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Meet the Team – Reggie Quinn

(from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions)

Name: Reggie Quinn

Role: The Muscle

Country of Origin: Charytar

Known associates/affiliations: Occasional patient of Dr. Cassels; cousin to Ted Quinn

Greatest accomplishment: Leaving home and becoming completely self-sufficient at age 15

Biggest fear: Dying alone

Additional information: There are a number of allusions (some made by Reggie himself) to how not all of the jobs and tasks he’s performed in the past were completely legal, but he chooses not to reveal specifics. He also mentions some siblings, but they’re not close. How and why Ted is the only member of his family he regularly contacts isn’t stated, but in some ways, they both need each other.

Trivia: To continue on with how completing Mass Effect was on my mind when I started writing, I’ll admit I was thinking of James Vega when creating Reggie. Though if I had to pick a real-life person to model him after, I vote for Channing Tatum. 😉

Without giving away too many details or spoilers, I’ll say that I loved writing Reggie’s interactions with Ro. “Opposites attract” plots are all well and good, but one of the reasons I love them together is their similarities. There’s plenty of witty comments and snark to go around, and that made writing just plain fun.