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The Name Game, Part 2

I’m knocking out the next installment in this series because I just got a big, obnoxious assignment at work that is going to suck up a lot of time and energy for the next week, so I’m using the rest of tonight to pretend it doesn’t exist. (But it should pay reasonably well, so silver linings and all that.)

Next up on the topic of names: characters who name themselves. I know what you’re thinking – isn’t the writer in charge? Shouldn’t the writer have control over what the characters are named? One would think. After all, it’s not like my children named themselves. (Though that could have saved a few days of strenuous discussion. And I do know more than one set of parents who went into the hospital with a name picked out, saw their baby for the first time, and wound up going with something completely different.)

Every now and then when a character first starts to materialize in my mind, there’s immediately a name associated with him/her. I don’t know why or how it happens. Sometimes I’ve even tried to fight back against that strong association between the character and the name, and it just doesn’t feel right. The same thing has happened to me with titles. As regular readers here know by now, sometimes the title comes to me right away, while other times I struggle to pick a good one.

I recently experienced this phenomenon when I was first planning for Out of Orbit. As soon as the heroine started taking shape, she became Jasmine. It’s not like Jasmine is a name I particularly like (or dislike). I hadn’t planned on it being symbolic in any way, though I did wind up running with it and using the flower meaning. I even tossed around a few alternatives, but nope. Always and forever, she was and will be Jasmine.

The same thing happened with April in Elysium. Again, I don’t have any strong feelings toward the name either way. No hidden meanings there. She was just April. That’s it.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have a lot of characters to name in my new WIP. Sure enough, some of them named themselves. Several of the insta-names I adopted right away, while others I wanted to think about more. However, as I was plotting out certain points, I found myself thinking things like, “Oh, Paul will totally react in this way”, when Paul was one of the names I wasn’t sure about. I guess he’s Paul, then.

So much for being in control.

The Name Game, Part 1

Since I got the contract for Out of Orbit sooner than expected, my writing fingers are already starting to get itchy. I read the two books I wanted to read, and for whatever reason, video games are not calling to me right now, so I’ve already started outlining for my next WIP. I’ll go into more detail at a later time, but due to the nature of this project, I want a really strong outline before I even get started.

One of the challenges for this WIP is there are going to be a lot of characters: eleven “on-screen” and a couple minor parts/people mentioned in passing. And characters need names. The name nerd in me enjoys most of this part, but as I said, it can be a challenge.

Somewhere in my archives here (before I started tagging posts, oops) I wrote about how I wanted the three significant women in Disintegration to have names that were very distinct from each other. Similarly, when I was getting ready to write The Fall of the Midnight Scorpion, I initially worried that Ro and Reggie were too similar for my leads. After all, we don’t want to confuse any readers.*

I’ve ultimately come to the decision that having a variety of ending sounds for characters’ names is more important than first letters or alliteration. (As indicated by me forging ahead with Ro and Reggie.) Having pored over tons of name lists to prepare for the twins’ arrival last year, I can tell you that a LOT of female names end with -a. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have two characters with -a names in one story, but as the number of named characters grow, it’s something to watch out for. 

When first planning this WIP, I had a Laura and a Clara before realizing how close they were. Laura’s name was more tied to her character in my mind, so Clara changed (to Ruth, for the curious). On the other hand, I’m okay with having a Laura and a Veronica, as those are juuuuust different enough for my tastes. There’s also a Mary and a Brittany, but to me, those are wildly different names that just evoke different feelings and images, if that makes any sense.

When looking over my file of ideas for blog posts, I saw a lot of name-related notes, so I’ve decided to make this the first in a series. If nothing else, it should get me blogging more regularly, right? 😉 Stay tuned for the next part!

*Somewhat relevant, but not really: In Agatha Christie’s A Murder is Announced (STOP READING HERE IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS), part of the big!reveal! hinges on two sisters having very similar nicknames – Leticia and Charlotte are Lettie and Lottie, respectively. There’s a clue when another character calls one by the other one’s name. When reading, I did notice it…but this was in the early days of the Kindle and I’d just thought it was a typographical error made when converting the book, and didn’t realize the name mix-up was significant. Oops. So I didn’t solve the mystery, but then again, I rarely do.

Except for The Girl on the Train, which is one of the books I just read. Figuring out the ending ahead of time kind of ruined the fun. But I’ll award points for the three main female characters — Rachel, Anna, and Megan — having names with different final syllables. There, I’ve come full circle. 😀

Out of Orbit – Coming Soon!

Well, that happened faster than I expected. A lot faster, actually. Either way, I signed the contract for Out of Orbit, so at least I won’t be jumping out of my seat every time I hear the email alert on my phone. Details about a cover, release date, etc., will be forthcoming, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, have a blurb. (If you think you can spot some video game influences…you’re probably right.)

Following an explosive space battle, Captain Jasmine Hale is forced to order the evacuation of her ship. She flees in an escape pod before its destruction, but the resulting crash on an unknown planet kills her pilot and leaves her stranded. Though imprisoned by the first natives she encounters, she soon meets Aras, their ruler. To her surprise, he speaks her language and tells her she is not the first human to land on Ryk.

When Jasmine questions why she has never heard of his planet, Aras shows her a journal of research notes written five hundred years earlier. Inside, she discovers the key to the mystery: due to an irregular orbit, Ryk is only accessible to humans for a short period of time during its path around its sun. She is horrified to realize if her crew doesn’t find her within that window, she will be trapped on Ryk for the rest of her life.

Despite her distressing circumstances, Jasmine resolves to immerse herself in the Rykian culture. Aras, while sympathetic, is thrilled to show her his world. Rumors begin circulating about whether or not his attention to her is appropriate, and she struggles to sort through how she feels about him.

The pair eventually admits their mutual attraction and they embark on a romance. As they plan for a future together, another ship of humans arrives on Ryk to rescue their captain. Caught between two worlds, Jasmine is faced with a difficult dilemma. Choosing one means leaving the other behind forever. How will she decide?

Crossing the Finish Line

(Just a reminder – the Smexy Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway is still going on, so if you haven’t entered yet, don’t miss out!)

Moving on….

I made it! With a couple days to spare! I finished writing Out of Orbit on Saturday night, so before my self-imposed deadline of the end of the month. I’m not so sure it’ll be proofed, packed up, and ready to go by the 31st, but I’m hoping that can happen by the end of the weekend, so close enough. Even though I still have to write the blurb. Ugh.

Clearly, the writing process was not all smooth sailing this time around, for a number of reasons. Am I thrilled about the fact that it took me six months to write a 30K-word novella? No, not really. Were my writing and word building skills a little rusty, leading me to doubt myself a number of times? Oh, yes. But at the end of the day, I do like this story and I’m happy with it. It hasn’t usurped the title of “best thing I’ve ever written” (that still goes to Elysium, I think, with Disintegration as a close second), but there are some moments that are pretty damn awesome.

Once I send this off, I’m going to take some time to READ for a change. I have a number of books I’ve been meaning to get to loaded up on my Kindle, begging for attention. And as we all know, reading makes you a better writer, so I do need to make some time for that. However, I don’t want to take *too* long of a writing break. Maybe next time it won’t take me six months to finish something….

The Smexy Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway

 It’s blog hop time again! Welcome to my spot along the Smexy Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway! We’re all posting super-steamy excerpts today, along with offering opportunities to win some great books.

Elysium has been out for about a year now, and it still remains one of my favorites of all my book-children. To celebrate my bias, I’ll be giving away an e-copy to one lucky reader. Enjoy the smexy excerpt, keep scrolling down for the giveaways, and don’t forget to visit the other stops on the blog hop!

We became trapped in a vicious, glorious cycle. With every nip and nibble of mine, she responded with a breathy moan or a roll of her hips. It was all the motivation I needed to further incite her pleasure. My erection swelled so heavy and hard it hurt, but her velvet skin tasted so good, I wasn’t ready to let her go yet.

Sliding my hands into her jeans, underneath the elastic of her panties, I groped her ass. She hooked one leg over mine, slamming our bodies together and trapping my engorged shaft between us. Even through multiple layers of fabric, I felt her blossoming heat, and it drove me crazy with lust.

I let her breast fell from my mouth and struggled for air. She pushed the scraggly hair from my eyes. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

Every drop of blood had rushed between my legs, erasing the ability to formulate coherent thoughts. “I…I want you,” I ground out between pants. My cock bulged against her as the words escaped and I bit back a groan. “I need you.”

April’s fingers skated down my chest toward the top of the khakis. She made quick work of the button and zipper and her hand slipped inside. “Say it again,” she murmured.

A flimsy piece of cotton separated me from paradise. “I want you.”

She pushed the pants and boxers down several inches, freeing my erection. The brief shock of cold air was replaced by her fingers wrapping around the shaft, and I shuddered.

“One more time. I need to hear it.” As she spoke, she gave me a deliberate squeeze.

I couldn’t take any more torment. The dam broke, and I launched another assault on her mouth. She eased her hips back just enough to grant me access to the front of her jeans. I wrenched away the last of her clothing and cupped her mound with a palm.

“I want you, April,” I said in between frenzied kisses. One finger skimmed the length of her dampened cleft. “I want to be inside you so bad.”

Two years have passed since April Patterson’s husband was shot and killed in the line of duty, and she’s trapped in a haze of grief and uncertainty. Having grown frustrated by all other efforts to engage her in activities where she could meet new people, her cousin pays for a date via 1Night Stand. Not thrilled with the idea, April nevertheless contacts Madame Eve and requests the impossible: a date with her deceased husband.

Brilliant software engineer Drew Monroe created his company, Elysium, to help give closure to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, through the use of virtual reality. Though passionate about his work, being constantly surrounded by heartache and death has taken a toll on his mental health. When he accepts the case of a young widow referred to him by Madame Eve, her tragic tale depresses him further, but he commits himself to programming April the romantic date she desires.

April arrives at Elysium and prepares to enter Drew’s virtual realm. Will she find the solace she seeks within? Or will she discover she doesn’t need a fantasy world to discover happiness again?
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Happy March! It’s time to get my butt in gear and get. stuff. done. I am setting the goal for myself to have the writing of Out of Orbit done by the end of the month. It’s a totally reachable goal, one that would be kind of embarrassing if I didn’t reach it, but I know that life gets in the way sometimes, so the end of the month it is. Ideally, I’ll have it cleaned up and submitted by the end of the month, but I’m giving myself until the twins’ first birthday (mid-April) to get that done.

Around this time last year, my goal was to have Flight of the Dragon Queen finished and submitted by the time the twins were born. I’d have to go back and look to find the exact date, but I’m pretty sure I had it done by the end of March. Good thing, too, considering how early they were!

By writing down my goals here, I’m hoping to create a stronger sense of accountability. If I come back April 1st without having OoO complete, you all have permission to shame me. 😉

Promo – What You Crave, by Landra Graf

Today, I’m thrilled to host Landra Graf, who’s here to promote her new 1Night Stand book, What You Crave. We’re going to take a walk on the wild side as she talks about her BDSM books (the writing of which I’ve dabbled in slightly, but have yet to fully jump into). Take it away, Landra!

First, I want to thank Thea for hosting me today. As my latest release, What You Crave plunges me back into the realm of BDSM erotic romance, I also celebrate two years since my first story released.

What You Need is a prequel of sorts to this new story and was born of the need to see more female dominants in erotic romance. Similarly, I wrote What You Crave with the goal of exploring another part of BDSM that fascinates me, Shibari. I wanted the rope bondage to play a big role and I wanted the characters to embrace the act, which thankfully they do.

As an author, I write what I want to read as well as challenge myself to explore new elements that I’m not familiar with. For the future I plan to continue on that path, though I’m not sure if it will be erotic romance.  I’m also not sure the stories will be mainstream or publishing house marketable. Regardless, I go where the stories take me and where the characters drive me to venture.

Authors, writers, and creatives typically believe in staying true to their stories. More and more I see this as an emerging fact, and I plan not to deviate or fall into the ‘what’s selling’ manhole. No, this gal plans to write the crazy ideas that come into my head. One story at time. 

Sigmund Bermudez has spent the last year out of the BDSM scene. Lauren Elser has heard about kinky escapades from one of her more challenging patients, and never taken in part in one.

When both of them sign up for a 1NS, courtesy of Madame Eve, they’re not prepared for the bonds formed over a little rope play. It’s time to confront their fears or faced getting burned.

“My relationships didn’t ever last long enough for gifts.”

“Because…” He waited, and as usual his hands sought their own occupation, twisting the cloth napkin into a simple slipknot.

“I had career goals. Relationships were a natural casualty in my pursuit of professional success. The one guy I got serious about—” She smothered a laugh with her palm.

He understood. “It’s weird wanting to tell someone you just met anything and everything.”

“You have no idea. I’m not used to doing the talking.”

Her job, a therapist. He’d been recommended to one, but preferred to work through his leftover emotions by saving the casino. Words were not action. Still, a profession like hers no doubt came with a big emotional cost. “I’m told doctors need therapy too. Keep going.”

Instead of rebuking at his gentle command, she relaxed. Tension eased from her shoulders, arms going to the armrests on the dining room chair. “His name isn’t worth mentioning, but he didn’t cut it… in the sack.”

“Too vanilla?”

“Too concerned with his own orgasm, and any requests or lack of enthusiasm earned me some rude responses. Then he told me I’m too frigid to try new sexual experiences. So I got rid of him.”

“Ouch.” Sig stood, walking around the table and offered to help her up. She took it. “I’ll try to make sure I meet all your needs, then.”

She laughed, a throaty, melodic sound, which had his half-mast cock springing to full attention. “I’d like a good submissive experience to see if this is something I want.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Time to find out if she’d admit to her submissiveness from the moment she’d walked in the door. He directed her actions and so far she’d capitulated like a pro.


“What do you want?” Normally he’d never ask such a question. It laid the foundation for a sub to top from the bottom, which he’d never agree to or condone.

“I want your ropes.”

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About the Author: 
Landra Graf has been crafting stories since the tender age of too-young-to-watch-rated-R. When she finally got old enough for adult material, she believed adult meant anything besides the smexy. Then she discovered erotic romance and all things kinky. Since then it’s been a journey down a rabbit hole. Landra writes BDSM erotic romance and historical erotic romance, among other less smexy offerings.



Out of Orbit – The Fantasy Cast

Progress on Out of Orbit is slow, but steady. I’m not at the point yet where I can say “the end is in sight”, but I’m at the point where being able to say “the end is in sight” is in sight. Or something like that. 😀

Anyhoo, I decided to mix things up and do something fun on the blog – list my choices for what actors would play which roles when the book is published and becomes wildly successful and the movie version is planned. (Which OBVIOUSLY is going to happen!) I’ve done these before, and some are easier than others. Sometimes I even have people/faces in mind from the get go to help with description. Way back when, I had no trouble at all picking actors for the main roles in The Edge of the Sphere. On the flip side, regular readers will know I’ve always struggled with selecting someone to portray Ro (from Disintegration and The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions), and it wasn’t until the summer until I finally found an actress I thought could do her justice.

So let’s see what we have so far.

Captain Jasmine Hale: For our kickass heroine, I’ve decided to go with Emily Blunt. I’ll admit that I’m probably swayed by her role in Edge of Tomorrow, but I’ve liked her in other stuff, and she always seems like a cool person in interviews. Plus, she fits the physical description and I think she has the maturity to pull off the role, as Jasmine is already pretty established in her career and not, like, some sweet little young naive thing. (She’s probably around my age, cough cough.)

Aras: In what’s sure to be a blockbuster hit, budget will not be an issue, so it probably makes sense to use CGI for the alien species in the book. However! Real people are still required somewhere along the line. Ever since I put “This Nearly Was Mine” on the playlist, I’ve been hearing Aras’s dialogue in Brian Stokes Mitchell’s voice. (Even though Aras at one point says he doesn’t have a good singing voice, and Brian Stokes Mitchell’s singing voice is like chocolate-covered angels descending from heaven on golden unicorns, spreading light and love to all the world.) I guess he’d work as a face/body model, too, for our hero/leader of the fictional planet. Since Aras is about 600 years older than Jasmine, I’m not concerned about his age. ;)

Lieutenant Moore: I write often about how much I’ve been inspired by games, and the Mass Effect series is high on my list of favorites. If I’m going to write a pilot of a spaceship, there are bound to be similarities to Joker. And Joker means Seth Green. That was easy. Next!

Rana: Again, CGI here, but we need a person. I’m going to try to phrase this in a way that doesn’t come off as negative, as I’m really not trying to be insulting here, but Uma Thurman’s…shall we say, distinct features make me think of how I’ve described Rana. She’s tall enough, anyway.

I still have a couple minor characters who I haven’t paired up with real people yet, but this is still a fun list. Now back to writing! 

Happy Anniversary to Me

Searching the Skies, my first book, was published four years ago this week. (I started this blog/site a couple months later.) Looking back, I can’t believe how I was stumbling around the e-publishing world in so many aspects. How much I’ve learned since then is arguable.

I like to half-joke that back then, I thought writing the damn book was the hardest part. Hahaha nope. There’s promotion. Networking. Building a social media presence. Media kits. Getting people (other than family and friends) to READ the damn book. That one’s still a struggle, not gonna lie.

Overall, I’d like to think my writing has improved since then. It’s not that StS is *bad*. I’ve gone back a couple times to reread (though not recently), and there’s nothing in there that makes me cringe in embarrassment. For the most part, it’s light and fluffy, which also isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

There are still a few bad habits I haven’t completely shaken in four years. For example, look how many adverbs I’ve used in just this post. 😛 (Not to mention words like “still” and “just”, which also need to go most of the time.) Today I was editing some chapters for Out of Orbit, and I did a “that” check. It wasn’t pretty. I cut out about a fifth of them, but one would think I’d know better by now.

There have been some major lifestyle changes between the release of StS and today. When I wrote it, I was newly married, living in a shitty apartment (that didn’t come with the marriage, we’d had it for a couple years by then), and back in school to change careers after I couldn’t find a full-time teaching job. Now I have a new job, nice house, two kids, and quite a few more publications to my [pen] name. Writing, and everything that goes with it, has been frustrating at times, but I’m glad I’ve stuck with it. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it onto the NYT bestsellers list, or even make enough in royalties in one year to pay taxes on them, but it’s a fun hobby that usually makes me feel accomplished.

Enough navel-gazing. Let’s have some fun and revisit Searching the Skies!

Blurb: Brilliant military commander Geneva Greyson finds herself forced to choose between the excitement and adventure of her career and the aristocratic life she once left behind. In addition to a strained relationship with her parents, her decision is made more difficult by the attentions of two very different men who each have the ability to warm her heart and bring her great pleasure. As she struggles to find her place in the universe, she can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to make everyone around her happy while still satisfying her own wants and needs.

“I’m sorry if I made you a little homesick,” he said softly.

She tore her attention away from the dancing flames, startled by both the sound of his voice and his seeming ability to read her mind. “It’s okay. I probably needed a little vacation anyway.”

“From everything you’ve told me, I can tell you work very hard, though I wouldn’t have expected anything less.” He leaned back against the chair. “I can also tell that you love it and you can’t wait to get back.”

Geneva felt a slight pang of guilt over the idea that she could have made him think she didn’t want to be there. “I know the remaining week or so that I have left here will fly by, and though I didn’t want it at first, I guess it’s good that I have this time to slow down and relax a little.” She looked over at him and tried to smile, still fervently hoping that she hadn’t hurt his feelings. “And I’m glad that I’ve been able to spend this time catching up with you.”

“As long as you’re happy, Geneva.” He stared down at the deep red liquid in his glass. “You know, I was devastated when you disappeared so suddenly. I know we weren’t as close as we once had been, but I woke up one morning, and you were gone, gone completely from my life. I almost hated you for it, but then I realized that you must have had a reason for leaving. And wherever you were, whatever you were doing, as long as you were happy, then I was happy for you.”

His words to her were honest and pure and for the first time, she realized that no matter how far she tried to run, a tiny piece of her would always belong to the home planet for which she had shown so much disdain. She didn’t know whether to thank him, apologize to him, or pretend that nothing had ever happened, so they sat in silence for several awkward minutes, wrapped in their own personal reflections and the shadows of the darkening room.

Marcus suddenly jumped to his feet, disrupting the nervous tension that had settled around them. “Can I, uh, get you anything else from the kitchen?” he stammered.

Geneva did the same. “Marcus, I….” She continued to struggle to find the right words. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize what a good friend I had here until now. I know we can never make up for lost time, but I’m willing to start over again.”

The light from the flickering fire reflected in his soulful eyes as he nodded a tacit acknowledgment. She suddenly had the urge to hug him, and she took a step closer in order to do so. As he was considerably taller than her, she cautiously slid her arms around his waist, and he reciprocated the gesture. The crisp fabric of his shirt was warm from his body as she leaned her cheek against his chest, the aroma of red wine and expensive cologne mingling at her nose.

She didn’t have more than a few moments to rest comfortably before he moved back to look down at her. With one finger, he gently tilted her chin up towards his face and brought his mouth down to meet hers. Geneva almost felt strange at first as she remembered the boy she once knew, but she soon relaxed into kissing the man he had become. Their lips separated, and she tasted the sweet velvet of his tongue, no longer thinking about past missed opportunities, but future possibilities. She felt her knees grow weak as he kissed her unrelentingly and tightened her embrace, not wanting to let him go. 

Buy Links: Amazon  B&N  All Romance

Promo – Feline Valentine (A Witch’s Night Out), by Tara Quan

Valentine’s Day is less than a month away, and to celebrate, I’m featuring Tara Quan’s new 1Night Stand release, Feline Valentine. This time around, the matchmaking involves magic and shifters. Fun!

To celebrate her new book, Ms. Quan is giving away a $15 gift card, so don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Under magical house arrest in her great-grandmother’s suburban cottage, college graduate and reluctant earth mage Shelley Dupree whiles away most mornings spying on the warlock next door. Though erotic daydreams offer some distraction, she faces long working hours, cash flow problems, and a repeat burglar. On Valentine’s Day, she sets a trap for the mysterious intruder, intent on ending his crime streak once and for all. But her scheming cat familiar foils her best-laid plans, and, with a little help from Madame Eve’s 1-Night Stand service, she discovers a far more dangerous species of magical feline.

After moving in next to a ramshackle building on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., pastry chef Adrien Chatdurois is plagued by repeat sexual fantasies starring the same curvy brunette. In a state of constant arousal, he devotes his early mornings to grueling exercise and spends the rest of his day handcrafting the city’s best chocolates. When his younger brother stirs up trouble on the shop’s busiest day, the frustrated shifter is forced to pay a surprise visit on his reclusive neighbor. He soon learns not all witches are wart-covered hags, and one in particular might prove the most delicious of desserts

Her doorbell rang.

An ominous crack followed the box’s impact with her yellowed kitchen floor. Sweat dampened the back of her neck. She must have imagined the sound. Her doorbell had been broken for weeks—months even. She’d taped a scribbled sign telling food delivery people to leave items on the porch. No one other than her family ever visited.

Everything, including the array of curiosities in front of her, must be part of a hallucination brought on by prolonged celibacy. Sweets wouldn’t dare sic Madame Eve’s service on her. Everyone Shelley knew who’d used it had—

Ding dong.

Okay, she could fix this. She’d meet the guy and tell him to scram. No way could the matchmaker’s mojo work in less than five seconds.

Muttering curses under her breath, she marched past the counter, through her makeshift office, and across the small living space, to stop in front of the thick wood barrier. Peepholes hadn’t been in vogue back when this place had been built. Since she hadn’t bothered to switch out the bulbs after the porch lights died, she couldn’t have discerned more than shadowy shapes regardless.

Pulling her shoulders back, she summoned her inner bitch. She had to run the guy off. Failure would end in disaster. Acting rude and obnoxious was a matter of determination, persistence, and effort.

She swung the door open.

The warlock next door stared back at her.

Her next breath erupted as a cough. “F—udge cakes.”

As opening lines to Shelley Channeling the Shrew went, she could have done better. She blamed her parents. No matter how many times she’d thought, read, and heard four-letter expletives, she couldn’t shake the ingrained childhood habit of modifying them for polite company.

It didn’t help that the man had a brown cake box sandwiched between his waist and left arm. Responding to the stimuli, her stomach had short-circuited her brain and demanded sustenance—ideally, in the form of fudge cake. Her gaze dropped to the bottle clasped in his hand. She’d had a champagne craving since this morning.

Her hunky neighbor’s green eyes had widened to a comical degree. Perspiration beaded his forehead. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. When his mouth opened, no sound came out.

What did he have to be shocked about?

Of course, only now did it occur to her she could have pretended not to be home. Just because someone rang the doorbell didn’t mean she had to answer.

It would be so rude not to, her goody-two-shoes inner voice who sounded suspiciously like her mother countered. I raised you better.

As she contemplated slamming the door, an act that met with immeasurable resistance from the metaphorical angel on her shoulder, her neighbor croaked, “It’s you.”

As first exchanges between potential soul mates went, this might be one for the books.

At least the guy came with more than one bribe. A covered plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries balanced precariously on his other palm. Her gaze drifted over his bare forearm and along tensed biceps. The short sleeve of his red T-shirt accentuated his muscle definition.

Her mouth watered. Her gluttonous heart did a little flip. She couldn’t settle on what tempted her more—the food or the warlock.

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Check out the rest of the series

About the Author:
Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, paranormal worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Her characters, armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after. To receive updates about her new releases and get a free sexy read, subscribe to her mailing list at

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