissecond. Since plenty of people are out and about this weekend, I’ll hold off on the celebratory giveaway until sometime next week. Until then, have an official blurb!

In addition to her distinguished career with the Terran military, Commander Geneva Greyson has finally achieved harmony in her personal life. Her renewed relationship with her mother has grown stronger and she’s settled into a comfortable arrangement with the two men she loves. Marcus confesses a dark fantasy to her while she’s on leave from duty—not only does he have feelings for her, he’s developing an attraction to Ash. He begs Geneva not to reveal his secrets before Ash arrives to spend the weekend with them. 

The officers return to their posts after a relaxing, decadent visit. They learn of a distressing event upon completing a week-long mission: A terrorist group has organized a strike and taken hostages in their efforts to attract attention to their cause. When Geneva discovers Marcus is listed among the missing, she disobeys her orders and sets out to join the reconnaissance team with Ash by her side. Will they find Marcus before it’s too late for him to affirm his desires?

Hump Day Hook!

Oh my goodness, is it Wednesday again already? Time certainly does fly when you’re working your ass off having fun. This week’s excerpt comes from my big WIP, my first major F/F project. Our lovely heroines, after spending much of the book in the middle of nowhere, treat themselves to an overnight trip/mini-vacation when they need to go pick up some supplies (and, uh, cake). Enjoy, and don’t forget to check out the other hooks!

Catalina leaned forward and accepted the offering. The rich chocolate melted on her tongue, coating it with a smooth sweetness. She savored the thick, crumbling texture and rolled it around in her mouth before swallowing. “Damn,” she finally said. “I was never really a big fan of desserts, but I guess going without something for so long made me realize I kind of missed having the option.”

“Tell me about it.” Sari speared another bite for herself.

“Aren’t you worried about crumbs in the bed?”

“No. Isn’t that part of the fun of taking a little vacation, however short it may be?”


The wicked smile made its appearance on Sari’s lips once more. “Nothing wrong with making a bit of a sticky mess every now and then,” she said. With one finger, she scooped up a glob of the fudge topping and painted a line from the base of her throat down into the deep chasm between her breasts. “See? I didn’t even spill anything.”

Time to Breathe

I usually don’t post too much of a personal nature on here. While obviously, this blog is in my own “voice” and there’s a lot of “me” in my writings (as with any author), for professional reasons, I do like to maintain some distance between day job-me and smut writing-me. And it’s that day job that has been keeping me away from the blogging lately.

Once upon a time, I was a teacher. (I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned that here or not before; if not, now you know!) As I did not teach one of the “core” subjects, it could be difficult to find work, but I always prevailed. Except for when I didn’t. I got laid off at the end of the 2009-2010 school year, as did my brand new then-fiance.

He eventually found another full-time job, but I did not. I did some substitute teaching whenever I could, but quite frankly, it sucked. The stress of unemployment plus planning a wedding took its toll on my health, both mental and physical. Something needed to change, because I wasn’t satisfied waiting around for the phone to ring to offer me jobs that didn’t exist.

We got married in July 2011. I went back to school in October of that year to start training for a brand-new career (that had NOTHING to do with the field of education) in the hopes that I would one day work full-time again and bring home a decent paycheck so we could be more comfortable. It’s not where I ever saw myself in that stage of life, but since when does everything work out the way it’s supposed to?

I finished my program in April of this year, interned for a bit, and now I’m finally at the point I’ve been looking forward to since June of 2010 – I’m working again! My hours are inconsistent, and I don’t always know what I’m walking into, but still…it feels good. Really good. However, now that I’m devoting a large chunk of my time to being back in the work force, that means there’s less time for other things.

It was during that period of unemployment and poor health that I rediscovered my love for writing. After having some fun with fanfic for a while, I started writing Searching the Skies soon after returning from my honeymoon, and started submitting it around the time I began school. I do try to see the silver linings in most situations, and having writing as a serious hobby (that sometimes even flings some cash my way) helped a lot.

Even with the increased workload, I’m still writing as much as I can. I know I’ve been slacking off a lot here with the blog (and the blogosphere in general; my apologies to the people who are used to seeing more comments from me!). As much fun as it is, when it comes down to writing fiction or writing here, the fiction is going to win most of the time. I’ve got some awesome stuff coming up in the next few months, and the list of stories I want to write never seems to get any shorter.

So even if I’m quiet here, rest assured that my writing persona is still alive and kicking. I do enjoy having a space where I can share any writing insights I’ve gleaned (or just run my mouth for extended periods of time, like in this post). I’d rather be busy than bored, and I’ve found that the more my mind is working, the easier it is for me to write a bit every day. Lucky us!

Hump Day Hook!

Happy Hump Day! I know I’ve been kind of slacking with the blogging lately, but every now and then, real life gets crazy busy. To help make it up to you, I’ll share a superfun longer excerpt from Defying the Skies (sequel to Searching the Skies), which will be released soon! Once you get your fix here, don’t forget to check out the other hooks!

“I guess that’s the problem with climbing the ranks,” Geneva joked. “Once you get high enough, the military thinks you’re irreplaceable and that operations will cease to function if you’re gone from your post for too long.”

Marcus smiled. “Well, they’re right about one thing.” He kissed the top of her head. “You are irreplaceable.”

“Oh, her absence is definitely felt on the ship,” Ash said to him, grinning. “All those young soldiers assigned to laundry duty had to get their thrills somewhere else when her panties weren’t tumbling down the chute.”

Geneva kicked him in the shoulder. “You’re terrible!”

“Terrible, but undoubtedly correct.”

“That’s not very nice, teasing those poor boys like that.” Marcus said. “I mean, they’re probably curled up alone in their bunks dreaming of you every night, and you couldn’t even leave them some dirty laundry?”

Her attempts to suppress her giggles were unsuccessful. “You’re just as bad as he is. My underwear is not nearly as fascinating as you make it out to be.”

“You know that’s not true.” Marcus ran his finger along the thin band of exposed skin between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her pants. “And forgive me for being forward, but instead of arguing about these things, shouldn’t we be making the most of the time we have together? With or without your panties, of course.”

“He’s a wise man,” Ash said. Another set of hands joined the provocative exploration.

Hump Day Hook!

Okay, fine, you all win. I’ll give you a tiny bit of resolution for The Edge of the Sphere for this week’s Hump Day Hook. This is from the “interlude” between Parts Two and Three. (You might notice a trend with each section ending similarly.) Happy reading, and don’t forget to check out all the other authors and their hooks!

While he contemplated his situation, the benevolent angel that had saved him from himself beamed at him, an affectionate glow filling her eyes. With his mind firmly made up, he draped his arms around her shoulders, holding her tightly, and kissed her forehead. “Anything for you.”

She leaned her head against his chest and hugged him with the same fervor. They stood together for a silent moment on the windswept rock in an indistinguishable tangle of limbs as the clouds overhead grew darker and darker. He knew she was right. They couldn’t stay there for much longer, and he released her so she could lead them onwards. She took his hand and raised it to her lips, squeezing it as she did so. “Let’s go,” she said.

Her fingers laced through his, Liora led him to the precipice. There was nothing visible through the mists below them, save for a few streaks of intermittent light. Stephen felt his palms grow moist and his throat become dry. He turned his head to the side and saw her looking up at him, the shifting expressions in her eyes still able to convey so much. Gradually he inched closer to the edge, his trust in her implicit, and he flashed her what he hoped would look like a confident smile. Pushing his fears aside, he gripped her hand as they stepped into the flickering abyss.

Book Tour, Review, and Giveaway! Being Amber (New Atlanta #1), by Sylvia Ryan

Follow the tour!


Both danger and sex are inescapable in the Amber Zone. 

Jaci Harmon was born a Sapphire, but after she’s
summoned to receive her final designation, the testing reveals she carries a
gene slated for eradication. Within a day, she’s sterilized and dumped in the Amber Zone,
where the damaged are corralled away from the rest of New Atlanta. Scared and
alone, Jaci would rather die than face her future as an Amber.

Born in the Amber Zone,
Xander Dimos is a product of a lifetime spent under the oppression of the
Repopulation Laws. Decades of suffering have taught the Ambers to make the zone
a place where touch, sex, and unconditional acceptance ease the pain of their
fate. Jaci has a lot to learn about her new home, and it’s Xander’s
responsibility to guide her through the differences and the dangers safely.

With the simmering undercurrents of sexual
chemistry growing between them, and in the midst of discovering the Gov’s true
motives, Jaci and Xander must overcome his secret and accept their love as
undeniable…even if the time allotted to share it is short.

Warning: This title is intended for readers over
the age of 18 as it contains explicit sex scenes and/or situations (including
BDSM, light bondage, anal play, sex toys, and f/f/m and m/f/m menage) and adult
language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.


“Let me go.” Jaci shot him an acid glare she hoped would burn and eat at him like he was doused with drain cleaner. She was mad and she had to stay mad at him, or she’d never be strong enough to do this. It would also help immensely if he was angry at her too. Today, she wouldn’t be able to survive the nurturing, protective man she loved. 


She was a mere second away from tears when she turned away from him so he couldn’t see her face and headed for the door. 

With a long stride Xander pinned her between his body and the door. “No, you’re going to sit over there and listen to me.” His voice was low, dangerous and right next to her ear. 

With her hands still cuffed behind her back, the stray thought that they must be dangerously close to touching parts of him she’d never touched before made an unscheduled and unwanted appearance in her mind. 

Then, as if he were psychic, he took a step back, grabbed her cuffs and led her into a chair. “You are going to listen to me.”

“Why? You want to make excuses for the necessary lies? The sex that wasn’t sex? The woman in the hall?” she spat. 

Xander paced past her chair, eyes flaring, jaw muscle working, then stood silent for a long minute.

“Where have you been?” he asked her calmly. 

“None of your damn business,” she hissed back. 

“It is my business. I’m supposed to be protecting you.” He watched her as she took the time to inhale slowly, calming herself, and pulling it together before she spoke. 

“Protecting me?” She snorted. “You stupid ass.” She was calmer now, except for a slight quaver in her voice that betrayed the devastating explosion of feelings lurking beneath the surface. “You hurt me more than any psycho that’s out there. You pretended to be my friend, made me think I would be okay here. When I was at the most vulnerable and painful point in my entire life, you hurt me, Xander. You should have told me. You should have told me you have a girlfriend. You should have told me you and Jordan were nothing but my temporary bodyguards, not my friends.” She cleared her throat and looked down at the table in front of her. “You knew I was falling in love with you and you took advantage of that.”


There’s a lot of great stuff going on in this book, along with some things I wasn’t crazy about. Time to elaborate!

First and foremost, the setting and the premise are superb. Ms. Ryan’s post-apocalyptic USA is detailed, developed, and well within the realm of believability. The world-building alone is enough reason to pick up this book. The concept of the people cast to the bottom rungs of society banding together to make their lives as fulfilling as possible is appealing (and not unlike the beginning of The Hunger Games, which I love). These people have been dealt a crappy hand, but they’re not going to let it get them down.

Main character Jaci was extremely well-written. You feel for her, you shake your fist at all the trauma she’s been forced to endure, and you root for her to be successful. Everything about her rang true, from the stages of her grief to her reactions to everything that’s thrown at her. She comes across as strong and capable, all while maintaining a certain delicate air.

Male lead Xander fell a little flat for me, unfortunately. Part of it could have been due to Jaci being portrayed so well, but I think what turned me off to him was that it seemed like he didn’t fall in love with Jaci for who she was, but rather what she was. To bolster this point, according to my Kindle, it’s not until the 49% point where Xander actually stops to consider what Jaci might have been like in her old life before tragedy struck and he acknowledges who she was before he met her. It felt to me that he was falling in love with more of an idea than an actual person, and that seems like shaky ground for a lasting relationship.

The part that bugged me the most, though, was that the men are supposed to take care of the women because…men are men and women are women. Yeah. This is my own personal preference, I’m sure, and regular readers of this blog know about my feelings towards stereotypical gender roles. I couldn’t help but cringe a little each time this arrangement was discussed and there was a reference made to the men and “their females”.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, and if you’re into dystopian settings and love that defies the odds, definitely pick this one up! Though some parts left me a little lukewarm, Jaci’s character and the way the plot picks up in the final third of the book make this a solid 4-star.
(Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)

Being Amber is available at: 
Amazon | ARe | B&N | iTunes 


About the

Sylvia lives the life of a run-of-the-mill wife,
mother, and professional in Midwest Suburbia, USA. She reads voraciously and
loves to lose herself and fall head over heels for the alpha males in her
favorite novels. 

When she gets the chance to shed the prim and
proper persona of average wife and mother, her secret identity, Sylvia Ryan,
emerges. This alter ego strives to write original ideas in extraordinary
settings for her readers to remember long after the book has been read. Her dream
is to transform her racy thoughts and naughty nature into tangible works of
erotic fantasy for others’ secret identities to enjoy.

Connect with Sylvia Ryan 
Email | Website | Facebook | Goodreads

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This is Not Trope-tastic Thursday

After thinking it over for a bit, I’ve decided that Trope-tastic Thursday is going on hiatus for the summer. It’s been a fun weekly feature, and it does help me feel like I’m not totally slacking off on the blogging, but one of my freelance writing jobs just started up again and my summer music gig is also just around the corner, so something’s got to give.

I promise to be a good little blogger and actually try to write non-themed posts here more often. I’m still merrily writing away on my works-in-progress, and the list of stories I want to write never seems to shrink. I’m sure there’s plenty of post fodder to be found in there. I’m the type of person who does better when she’s busy, but I also try to be careful about committing to too much at one time. Don’t take this as a “Goodbye, cruel internet!” or a /RAGEQUIT post. 😉

I’ll do my best to keep things interesting around here, and I hope to resume TTT around mid-August or so. Until then, watch out for those sneaky little writing traps!

Hump Day Hook!

Happy Hump Day! Last week I posted an excerpt from The Edge of the Sphere, the conclusion of Part One. The book isn’t totally linear, and there’s a lot going on simultaneously. This week, I’ll post the last couple bits of Part Two. Enjoy, and don’t forget to check out the other hooks this week!

Liora, by Oviot

She stood in front of the sphere, almost close enough for the entire length of her to be pressed against it. Closing her eyes, she thought of nothing but Stephen. She remembered his soothing voice, his fond caresses, and the way she had broken through to him to allow him to unleash his passion on her willing body. It was all so vivid and realistic in her mind, and she hoped it would be enough to reach him.

The surface gave way to her first cautious prodding. Inside, the waves of a soft summer’s breeze teased her hands, skimming over the cuffs on her wrists. They beckoned her to enter. She withdrew the quivering extremities, and cast one last look around the basement of her home. Before she could change her mind, Liora stood on her toes and spread her arms out wide. In a daring freefall, she tipped forward into the depths of the sphere.