(Just a reminder – the Smexy Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway is still going on, so if you haven’t entered yet, don’t miss out!)
Moving on….
I made it! With a couple days to spare! I finished writing Out of Orbit on Saturday night, so before my self-imposed deadline of the end of the month. I’m not so sure it’ll be proofed, packed up, and ready to go by the 31st, but I’m hoping that can happen by the end of the weekend, so close enough. Even though I still have to write the blurb. Ugh.
Clearly, the writing process was not all smooth sailing this time around, for a number of reasons. Am I thrilled about the fact that it took me six months to write a 30K-word novella? No, not really. Were my writing and word building skills a little rusty, leading me to doubt myself a number of times? Oh, yes. But at the end of the day, I do like this story and I’m happy with it. It hasn’t usurped the title of “best thing I’ve ever written” (that still goes to Elysium, I think, with Disintegration as a close second), but there are some moments that are pretty damn awesome.
Once I send this off, I’m going to take some time to READ for a change. I have a number of books I’ve been meaning to get to loaded up on my Kindle, begging for attention. And as we all know, reading makes you a better writer, so I do need to make some time for that. However, I don’t want to take *too* long of a writing break. Maybe next time it won’t take me six months to finish something….