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Trope-tastic Thursday: Author Avatar

Trope: Author Avatar

Description: Not limited solely to books, the Author Avatar is a version of the creator of a work inserted into the work itself. This can work in a number of different ways. Sometimes the Author Avatar is the narrator, giving opinions on what’s going on in the story. Other times, he/she just makes a cameo appearance as a minor character. Every now and then, you get a character who is obviously the creator’s favorite and can do no wrong, leading to the dreaded Mary Sue (which yes, can happen in canon works).

Examples: Charlie Brown/Charles Schulz, Dante in the Divine Comedy, Liz Lemon/Tina Fey in 30 Rock

Pros: It’s important to have a distinctive voice when writing, so why not use your own? Aspiring writers are frequently told “write what you know”, so it makes sense to write it from your own point of view, regardless of whether you’re blatant about it or try to camouflage it. I only chose three examples for this post, but there are plenty of others out there. If authors from James Joyce to Stephen King (and everyone in between and on either side) have done it, it can’t be a terrible technique, right?

Cons: Make your Author Avatar unrealistic and flawless, and your audience is going to rebel. They’ll probably rebel loudly. Somewhere along the way, you’re going to have to write a character that isn’t a version of yourself. Don’t let the Author Avatar become a crutch!

Would/Did I Use It?: No, I have not. When Searching the Skies, my first book, came out, some of my friends wondered if Geneva and I were one and the same. We’re not. I promise. Sure, there’s probably a little piece of myself in all my characters, and some are more similar to my personality than others, but I have yet to write a character who is just like me or is supposed to be my voice. I wouldn’t rule it out completely, but as of right now, I have no plans to put myself in any of my writings.

Hump Day Hook!

It’s time for everyone’s favorite day of the week! I realized in flipping through past Hump Day Hooks and my labels/tags, I’d never dropped any hooks for The Edge of the Sphere in this weekly feature. Shame on me! Let me get on that right away! 😉

As always, don’t forget to read all the other fantastic hooks this week!

The surface of the water had been transformed into something unlike anything he had ever seen. Its clear depths had been replaced by a silvery blue fog that twisted and churned below him. He climbed on top of the rock to take a better look and was struck by a cold gust of wind. Staring into the mystical haze, he sought to see down to the bottom, and came up empty.

He stood up and cast a final look around. Nothing had been explained, and there were still far more questions than answers. He didn’t know if he was risking his safety, or even his life, with what he was about to do. His instincts to shy away from potential danger were not easily silenced. Still, his mind was completely absorbed by thoughts of Liora, and he knew he had to take his chance. Without even the briefest farewell to the world and life he knew, Stephen took a deep breath and stepped off the rock into the darkness.

Book Tour & Giveaway! Donor, by Ambrielle Kirk

Follow the tour!

It’s no secret by now that I love fantasy universes and anything that pushes the boundaries of the imagination. Today, I’m pleased to promote Donor (Dresdan Coven #1), by Ambrielle Kirk. Enjoy the excerpt, click through the links, follow the tour, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post!

Elaina was once a tracker of Dresdan, an ancient
species of vampire. For years, she served District 5, whose prime agenda is to
create a new race of humans. As a result of misguided politics and greed, the
District becomes corrupted from the inside out. Before Elaina can expose the
truth, District 5 discovers that her blood type contains the elements to create
a successful hybrid. She becomes the hunted, but protection is found while in
the presence of one vampire…

Vicq won’t rest until he destroys District 5 and their
immoral experiments are halted. Too many Dresdan have been captured and
exterminated, threatening their existence and painting them all as animals. As
he plans his attack against District 5, master vampire Russo orders his death
for violating a prime law of Dresdan. But Vicq is not ready to cease
existing…especially since he’s found salvation with Elaina.

With very few on their side, Elaina and Vicq must cultivate a
plan to ward off their enemies. In the process, they find lust, love, and new
meaning to their special bond.

This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains explicit
sex scenes and/or situations and adult language, and may be considered
offensive to some readers.

When Elaina
spun around, the next events happened like flash animation in rapid succession
right before her eyes.

The Dresdan
caught the humans by surprise, rushing up behind them and grabbing them both by
the throat. They were stunned and—like her—unprepared for this ravenous

Just as she
was about to make a break for it, a gun fell from one of the victims’ hands and
skidded across the pavement. The other man gripped a rope. Had these two
actually been pursuing her?

She scurried
backwards nearly tripping over her own feet, yet her eyes would not leave the

The vampire
must have held them in a death vice. All she saw were the whites of their eyes,
and a large dark shadow behind them. The creature honed in and struck the first
victim in the jugular, sucking the life right out of him. The second victim’s
arms and legs began to shake and then he was completely still.

The Dresdan had drained one while choking the other.

It tossed
their limp carcasses in the grass along the sidewalk. From deep behind the
shadows, he eyed her—the main course. Deep crimson eyes burned bright like
fire. The ends of the trench coat it wore fanned outward with the breeze. It
was moving toward her.

Her legs
finally obeyed and she fled, the wind whipping across her ankles as if urging
her to hurry. She shrugged off her long pea coat in an attempt to run faster.
Her heels knocked the pavement, echoing against the stone walls.

Every day
she parked on the same level, but tonight it seemed like she had to cross
mountains to get to her SUV. Taking the elevator was not an option, of course.
Standing still for even one second would be disastrous.

Elaina heard
the familiar swooshing sound the Dresdan made just before they shifted from one
place to the next. The sound was closer than before. He was gaining in on her.

Her heart
pumped frantically and her lungs burned from exertion. She picked up pace,
pushing herself to reach her destination. Her Tahoe sat in the corner. The last
one on the right within what was now a desolate parking garage. If she died
tonight by the hands of a vampire, it was likely that no one would find her
body until morning when it was cold and rigid with death.

The moment
she thought she’d reached her SUV successfully, the Dresdan unfolded in front
of her, blocking her path. He was huge, and her eyes leveled with the lower
portion of his chest.

Before she
could raise her gaze higher to confirm, he reached for her. He grasped her by
the waist and lifted her off her feet. She opened her mouth to scream, but a
gloved hand clasped over her lips.

kicked her feet, connecting sharp-heeled pumps to her captor’s shins. She might
as well have been fighting with a sumo wrestler. His grip was firm. Her cries
were muffled by his grainy leather glove and she focused on wriggling out of
his grasp. No mistaking what he was now. The spicy ancient aroma gave him away.

Dresdan, for sure.

Her captor
lowered her heels to the pavement and his massive frame pushed her back into
the metal pole behind her. The hard beam felt alien digging against her spine.
Her eyes turned left and right looking for a savior. Someone. Anyone. Still, he pressed his palm to her mouth,
preventing her speech. The SUV was only a few feet away, but she’d failed to
reach it.

strained to peer up at him, but the height of her captor prevented this. Only
the black shirt stretched over his taut chest muscles could be seen from her
line of sight. He bent down further so close that his chin touched her
forehead, and then he inhaled deeply.

Oh, my God. She would die. Tonight.

“When I
let my hand up, you keep your trap shut,” her captor hissed into the side
of her face.

She sucked
in another breath and clasped her fingers onto the chilly metal behind her. Her
heart drummed like the consistent cadence of a marching band. Dammit,
she was stronger than this!
she turned into a wimp after all this time?

got that?” it demanded when she didn’t answer.

She squeezed
her eyes shut and nodded her head.

scream…we’ll both be executed.”

His harsh
warning tone frightened her, but she bounced her head in agreement once again.

Executed? Those were the only words that registered.

straightened his posture and slowly lifted his hand from her mouth. She parted
her lips, taking a gulp of fresh air. It burned her lungs as she recovered from
lack of oxygen.

she lifted her chin, then her eyes to identify the brute. Red glowing orbs
glared down at her. The rest of him—a black shadow in the night.

On her next exhale, she
released a belated scream.

Available at:

About the Author: Multi-published author Ambrielle Kirk writes erotic,
paranormal romance, and urban fantasy. Ambrielle lives in Atlanta, GA
where she works in the accounting and finance industry. She holds a Master’s
Degree in Accounting. Since graduation she’s worked in the public and private
accounting sectors. She is the wife of a loving husband, and the mother of a
beautiful girl. She works and writes full-time. A bestselling author in several
sub-genres at ARe and Amazon, she has also earned a 2012 Swirl Award in the
paranormal category. She’s a PAN member of RWA, FF&P special interest
chapter of RWA, and co-founder and treasurer of Cultural, Interracial, and
Multicultural special interest chapter of RWA. Ambrielle Kirk is also an admin
at the blog, IRMC Books.

Connect with
Ambrielle Kirk

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Trope-tastic Thursday: Audience Surrogate

Trope: Audience Surrogate (#3)

Description: In this type of Audience Surrogate, the character is crafted so audience members can easily picture themselves in his/her place. Obviously, great writing (or film-making, or theater) is supposed to make us feel like we’re right there amidst the action, but this is a bit stronger than that. Sometimes it’s just a natural effect of how the character is presented in relation to the other characters and the plot, while other times it’s an intentional goal of the writer. The Audience Surrogate can be tied into other tropes, such as the “Everyman” or the “Straightman” (aka “one sane person in a room full of crazies”).

Examples: Bella from Twilight (confirmed by Stephenie Meyer), Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Jim from The Office

Pros: As stated above, when done well, this is a great way to pull your readers into the story and make them feel like they’re really there. It can be a fun way of developing the supporting cast of characters through the eyes of the Audience Surrogate. Most people read fiction as a form of escape – isn’t it fun to pretend we’re in the middle of all this super-exciting drama?

Cons: If you’re making a main character a “blank slate” in the hopes that your audience will self-insert, you run the risk of creating a bland character they might not relate to. As with any point of view issue, there are pros and cons; one potential con here is the limitations of seeing the world through the eyes of the Audience Surrogate. Also, what happens if you’re imagining yourself in a character’s shoes and he/she reacts to something in a way you don’t expect, or disagree with? Does that disconnect remove the label of “Audience Surrogate”? (Now my head’s spinning….)

Would/Did I Use It?: I thought about doing this in Disintegration, making Callum a character who could really be anybody. Ultimately, I decided not to focus on that while writing, though I suppose it could be argued that his POV pretty much aligns with anyone who might find themselves in similar situations. This could be a big “mileage varies” trope.

Hump Day Hook!

And here we are yet again! I just sent in the first round of edits for the upcoming Defying the Skies. As I went over the document one more time to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I was struck by how much this exchange resembled last week’s HDH! However, it’s pretty obvious that there have been some *cough* changes between that moment in Searching the Skies and now. Happy reading, and don’t forget to read more scintillating hooks from the other awesome authors!

The imprint of his lips and Marcus’s hands on her body made his requests impossible to ignore. She slithered into his lap and they tumbled onto the covers. “So much for straightening up the room for you,” she mumbled as his mouth returned to her neck and chest.

“I noticed.”


“Okay, I didn’t. But I appreciate the effort.”

Geneva wriggled out of his grasp. “Let’s at least fold back the bedspread before we create a wrinkled mess.”

“Whatever you say.”

She turned back the covers, revealing the pristine sheets underneath. As soon as she was done, Ash grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down next to him. “I thought you said we weren’t going to do much without Marcus!” she said.

“We’re not. I’m just making sure you’re warmed up.”

“Uh-huh.” With his soft lips and deft fingers, he erased her reasons for resisting. “This isn’t fair,” she half-heartedly argued.

His kisses traveled between her breasts and traversed her abdomen. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

[Working Title]

I’ve written about my title woes before. Even when I don’t have a title for the book I’m working on, I still need something by which to refer it when I’m talking with friends, other than “that book I’m working on”. And even when I do have a title, sometimes a snappier name comes up in conversation and sticks.

When I was writing Disintegration, I was discussing it with one of my husband’s friends. I’d joked that it was going to be like “50 Shades of Grey meets RoboCop” and he said, “so…RoboCock?” From then on, it was ALWAYS RoboCock in casual conversation. (Except when discussing the prequels, for some reason.) Hell, if it hadn’t been such a dark book, I might have considered it for the real title! Actually, I’d be very very surprised to learn there wasn‘t already porn out there with that name.

Readers of this blog are familiar with the issues I had coming up with a title for Defying the Skies. I just referred to it as “the StS sequel” or even just “the sequel”. Boobulon decided to refer to it as nothing but “Searching the Threesome” until I got off my butt and came up with a real title (which, as you’ll remember, didn’t happen until it was time for me to submit it). Ah, friends….

For my WIP, I actually do have a title picked out. However, somewhere along the line when talking about it with my friends, this book has turned into THE LESBIANS. It must be said just like that. It’s not even The Lesbians. It’s THE LESBIANS. And all I can think of now is this series of recurring sketches from Saturday Night Live:

If you’re looking for a point to this post, other than the crazystupid things that go on in my head and the heads of my friends, uh…well…I guess it just goes along with my life philosophy not to take things too seriously. I know there are plenty of writers out there who consider their works SRS BZNS and woe unto those who do not place the same weight on the words that flow forth from their fingers. Personally, I think those people are just setting themselves up for disappointment, but who am I to judge?

(I’ll leave the judging to ROBOCOCK! Pew pew pew!)

Trope-tastic Thursday: The Watson

Trope: The Watson / Audience Surrogate #2*

(*I was going to make this a three-part series, but I think Point of View has been discussed to death on writing blogs. Two parts it is! Don’t forget to pop in next week!)

Description: The Watson serves as the voice of the audience, asking clarifying questions so everyone understands what’s going on. Note that the Watson does not merely state the exposition, nor does he/she necessarily have to be the POV character. There are no limits as to who or what the Watson can or cannot be – they can be male or female, have any sort of occupation (or lack thereof), be brilliant minds or just smart enough to ask the obvious, and so on.

Examples: Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories (obviously), Hermione in Harry Potter, Ariadne in Inception

Pros: If the audience is lost or confused, they’re probably not going to think highly of the work in question. As writers, we’re already at a disadvantage since we only have our words to convey what’s going on and can’t rely on visual cues. While you’re never going to please everyone, we should at least try to keep the audience satisfied whenever we can.

Cons: At the same time, we don’t want to treat the audience like complete idiots. And you know how writers are often told to “show, don’t tell”? Yeah. Watsons kind of fall into the “tell” category. Care should be taken to not delve into a whole bunch of detailed exposition that may or may not be relevant.

Would/Did I Use It?: Tirani from The Edge of the Sphere probably counts. She helps fill in some of the “rules” of the fantasy universe when the narrative first switches to Liora’s point of view. She also serves as the voice of the audience when, later on, she all but asks Liora, “Are you f’ing stupid? What’s wrong with you?”

Hump Day Hook!

So I finally got around to mentioning in my last post that Defying the Skies, the sequel to Searching the Skies, is set to come out in July (give or take a few weeks, as always). For this week’s HDH, let’s revisit Skies: Original Flava with Geneva and Ash!

(Don’t forget to check out all the other talented authors once you’re done flitting about in outer space with me!)

“I should come here more often,” she remarked.

“You should.” His gaze never left hers. “I can’t say that I’m happy about the events that drove you to this place, but I’m not going to pretend it’s not fortunate for me that I got to spend the evening seated next to a beautiful woman.”

She blushed furiously and had to look away from him. “I think you’ve had too much to drink,” she mumbled, taking a sip from her own glass.

“You know you’re beautiful, and you know that every set of eyes was upon you as soon as you set foot in the room. Just as they still are now.”

“Lies.” She still couldn’t quite make eye contact with him.

“Okay, fine then. They’re all staring at me with jealousy because I’m the only one who had the balls to approach you. Especially since we all know how you’re fully capable of killing a man with your bare hands.”

This, That, and Other Things

With all the events that have been going on, as well as the weekly features I do/participate in, it’s been a while since I’ve actually written a typical blog post. In a perfect world, I’d sit down and organize my thoughts into a cohesive narrative…but I think we all know by now that our world is delightfully imperfect. So here’s some stuff that’s been going on, in no particular order:

 â€” I announced it on facebook, and I believe I alluded to it here, but if you haven’t heard yet: I signed the official contract for Defying the Skies, and it should be published sometime in July. Yay!

 â€” Things are going well for my work-in-progress. I feel like I’ve hit that point where I’ve established the characters enough that they almost write themselves. I actually organized my sloppy list of “stuff I want to include” into a chapter outline. (Well, most of it, anyway.) I’m usually terrible at estimating these things, but by my calculations, I’m somewhere between a third and halfway through.

 â€” Also on the topic of my WIP: Again, I know I’ve been a little vague and coy in various places on the internet, but I’ll say it outright here, in case anyone missed it – I decided to try something new and write lesbian erotica. It’s been fun so far, but there have definitely been some challenges. The biggest one so far? Pronouns. Oh dear god, the pronouns. They’re killing me. But we should always be challenging ourselves and trying new things, right?

 â€” Not completely relevant to writing, but relevant to my free time and what I do with it: I’ve been interning for a new job I spent a year and a half training for, so that’s been exciting and a little scary and all that other stuff that comes with change. So far, I’ve still been finding time to write, and I hope that stays the same when I start working for realz. I also want to continue to maintain this blog, and maybe actually get off my butt and write real posts more often.

That list wasn’t so bad. It’s probably even neater than my chapter outline!

Trope-tastic Thursday: Pretty Boy

And we’re back!

Trope: Pretty Boy

Description: While usually handsome in his own right, the Pretty Boy isn’t your rugged, muscular, lumberjack type. You know, the type that oozes testosterone with his every grunt. Pretty Boys are typically on the slender side (if not shorter than your average male), and have more dainty, delicate facial features. At the risk of stating the obvious, he’s just pretty.

(Note: This doesn’t mean that Pretty Boys can’t be strong or powerful. It’s just not as blatant.)

Examples: Legolas from Lord of the Rings, Roger in Rent, many of the male vampires in Interview with the Vampire. And Twilight. And the Anita Blake series….

Pros: Just like women, men come in all different flavors. What’s attractive to one audience member can be wildly different to what’s attractive to another, and why shouldn’t we try to mix things up and cast a wide net? As mentioned above, this comes up a lot in vampire works, which means it can be used as a characterization shortcut. If a newly-introduced character is a Pretty Boy like the other vampires, some safe assumptions can be made.

Cons: That thing about different people being attracted to different types? Yeah, that can work against you with some folks when it comes to Pretty Boys. There is a reason that the typical “hero” is the aforementioned rugged type with the rippling muscles, and they still have a pretty big audience. Also, if a character is a Pretty Boy, he can sometimes expect to take some teasing for his softer appearance. Bullying isn’t nice, yo.

Would/Did I Use It?: When writing Searching the Skies (the sequel to which has been officially confirmed, if you haven’t heard the news!), I wanted there to be a big physical distinction between Ash and Marcus. While I don’t think I’ve ever described Marcus as “pretty”, he’s definitely the, uh, prettier of the two, and has the shorter, slighter build. Whether or not he actually qualifies for this trope…I haven’t decided yet. I’ll also confess that when it comes to the Pretty Boy vs. the outwardly tough muscle-bound men…I do have a preference for the latter. *blush*