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Meet the Team – Reggie Quinn

(from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions)

Name: Reggie Quinn

Role: The Muscle

Country of Origin: Charytar

Known associates/affiliations: Occasional patient of Dr. Cassels; cousin to Ted Quinn

Greatest accomplishment: Leaving home and becoming completely self-sufficient at age 15

Biggest fear: Dying alone

Additional information: There are a number of allusions (some made by Reggie himself) to how not all of the jobs and tasks he’s performed in the past were completely legal, but he chooses not to reveal specifics. He also mentions some siblings, but they’re not close. How and why Ted is the only member of his family he regularly contacts isn’t stated, but in some ways, they both need each other.

Trivia: To continue on with how completing Mass Effect was on my mind when I started writing, I’ll admit I was thinking of James Vega when creating Reggie. Though if I had to pick a real-life person to model him after, I vote for Channing Tatum. šŸ˜‰

Without giving away too many details or spoilers, I’ll say that I loved writing Reggie’s interactions with Ro. “Opposites attract” plots are all well and good, but one of the reasons I love them together is their similarities. There’s plenty of witty comments and snark to go around, and that made writing just plain fun.

Meet the Team – Zara Thorne

(from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions)

Name: Zara Thorne

Role: The Comm. Specialist

Country of Origin: Tektan

Known associates/affiliations: Graduate of Coral City University

Greatest accomplishment: Building devices and pioneering technology that (most of) her friends can’t even understand

Biggest fear: Humiliation

Additional information: It’s not specified in the book exactly what sort of skin condition Zara has; probably something along the lines of eczema or psoriasis. But, as Mielle says, we’re not supposed to know about that (and Zara herself never directly acknowledges it).

Trivia: I guess I sort of set up a Betty and Veronica dynamic with Zara and Mielle without intending to. Oops. But just as every team needs some sex appeal, it also needs the shy, nerdy girl, too. Right? šŸ˜‰

I don’t always have people in mind when I create characters (either people I know or actors/actresses), but when writing Zara, and later helping with this artwork, I thought of actress Ariel Winter (from Modern Family) for some reason. 

Promo (and Giveaway!) – Her Real-Life Hero, by Vicki Ballante

Today I’m helping promote a new release by my fellow Decadent author, Vicki Ballante. Her Real-Life Hero is part of the “Beyond Fairytales” series and is an adaptation of “The Frog King” and “Iron Henry”. Everyone, readers and writers alike, needs to check out this blurb and excerpt. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end!


wants to get her romances published but can’t seem to succeed with her writing.
She buys an antique bureau which the shopkeeper says is magic. While using her
new bureau, she begins to talk to the hero in her book, asking his advice on
writing, all the while thinking it’s her own imagination. She promises he can
live in her home, eat at her table and sleep in her bed, if he helps her with
her writing. She doesn’t expect him to knock on her door and insist she keep
her promise.

has also bought a magic chest of drawers that brings him into Joanie’s life. He
wants to settle down with one woman, tired of shallow relationships, and Joanie
seems like the perfect candidate if it werenā€™t for her insistence on getting
rid of him.

magic keeps on forcing them to live together and Joanieā€™s not happy. This is
her first year alone and sheā€™s been craving time to herself after looking after
her younger siblings and an ailing aunt. Theoā€™s presence in her home, although
unwanted, stirs up needs sheā€™s suppressed for years. When they start to
discover things about the magic and why itā€™s bringing them together, will
Joanie recognize another type of magic at work? Will she succumb to the charm
of Theo or will her need for breathing space pull them apart?


Once upon a timeā€¦.

ā€œItā€™s magic, you
know,ā€ the shopkeeper whispered in a covert tone.

Joanie sniggered. Was the woman teasing her? With that
rainbow scarf wrapped around her head and all those beaded necklaces blinking
from her wrinkled neck, she could pass for a gypsy.

ā€œIā€™m serious.ā€ The
woman gave her a knowing smile, which caused her irritation to rise.

ā€œIā€™d like to take
the writing desk right away, please.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t be in such
a hurry. The piece is not your everyday antique. It has magical powers.ā€

What type of
antique store had she chosen? Sheā€™d planned on stepping into the little shop on
Essenwood Road
in Durban, South Africa, for years but never
had the finances to bother with expensive historical objects. Today, sheā€™d come
in to browse but had fallen in love with the Victorian walnut bureau which
boasted a curved roll top revealing nooks and crannies, which could store her
stationery as well as her bird-ornament collection. The desk surface could be
propped at a slant for ease of writing by handā€”perfect for someone who
preferred paper and pen to a computer. Underneath were lots of tiny drawers
accentuated with sweet, round knobs. She would have plenty of space to store
all her equipment. All in all, a good space for her writing.

ā€œYou will discover
the magic soon. Iā€™m warning you thoughā€¦it might shock you.ā€

Joanie rolled her
eyes. ā€œDo you honestly think I believe you?ā€

The ā€œgypsyā€
laughed. ā€œI thought as much. Donā€™t come crying to me when things start

ā€œWhoa.ā€ She pulled
away from the womanā€™s front counter. ā€œIs there a curse on the desk, or is it

ā€œThe magic is
connected to your deepest desires. It will only surface if those desires are unfulfilled.ā€

ā€œYouā€™ve got to be
kidding. This is like some crazy fantasy story on TV.ā€

ā€œBeware. Not many
people can handle the effects of the magic.ā€

She studied the
antique. ā€œShould I not buy it?ā€

ā€œYour decision
should be based on how in tune you are with yourself.ā€

In tune with myself? Oh, what a stupid question. Getting a book published, that was her deepest desire. Something
the bureau would help with. The dark-stained walnut would calm her, the ancient
feel would transport her to other worlds, plus the lack of modern clutter, like
files and electrical cables, would keep her from being distracted.

ā€œIā€™ll take it, magic
or no magic.ā€ She handed over her bank card. For a minute, sheā€™d let herself
get swept away with the gypsy ladyā€™s crazy talk.

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About the Author: Vicki writes erotic and fantasy romance. She loves taking her characters
into an alternate world where strange and sexy things happen. She lives with
her patient husband and three noisy kids in South Africa. In between being a
busy stay-at-home mom who hates housework and spends half her life cooking
everything from scratch, she runs several blogs, writes under another name, and
buries herself in the delightful world of her characters.


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Meet the Team – Mielle Markham

(from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions)

Name: Mielle Markham

Role: The Explosives Expert

Country of Origin: Tektan

Known associates/affiliations: Previously served with the Tektani military

Greatest accomplishment: Received a perfect score on all her final exams during her military-based education

Biggest fear: Boredom

Additional information: Mielle and Zara (up next!) have been best friends since childhood. Though Mielle’s tough and doesn’t take any bullshit from anybody, Zara is her one soft spot.

Trivia: Mielle was fun to write, as she’s conventionally beautiful and knows it, but it’s not a big deal to her. Aside from a few brief comments from others as to whether or not the male teammates are attracted to her, she’s one of the few characters with no romantic entanglements whatsoever. She’s got better things to focus on, after all.

I also enjoyed writing her as not afraid or ashamed to be “girly” – she likes pink and sometimes wears dresses, etc. (It’s never explicitly stated, but I’d imagine she blows out and styles her hair every morning.) I guess it’s easy not to worry about liking what you like when you can blow things up with the push of a button! 

Meet the Team – Ted Quinn

From The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions:

Name: Ted Quinn

Role: The Hacker

Country of Origin: Charytar

Known associates/affiliations: Cousin to Reggie Quinn

Greatest accomplishment: Hacking into one of the Charytaran military’s networks without getting caught, just to see if he could

Biggest fear: Rejection

Additional information
: Ted feels much more comfortable dealing with computers and other electronics than he does with people. Aside from Reggie, his face-to-face interactions with others are very limited. While not necessarily happy, he’s content with spending his time on little more than movies and games. Whether it’s never occurred to him to aspire to do more with his life, or if he’s afraid of trying and failing is anybody’s guess.

Trivia: Aspects of Ted are very loosely based on one of my closest friends. I think that ultimately helped with making him a more sympathetic character than he appears on the surface.

While never explicitly stated, the handheld game Ted plays in several scenes is Tetris. I did not have any particular film in mind for the porn that is playing on his TV when Ro and Reggie first arrive at his house. šŸ˜€

Meet the Team – Dr. Karin Cassels

Ready for some fun? My good buddy Boobulon has made me some nifty book-related artwork again to celebrate The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions. Now that the book is finally out, I’m ready to present them in profiles of the six main characters. I’ll include some backstory that didn’t make it into the final book, share some trivia, and otherwise introduce you to this kickass team that’s taking on a mercenary cyborg army!

Name: Dr. Karin Cassels

Role: The Healer

Country of Origin: Palavia

Known associates/affiliations: Mother of Vlad Cassels, member of the Midnight Scorpions (though they have not spoken in years)

Greatest accomplishment: Single-handedly maintaining a clinic near the Palavia-Charytar border and offering medical care to those in need

Biggest fear: Never hearing from Vlad again

Additional information: Every now and then she volunteers as a medic with the Palavian military close to the combat zone at the juncture of the three warring countries. It was probably during one of these trips that she learned how to shoot a gun (and pretty damn well!), but the rest of the team never finds out for sure.

Trivia: When I was first plotting out the book, originally Dr. Cassels was going to be male, but Boobulon persuaded me to make Vlad’s parent a mother, not a father. Dr. Cassels’s role probably wouldn’t have changed too much either way, but making her a woman skewed the male-female ratio of the team to 2-4 (rather than the initially planned 3-3). Obviously I don’t have a problem with this, and I think I might even like it better this way.

Also, when I started writing, I had recently finished playing Mass Effect 3, and I won’t even try to deny that the game influenced me. Once I decided that Dr. Cassels would be a woman, I couldn’t help but envision Dr. Chakwas every time I wrote for her. I figured I might as well go all the way and borrow her first name!

Happy 5th Anniversary, Decadent Publishing!

Decadent Publishing turns five years old today, and we’re partying hard! Go check out the Facebook party right this second to have fun with us and enter some awesome giveaways!

Me, I have two titles out with DP and one on the way. To recap, here are the covers, blurbs, and some excerpts:

Annaā€™s career as a high-level CIA operative is put on involuntary hiatus. When a trusted colleague passes along the information for the 1Night Stand service, Anna decides to take the plunge against her better judgment and seek some intimate company. But her CIA instincts canā€™t be ignored, and when she contacts Madame Eve, she uses an alias.

Brendan owns a lucrative manufacturing company, but heā€™s yet to achieve the goal of finding a woman with whom he can share his successes and joys. But beneath his polished, capable exterior hides the painfully shy teenager heā€™s never been able to escape. When his own efforts in the dating scene fall short, he turns to 1Night Stand.

It would be so easy to fall in love with Brendan, and Annaā€™s protective mask slides away, piece-by-piece, revealing more of herself than she should dare. Before she can slip away with the sunrise, Brendan shows their encounter in a new light. Will Anna take a chance on their future, or will she choose to return to her undercover, but lonely life?

Anna stared in the steamy mirror over the vanity. Samantha Coburnā€™s physical appearance resembled her natural features. Sheā€™d only needed a trip to the salon at home to have honey-colored highlights added to her dark brown locks, then a layered trim that brushed her shoulders. No colored contact lenses, no glasses, no beauty marks, no wigs; the image gazing at her  felt familiar. She donned the second skin of one of her alternate identities, but the mask settled comfortably around her.

After dressing in an orange sundress purchased for the trip, she slid her feet into flat gold sandals and fastened a thin chain with a butterfly pendant around her neck. As she stared into the mirror one last time while she inserted small hoop earrings, her reflection pleased her: an elegant, confident woman who still maintained an air of delicate femininity. She’d completed the transformation into Samantha,  and planned to play the part with perfection.

She returned to the main foyer and Stuart directed her out to the veranda. Round tables dotted the elevated terrace, overlooking the crystal blue waters of the lake and she spotted a man at the table closest to the edge. His face angled away from her, toward the exquisite landscape.

The soles of her sandals slapped against the smooth gray stones as she approached him. Shifting in his chair, he smiled wide and extended a hand. ā€œYou must be Samantha.ā€ His voice was a deep baritone.

Anna returned the pleased expression. ā€œThatā€™s me.ā€

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Two years
have passed since April Pattersonā€™s husband was shot and killed in the line of
duty, and sheā€™s trapped in a haze of grief and uncertainty. Having grown
frustrated by all other efforts to engage her in activities where she could
meet new people, her cousin pays for a date via 1Night Stand. Not thrilled with
the idea, April nevertheless contacts Madame Eve and requests the impossible: a
date with her deceased husband.

software engineer Drew Monroe created his company, Elysium, to help give
closure to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, through the use of
virtual reality. Though passionate about his work, being constantly surrounded
by heartache and death has taken a toll on his mental health. When he accepts
the case of a young widow referred to him by Madame Eve, her tragic tale
depresses him further, but he commits himself to programming April the romantic
date she desires.
April arrives
at Elysium and prepares to enter Drewā€™s virtual realm. Will she find the solace
she seeks within? Or will she discover she doesnā€™t need a fantasy world to
discover happiness again?

We sat in
silence. It was the first time a client had asked me so many personal
questions. On one hand, I worried about coming across as unprofessional, but on
the other, it felt good to verbalize those thoughts for a change. Putting that
aside, April hadnā€™t come to play psychiatrist with me. I had a job to do.

else before we get started?ā€ I pushed off the edge of the desk and

She didnā€™t
get up. ā€œDo you ever go into your own virtual realities?ā€

ā€œActually, I
donā€™t.ā€ I ran a finger along the top of one of the screens. ā€œFirst of all, it
needs to be monitored from the outside. I canā€™t do both at the same time.ā€

ā€œGot it.ā€ She
nodded. ā€œWhat else?ā€

A clammy
feeling crawled over me. ā€œNothing.ā€

ā€œYou said
ā€˜first of all.ā€™ That means there must be a second.ā€

Sheā€™d paid
attention, Iā€™d give her that. I tried to backtrack. ā€œForget it.ā€

Sliding her
arm off the chair, she leaned forward, ginger hair spilling over her shoulders.
ā€œI want to know what Iā€™m getting into. Tell me.ā€ Face upturned, she stared at
me and I struggled to breathe in a normal rhythm. ā€œPlease?ā€

Donā€™t say it, donā€™t admit to it, she
doesnā€™t need to knowā€¦.

Talking to her eased a little of the tension that had been twisting tighter and
tighter over time. I ignored the voices telling me not to make a confession,
but the words spilled out faster than Iā€™d intended.

ā€œWith all the
misery and heartache I see in the world, the temptation exists to disappear
into a painless fantasy.ā€ The chill spreading through me intensified. ā€œIā€™m
afraid Iā€™d lose myself and never want to come out.ā€

April blinked her
long lashes and straightened in the chair. ā€œThatā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™m
anxious about going in there.ā€

The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions – Available Now!

It’s here! The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions has been released! I have some fun promotional events coming up in the next few weeks, so be sure to watch this space. In the meantime, have a blurb and a nice, long excerpt!


A year has
passed since Ro Bernard escaped from the Midnight Scorpions, a clandestine
group of mercenaries that exists in the outside world as little more than myths
and rumors. Though haunted by the reprehensible acts she committed and
witnessed as a member of the organization, her primary focus is keeping a roof
over her head and food on her plate. A chance encounter leads her to Karin
Cassels, whose son died in the Scorpionsā€™ underground laboratory. While sharing
details about her sonā€™s research, Ro reveals the most disturbing information
she has on the group. Their leader, scientist Dane Zedek, has been integrating
cybernetic parts with human soldiers in the hopes of building himself a lethal
army that will help him achieve even greater political power.

The women
hatch a plan to take down the Midnight Scorpions with two ultimate goals: kill
Zedek, and rescue Callum, Roā€™s lover who was the first of the scientistā€™s
experimental hybrids. For additional assistance, Dr. Cassels directs Ro to
Reggie Quinn, a drifter who is no stranger to odd jobs and risky situations.
Reggie agrees to join the cause in exchange for a percentage of whatever they
loot from the Scorpionsā€™ base.

They embark on an
adventure throughout three warring countries to assemble their team and gather
the necessary materials for their schemes. Along the way, Ro tries to fight her
growing attraction to Reggie, especially as reminders of her unhappy past keep
resurfacing. Love and redemption wait for her at the end of her mission to
defeat the Midnight Scorpionsā€¦assuming she makes it out alive.

Ro turned around and bent over the map again. Using her previous markings as a guideline, she labeled another potential point of entry to the hidden lair. Before she could measure the distance to the next area she wanted to denote, the door opened again. ā€œForget something?ā€ she asked without looking over her shoulder.

ā€œI just wanted to check in and see how you were doing,ā€ came Reggieā€™s voice. ā€œItā€™s getting late.ā€

He appeared in her line of vision, standing at the opposite end of the table. ā€œThe mapā€™s coming along,ā€ she said. ā€œI just hope Iā€™m remembering all of this correctly.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not worried. Youā€™ll get us where we need to go.ā€


Reggie nodded towards the door. ā€œI saw Mielle come out of here. Everything all right?ā€

ā€œYeah, weā€™re good.ā€ She narrowed her eyes at him. ā€œSo now youā€™re tracking Mielleā€™s comings and goings? Maybe you should be socializing with her at this late hour instead of me.ā€

ā€œIf I wanted to spend extra time with Mielle, I wouldnā€™t have come in here.ā€

ā€œUh-huh,ā€ she said. ā€œHey, at least with her around, we can count on Ted to shower on a daily basis in order to make a good impression.ā€

He laughed. ā€œWhile I was worried about having to wipe the drool from his mouth when we first met her, I donā€™t think Mielleā€™s going to be the motivator for Ted to behave himself. Heā€™s got it bad for Zara.ā€

ā€œOh, really?ā€ Ro smiled at this tidbit of amusing information. ā€œWhat did he say to you?ā€

ā€œNothing. He didnā€™t have to.ā€

ā€œWhat, is there some sort of psychic connection between cousins that I donā€™t know about?ā€

Reggie placed his palms on the table, bringing his face closer to hers over the map. ā€œCome now, Rosie. Donā€™t tell me your astute powers of observation have been failing you. Every time he looks at her, itā€™s easy to tell what heā€™s thinking. It doesnā€™t take a mind reader.ā€

ā€œSubtlety is sometimes lost on me.ā€ She didnā€™t back down from him. ā€œDonā€™t tell me your powers of observation have been failing you when it comes to me being rather direct, if not blunt.ā€

ā€œNo, I definitely got that.ā€ The golden flecks in his eyes shimmered in the wan lighting. ā€œAn argument could be made for either approach.ā€

Ro blew out a puff of air. ā€œI never had the patience for silly games.ā€

ā€œToo bad. Games can be fun.ā€ He pushed off the table, straightening up. ā€œSo show me what youā€™ve done so far,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™d love to know how many secret doors and tunnels Iā€™ve passed by without knowing it.ā€

ā€œFine,ā€ she said. ā€œThe closest one is about thirty milesā€”ā€

ā€œHold on. I donā€™t want to have to read upside down.ā€ Reggie walked around the table and stood behind her, leaving a narrow gap between them. ā€œSorry, go on.ā€

She knew what he was doing and continued as if he hadnā€™t moved. ā€œAs I was saying, the nearest entrance is about thirty miles from here. We might want to go scope it out in the next couple days and see how it looks.ā€

He peered over her shoulder, his mouth close to her ear. ā€œItā€™s a good start,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd Iā€™m sure you have some backup plans.ā€

His breath tickled her skin. ā€œThere were quite a few ways in and out of the base. Elevators, rampsā€¦different areas were used for different purposes,ā€ she said, keeping her voice even and casual.

ā€œI see.ā€

Warm sensations skated down her neck and flooded through her chest, but Ro wouldnā€™t give him the satisfaction of squirming or wriggling away. If itā€™s a game he wants, itā€™s a game heā€™ll get. ā€œThereā€™s a big set of doors over here to the northeast,ā€ she said. As she leaned over to the side, she made sure her ass grazed the front of Reggieā€™s body. ā€œWe used it to take the trucks and other vehicles out. Itā€™s probably easy to get into, but itā€™s pretty far away from the command center. Traveling through the underground tunnels extensively might make us easy targets.ā€

ā€œAnd we donā€™t want that.ā€ The low tones of his voice hummed through her.

ā€œNow, further to the southā€¦.ā€ She backed up to indicate a lower portion of the map, pressing against him. Something hard met her in return. ā€œThis oneā€™s closer to all the labs and armories and other places of interest, but that means itā€™ll be more heavily guarded, of course.ā€

ā€œEvery route is going to be risky, but maybe we can find some middle ground.ā€ He rested a hand on her side, cupping the swell of her hip. ā€œSee, I knew my confidence in you wouldnā€™t be misplaced.ā€

His thumb stroked her back through the thin fabric of her shirt. Though flames flickered up her cheeks, she rolled her eyes and bit back a grin. ā€œYou know, if this was supposed to be some sort of lesson in understated advances, youā€™re not as discreet as you think you are.ā€

ā€œI wasnā€™t trying to do or be anything.ā€


Slowly, Ro turned around. Reggie didnā€™t release her from his grip, nor did he do anything to untangle their legs and put some space between them. Propping herself up on one hand, she tilted her head back to stare up at him. Sheā€™d admitted some attraction to him in her solitary moments, but had sworn not to act on it. Now that one strong arm was curled around her and she stood face-to-face with his alluring smile, she didnā€™t know whether to give in to her impulses or push him away.



ā€œYouā€™re going to smudge the map.ā€

She looked down at where she had planted her sweaty palm right over one of her larger markings. ā€œDamn it,ā€ she muttered, rubbing the silvery graphite smears off the heel of her hand.

ā€œIā€™d better let you fix that.ā€ Reggie stepped backwards and ran his fingers through his hair. ā€œTry to get some sleep tonight, though.ā€

ā€œYup,ā€ she said without glancing up. ā€œYou too.ā€

He left her alone in the quiet room. Ro inhaled and exhaled, trying to quiet the pounding of her pulse in her ears and ignore the heat that had crept throughout her body. Shaking her head, she smoothed out the wrinkles in the paper in front of her before resuming her work.

Flight of the Dragon Queen – Coming Soon!

I love writing for the 1Night Stand series, as there’s an infinite number of stories to be told, all while following the stated guidelines. They’re addictive! So I’m thrilled to announce I signed a contract for my next contribution, Flight of the Dragon Queen (unofficial subtitle: Thea Plays Too Many Video Games). Here, have a blurb:

For his
entire life, Caleb has always been more comfortable surrounded by books and
games than other people. He contacts Madame Eve when 1Night Stand is
recommended to him, but is too shy to actually meet any of the women she finds
for him. Together, they reach a workable solution: a simulated dating
experience in a setting reminiscent of his favorite stories.

following Madame Eveā€™s instructions, Caleb finds himself in a vivid fantasy
world, complete with a damsel in distress who needs rescuing. His objective is
clear, but he must find a way around the many obstacles standing between him
and Alizeira, the mysterious woman imprisoned in an underground cell. Familiar
tropes and a colorful cast of characters enhanceā€”or impedeā€”his journey, from a
short-tempered guard captain (and his equally temperamental horse) to a
one-eyed ā€œherbalistā€ who expresses annoyance whenever anyone calls her a witch.

working on his plans to save her, Caleb spends time getting to know Alizeira
beyond her role as prisoner, and a mutual attraction develops between them. He
is unsure whether sheā€™s a real person playing a part like him, or if sheā€™s
simply one piece of the elaborate simulation thatā€™s been programmed for his
date. Setting her free is the first step to discovering the truth, but how many
secrets is Alizeira hiding?

And the Mother of the Year Award Goes To….

Massive understatement time: Things change when you have babies. I’m very lucky in that I have two pretty easygoing ones, but obviously we’re still working out our routines. There are some days when bedtime (for the adults) rolls around and I think “What did I even DO all day?”

But! It’s not all baby, all the time around here. We’ve been doing a decent job of keeping up with the DVR, and as I mentioned in a recent post, we managed to knock out the third season of Orange is the New Black in a timely fashion. I’ve been knitting here and there, and the heat is a contributing factor of why I haven’t been doing that as much lately. AND! I’ve even been writing a bit. Not as much as I did pre-babies (or, let’s be real here, pre-pregnancy), and there are definitely days where I don’t write a single word, but still! There has been some writing!

One baby has a tendency to be a little fussier than her sister and sometimes demands to be held, as babies have been known to do. Sometimes that happens just as I’m getting on a good writing roll, but hey, three-month-olds aren’t known for their timing. The other night, I had just gotten into the swing of things when Miss Fussypants started squawking, and it was my turn to pick her up. I’m getting pretty damn awesome at doing things while holding babies at the same time…but I was up to a sex scene. Awkward.

I think I’ve mentioned before on here that I’m the type of writer who needs to write in order. I thought about jumping to another scene while the baby wiggled around and fell asleep on me, but it didn’t happen. Oh well, I thought. I’ll continue it/finish up tomorrow.

Then, naturally, the same exact thing happened at the same time. The words had just started flowing when one of the little people needed my attention. (The same one, if you’re interested.) So I picked her up, got her snuggled on me, looked at my computer screen with the cursor blinking expectantly….

And I did it. I wrote a sex scene while holding my infant daughter.

Okay, okay, plenty of parents have done worse. (The two of us have probably already done worse in the past three months.) I’m not ashamed of what I write, and it’s not like she’s going to remember it anyway. And it was a very “healthy” sex scene – filled with enthusiastic consent and contraception and all those good things I hope to teach my daughters about. (When they’re 40. Just kidding.) 

As I said, things change. We’ll find our new normal eventually. And I probably still have a couple years before I have to start being really careful about what words of mine they can see on the computer screen.