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Book Tour for The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions

The book tour for The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions kicks off today! I’ll be commenting and tweeting and sharing and whatnot, but here’s the schedule so you can follow along as well for some new excerpts and fun interviews. (Don’t be shy about showing some love to the generous tour hosts!)

September 14th: Starter Day Party @ I Heart Reading
September 14th: Book Excerpt @ Author C.A. Milson’s Blog
September 15th: Book Excerpt @ Indy Book Fairy
September 16th: Book Excerpt @ Solafide Publishing Book Blog
September 17th: Author Interview @ Teatime and Books
September 19th: Book Excerpt @ Books Are Forever
September 21st: Author Interview @ Editor Charlene’s Blog
September 23rd: Promo Post @ Books on Fire
September 24th: Book Review @ I Heart Reading
September 26th: Book Excerpt @ The Single Librarian
September 28th: Character Interview @ Compelling Beasts Blog