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Hump Day Hook!

It’s that time again! Today we’ll revisit the first of the Disintegration prequels, available for free at Smashwords. Don’t forget to visit all the other authors after getting hooked here!

She tilted her head back. His breath danced across her neck, and the scent of his skin wafted towards her nose. A combination of the dust on his uniform and the effects of the day’s exertion mingled in the cool air, yet it was not an unpleasant aroma. She breathed deeply, keeping her gaze focused on the illuminated desert. “There’s so much danger out there,” she whispered. “Do you ever get scared?”

“On occasion. Just don’t tell my teammates.”

Meyta smiled. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

“I can think of better secrets to share.”

Callum squeezed her shoulders and turned her around. With one hand, he brushed an errant lock of thick, dark hair away from her face. She closed her eyes as his fingers grazed her cheek, and leaned towards him.

Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop – Interview with Charley Descoteaux

Welcome to a stop on the Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop, where we’re showcasing erotica and
erotic romance authors from the Absolute Write forums. Each day, interviews will be posted,
and when it’s all said and done, some lucky commenter will win a huge prize! Click here for the entire blog schedule and details about the contents of the prize, and how to win an armload of ebooks, a $25 Amazon gift card, and more.

Today, I’m hosting Charley Descoteaux.

Thanks for having me, Thea!

A top question of a lot of aspiring writers is how to create characters the audience will be drawn to. So I’ll start out by asking – what makes a character compelling?

I’m attracted to odd, offbeat characters. As a reader, if the main character is “typical” (unless
he’s a fire fighter—fire fighters are hot!), I usually start looking for a cool secondary character to follow through the story. When I’m writing I write the kind of character I’d like to read, they’re usually very flawed and maybe even broken, but hopeful.

Where do you get the names for your characters?

Anywhere and everywhere! Neil Sedwick, the main character in my summer release Directing Traffic, started telling me his story over breakfast while a Neil Sedaka song was playing. It’s probably not a coincidence that I’d recently re-read Holly Black’s Ironside! It’s not always so literal, though. I didn’t know Neil’s last name until his best friend called him Wicki. And Jake strolled into a story and introduced himself.

Inquiring minds must know – have you ever named a character after someone you knew?

Yes, but that story hasn’t been published (yet?). I named the fairy godmother character in a
modern fairy tale after my daughter. It seemed appropriate since she’s done a lot to help me with my writing—from talking about what makes a good story to reminding me to grocery shop!

Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your

This is a hard one! I don’t want to sound too nuts, but for me it’s more like getting to know
a character than creating one. Ever since I can remember I’ve had a place in my head where they hang out and tell their stories. It started out as a beanbag chair in a paneled basement and somewhere along the way turned into a kitchen table—but it’s still the same space. I’ve learned to listen. And to resist the urge to change them too much, because when I do they have an irritating habit of disappearing. To answer your question, though, it’s a little of both. They come from some crazy hallway of my imagination, but I see people I know or have met in most of them.

Do you have a favorite character out of all the ones you’ve written? Why is he/she your favorite?

Sunny White. She’s Sam White’s mom, and the first character to ever surprise me with a twist as I was writing one of her stories. That turned out to be my first published story. No sex or romance, but it was the first time I really felt like a writer.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time?

Every time I think about this question a different fictional character pops into my head.
Some days I lean toward Starfleet captains, others toward the loyal friends of tragic heroes
or flamboyant ladies who shamelessly work what they’ve got. Today, I’m leaning toward a
gunslinger: Roland Deschain from The Dark Tower series. Roland has just about everything I like in a character; he’s broken but not beaten, intensely loyal, and a great storyteller.

Let’s change gears a little – what do you think is sexy?

I’m usually not impressed by things that are easily quantified, which can be a drag. But I am
fond of tall women who wear engineer boots because they’re practical, and artsy men who aren’t afraid to wear bright colors. Sexy to me is something one-of-a-kind, someone who is so much themselves it’s impossible to say they remind you of someone else.

If one of your titles could be made into a movie, which would it be and who would play the lead roles?

Well, I’m usually most in love with the story I’ve just finished but right now I’m feeling it for
my upcoming release, A Sunday Kind of Love. It would be fun to make this movie, and not only because Ewan McGregor would be perfect to play Jake. I don’t know who would play Mason but it would be fun to bring in a bunch of handsome actors to see if they had chemistry with Mr. McGregor. 

Oh, I agree. That would be fun. Along those lines – what’s the most romantic scene you’ve ever written?

A scene where my two main characters are discussing boundaries. It doesn’t sound as earth-shaking as a proposal but it was pivotal in their relationship. I knew it could be romantic and a hot little tease—which is a lot to expect from one short scene. Not easy! Hopefully you’ll be able to judge whether I got it right sometime soon.

Lastly, do you think anyone can write a novel? Why or why not?

Sure. Anyone who’s determined enough, or crazy enough, to sit down every day for weeks/
months/years and pour out their innermost thoughts/feelings/insecurities knowing they’re likely to be criticized and rejected. No sweat. 😉

Seriously, anyone who wants to write should try it and see if it’s for them. Not only novels—for some of us the sweet spot is a short story or novella. It all depends on how you’re wired, because a short story isn’t just a shorter novel, it’s a unique form and just as challenging. The variety of markets online is cool—both readers and writers can find just about anything they could ever want!

Thanks so much, Charley, for this informative interview!

Thank you for visiting this stop on the Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop! Please be sure to visit Charley tomorrow to read an interview with J.M. Keep, and comment for more chances to win the grand prize!

Rattle Charley’s cages—she’d love to hear from you!






e-mail: [email protected]

A Sunday Kind of Love will be released on June 9th, by Amber Allure.

Jake McKynnie, middle-aged jazz musician, has the chops to solo—in every sense of the word. He retreated into the music after his lover died which didn’t hurt his career but turned the rest of his life into a train wreck. DJ, the boy who calls him Dad, turns up the day after his high school graduation like a sucker punch from the past. Could their celebratory trip to the salon be the catalyst for Jake’s duet with the enigmatic stylist, Mason?

Until then, check out her debut, Comfort and Joy, M/M Erotic Romance, available now in all
formats from All Romance eBooks (Etopia Press).

Charley Descoteaux can’t remember a time when she didn’t have characters sharing her
headspace, because it probably doesn’t exist. She started writing when they insisted daydreaming just wasn’t good enough, sometime around the third grade. Home is Portland, Oregon, where the weather is like your favorite hard-case writing buddy who won’t let you get away with taking too many days off, and in some places you can be as weird as you are without fear. As an out and proud bisexual and life-long weird-o, she thinks that last part is pretty cool.

Hump Day Hook!

(If you’re looking for the Caliente Blog Hop and its associated giveaways, scroll down or click here!)

It’s Wednesday, and we all know what that means! This week’s hook comes from the third of the Disintegration prequels (which *cough cough* are FREE at Smashwords). After your attention span has recovered from this hook, don’t forget to check out the other participating authors!

Ro stared at the ceiling, gasping
for air. The wooden floorboards were rough and rigid beneath her, but the discomfort
barely registered. “I have a feeling my back’s going to be killing me tomorrow,”
Devan said from beside her. 

“My knees will probably hate me,
too.” She blew an errant lock of hair out of her face. “Doesn’t matter. It was
worth it.”

“Agreed.” He turned towards her
and ran a finger along the curve of her exposed breast. “When you’re on top of
me like that, with that look on your face….” 


Devan sat up. “Let’s
do it,” he said. “Let’s finally get out of here.”

Caliente Blog Hop!

I don’t know where you’re geographically located, but the weather’s finally warming up where I am! Summer’s just around the corner, and it’s time to crank up the heat with the Caliente Blog Hop! Every blogger on the tour will be contributing a sizzling post and hosting a giveaway with some great prizes, so be sure to check them all out!

Disintegration takes place in the desert, so my mind naturally went there when thinking about hot, steamy fun. Keep a glass of ice water handy!

The sun’s glare was bright and oppressive, yet it wasn’t as painful to his sensitive eyes as it had been before. They exited onto the sand; no other creatures were to be found on the barren landscape. “Now we have a real cactus for you to shoot at,” Ro said.

“I’ve heard they’re especially vicious this time of year.”

“Smartass.” She chuckled. “What, you wanted me to lug the targets and other equipment all the way up here?”

Callum inserted the earpiece she’d provided him with. “I’m ready to start whenever you are.”
He followed all her commands, shooting where she directed and tearing down any shrubbery that stood in his way. While she shouted instructions, various noises cycled through the tiny speaker in his ear. Monotonous buzzing, raucous commotions, and the echo of gunfire all rang out, controlled by a device encircling Ro’s wrist. He did his best to ignore it. Sweat trickled down his cheek and neck, collecting in the collar of his shirt. Nothing stopped him.

At one point, Ro snatched his glasses off his face. “Keep going!” she yelled. His mechanical eye adjusted to the influx of light, and he continued firing at the designated targets. The previous breakdown of his functions during the battle with Tanith and her guards remained a mystery. He needed to demonstrate his skills and prove his worth. Not only was he never sure of Ro’s opinions, he wanted to regain trust in himself.

Assorted shards of plant fiber cluttered the sands. Callum only stopped pulling the trigger when he realized there was nothing left to shoot at. He lowered his gun and waited for further commands from Ro. None came.

He looked around. She had returned to the outside of the hidden chamber from which they emerged. Her eyes were hidden behind the dark glasses, and he couldn’t tell where she was staring as he approached. “How are you feeling?” she asked.


“If there were other people out here, you think you could tear them to shreds?”


“Good.” She pushed herself off the ledge she’d been leaning against, and climbed down into the elevator car. Callum followed her. He waited for her to push the buttons that would close the roof and send them back underground. When she didn’t, he reached for the illuminated panel.

She grabbed his wrist. “I didn’t say we were done here.”

“What else do you want me to do?”

Ro fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. Her fingers walked up his chest, dancing across the thin fabric that separated her touch from the firm muscles. “I did always enjoy watching you move,” she said. “When you get into that zone, when your body takes over….”

He glanced up. All he saw was the flawless blue sky, yet he was skeptical. “Here? But—”

“There’s no one else around for miles and miles.” She pressed against him. Droplets of sweat dotted her forehead, and her skin glistened with the lotion she had applied earlier. “Don’t you want to take advantage of the fresh air while we still can?”

You can enter to win one of two e-copies of Disintegration, plus a supernifty magnet by following the directions in the Rafflecopter*. (Impatient? Buy links are here.) Directly beneath that is a second widget for you to use to be eligible for the hop’s grand prize! Good luck, and stay cool!
(*E-book prizes are international, magnets are US only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Of Editing and Eyebrows, with Delena Silverfox

Today we’re in for a special treat! Author Delena Silverfox has dropped by to speak to us about the importance of having a professional editor look at your work. (I myself turned both the eyebrow maintenance and the editing over to those who know what they’re doing YEARS ago.)

Editing is like eyebrow maintenance. Some things you just shouldn’t do

Now, before you get all up in arms and argue about pricing, or freelancers
who don’t do their job well, or any of the many arguments I’ve heard by
butthurt indie writers who take that observation personally (man oh man, we
writers are a sensitive bunch!), allow me to elaborate.

You can, indeed, edit your own work just as you can, indeed, tweeze your
own eyebrows. It just takes a lot more time, work, and tools than letting a
professional with a better perspective do it. If you really can’t afford an
editor, then you’ll need a good mirror with satisfactory magnification, a good
pair of tweezers, fantastic lighting, time, patience, pain tolerance, and a
steady hand.

Funny as it sounds, you need those exact same things if you’re going to
edit your own work. Because everyone knows a first draft is crap. And no, you
are not a beautiful and unique snowflake who manages to crank out the only
existing first draft that is a work of art. It’s crap. Go through it slowly,
line by line. Pull out what doesn’t work; yank it out by the roots. It hurts,
yes. So what? Grow tougher. Expose it in the full light of day to many
different pairs of eyeballs. Qualified eyeballs.

And no, your mother, spouse, or besties don’t count. Unless your besties
happen to be editors, university English Professors, or Nobel laureates in
literature. Then it’s okay.

There are plenty of editors out there who are quite affordable, and very
qualified. Do your due dilligence there, too. Ask for references, and follow up
with them. Ask what their payment policies are, if your work is the only one
they’d work on or if there are others they edit co-currently. Do they have a
blog or email newsletter? Subscribe to it. Friend them on Facebook, or follow
on Twitter. Read their reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. In short, get to know
them. Are they kind of a Grammar Nazi? Good! When it comes to making your
manuscript the best it can be, a Grammar Nazi is your best friend.

I promise, you’ll thank me for it later. And your manuscript –and your
eyebrows– will definitely look better, too.
You can find more of Delena’s musings and advice at her blog, The Printed Fox. Don’t forget to check out her facebook page as well!

Trope-tastic Thursday: Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette

Even though it’s not part of the main trio, I decided to throw in one more hair-related trope for fun before we move on!

Trope: Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette

Description: Not to be confused with the Brainy Brunette, the Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette has very dark (maybe even black) hair and never ever sports a tan. Not only is there a stark contrast in her physical appearance that’s jarring to the audience, she’s got some characteristics that make her a little…odd. While this is a popular description for villains, the Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette can also be on the side of good. (But if she’s fighting for good, she’ll do something other than overpower her foes with physical strength. Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunettes are rarely, if ever, portrayed with rippling muscles.)

Examples: River Tam from Firefly, Severus Snape from Harry Potter, a large portion of the roles played by Helena Bonham Carter

Pros: There’s something surreal and ethereal about these characters, and they can be depicted as physically attractive. Since they usually have to do something to fit the “eerie” part of the trope, they’re most likely not going to be unintelligent. If your work is in the paranormal genre, this is one way to signify that something’s up with this character without having to go into a lot of detail right off the bat.

Cons: Waaaaaay overused when it comes to vampires. Way. (Yes, I know, there are reasons, but still….) Also, as a naturally pale person (though I don’t have dark hair), I kind of resent the idea that fair skin is “unnatural”. (Hey, I never said this feature was going to be unbiased!)

Would/Did I Use It?: Near the beginning of Disintegration, Ro’s described as having dark brown hair and very pale skin, leading Callum to assume she hasn’t been out in the sun in a while. (True.) He also remarks on more than one occasion how, despite her outspoken nature, parts of her remain a mystery to him. That said, I don’t know if I really feel comfortable labeling her with this trope. Enigmatic? Yes, to a point. Eerie? I’m not sure I agree. I wouldn’t write this one off for future characters, though.

Hump Day Hook (with giveaway!)

Let’s see how good my hooking skills are this week!

…wait. I should rephrase that. 😉

This hump day’s hook comes from Departure, available for free at Smashwords. Don’t forget to check out the hooks from the other authors listed on the main page!

get involved with a man who has kids! At your age, you need someone who will
focus on you!”
a coworker had once told her, only
half-joking. As John was several years younger than her, Clio hadn’t thought
this piece of advice would be necessary. She was surprised, however, the first
time he introduced her to “his girls”, as he called them. He had created both
of them himself in his spare time and exhibited the same fatherly love and
pride she’d seen in her friends who were parents. Their little family was a
departure from the norm, yet Clio was able to accept the situation. Said acceptance
didn’t prevent her from wondering when she would be able to start a family of
her own. 

Like this hook (or even this story)? Tell me in the comments! One lucky commenter this week will get a free ebook of their choosing from my list!

Trope-tastic Thursday: Fiery Redhead

You knew it was coming!

Trope: Fiery Redhead

Description: Unlike her softer-haired counterparts, the Fiery Redhead is as bold as her tresses. She’s outgoing and outspoken, with a strong personality that won’t let her back down from anything. You do not want to make an enemy out of the Fiery Redhead. She’s got a bigger chance of being a tomboy than the Dumb Blonde and the Brainy Brunette, but it’s not a necessity for this trope.

Examples: Anne from Anne of Green Gables, Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, Lucy Ricardo from I Love Lucy

Pros: Brash, passionate characters can be a lot of fun. If someone’s known for speaking her mind, there’s probably not going to be one of those mangled romance plots riddled with silly misunderstandings that could have been resolved by the characters just TALKING to each other. For better or worse, you always know where the Fiery Redhead stands, and that can be refreshing.

Cons: There can be jokes about the hero needing to “tame” the Fiery Redhead, which is a little too misogynistic for my tastes. Outspoken characters can veer towards being obnoxious if not enough care is taken, and there’s a risk of the audience finding her off-putting.

Would/Did I Use It?: You know, I don’t think I have used this trope. I’ve written red-haired characters, but I don’t think they fit the stereotypes upon which this trope is based. On the flip side, Ro from Disintegration fits a lot of the characterizations…but she’s a brunette. Interesting!

Hump Day Hook

I’m trying out a new blogging event – Hump Day Hook! Let’s see how well I can “hook” your attention on Wednesdays.

A new feature should involve a new project, right? This little excerpt comes from my current WIP, in which I’m *ahem* trying some new things.

Sari leaned over her and stood on her toes. As she groped around the top shelf, Catalina could smell the fruity fragrance of her hair. It seemed completely incongruent with their surroundings, yet the whiff of citrus from her bouncy pigtails brought a smile to the doctor’s lips.

“Why am I the one doing this?” Sari asked, interrupting her thoughts. “You’re taller than me. Reach up and see what’s hiding back there.”

She did as she was told, and retrieved one more forgotten roll of gauze from the dark recesses. Setting it with the others on the counter, she began to organize the medical provisions into neat piles. Her partner snatched a clipboard off a rack on the wall and scrawled some notes on a piece of paper.

They counted in silence and recorded their numbers. The mundane task didn’t consume all of Catalina’s brainpower, and she let her thoughts meander through their shared conversations over the past day. One question lingered on her mind, and the temptation to ask it aloud was too strong to resist. “Sari?”


She kept her gaze trained on the array of supplies spread before her. “Last night, when you said that other than your brother and father, you never saw the appeal of men…what did you mean by that?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the auburn curls bobbing as Sari shook her head. “Catalina, we already established over breakfast that you are a very, very smart woman, albeit a little too concerned about what others think. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

Callum and Ro

I treated myself to some more commissioned artwork at deviantArt, and I am thrilled with the results! Here’s Callum and Ro at the beginning of their first intimate scene:

Artwork by Agregor. You absolutely want to check out the rest of his gallery (though be warned, there is plenty of nudity!)

Let’s have an accompanying excerpt!

Her eyebrow flicked up in response to his snide tone. “Don’t sell
yourself short. I admit to being curious as to the various ways
your…condition makes you different. But I liked what I saw in our
initial training sessions. It’s been a while since anyone’s actually
impressed me.” The trademark smirk made its appearance again. “And don’t
forget, we’ve already been on top of each other.”

Callum didn’t
know what to make of her candid statements. Nor could he ignore the
memory that flashed through him for a moment of her legs wrapped around
his body. “Do you treat everything so casually?” he asked.

ask too many questions.” She sighed and shook her head, further mussing
the brown spikes of her hair. “It’s just sex, Callum. It doesn’t have to
be that complicated. I’ve made it known that I’m attracted to you, and
you can do whatever you want with that information. Fucking me doesn’t
mean we’re in love, or that I’ll expect anything from you the next day.”

ensued. Ro stood up. “Well, I didn’t mean to take up so much of your
time. Enjoy the extra hour or so of sleep. If you need me for
anything….” Her sentence went unfinished as she walked towards the door
and opened it.

Callum stood up as well, and turned away from her.
He remembered her fingers on his skin, and how it had made him feel
whole again. The fleeting thrill conflicted with thoughts of how Meyta
used to touch him, and sorrow stabbed at him once more. He struggled
with the opposing emotions. The desire to cling to what he had left won
out. “Ro…wait.”

Her bare feet stopped moving across the floor.
Without facing her, he spoke again. “Since waking up here, I haven’t
given a lot of thought to…certain things. I don’t even know the extent
to which my injuries or the resulting modifications to my body

The door clicked shut. “Is that all you’re worried about?” she asked.

“It’s high on the list. Don’t you think it’s rather important?” He risked a glance at her.

was leaning against the closed door, hands tucked behind her back. Her
lips curled into a coy smile, and she peered at him through her messy
hair. “Only one way to find out,” she said.