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Flight of the Dragon Queen – Release Day and Blog Tour

 It’s here! Flight of the Dragon Queen releases today, and because I actually got my ducks in a row and used my communication skills like an adult, a month-long blog tour also kicks off today to celebrate! I’ll refresh your recollection with the blurb, and then post the tour schedule. While it’s nice to show all the tour hosts some love, be sure to check out the “fun facts”, as I did have a lot of fun compiling them!

For his entire life, Caleb has always been more comfortable surrounded by books and games than other people. When 1Night Stand is recommended to him, he contacts Madame Eve but is too shy to actually meet any of the women she finds for him. Together, they reach a workable solution: a simulated dating experience in a setting reminiscent of his favorite stories.

After following Madame Eve’s instructions, Caleb finds himself in a vivid fantasy world, complete with a damsel in distress who needs rescuing. His objective is clear, but he must find a way around the many obstacles standing between him and Alizeira, the mysterious woman imprisoned in an underground cell.

While working on his plans to save her, Caleb spends time getting to know Alizeira beyond her role as prisoner, and a mutual attraction develops between them. He is unsure whether she’s a real person playing a part like him, or if she’s simply one piece of the elaborate simulation that’s been programmed for his date. Setting her free is the first step to discovering the truth, but how many secrets is Alizeira hiding?

Buy Links:
Amazon  Kobo  iTunes  AllRomance

Tour Schedule:
1/18-Ebooks Galore
1/19-Outrageous Heroes-fun facts
1/20-Author Sandra Love-playlist
1/21-Kimmie Sues Book Reviews-review, playlist, fun facts
1/22-LBM Book Blog
1/23-Dreamer Talks Books
1/24-Midnight Angel Book
1/25-Sapphyria’s Steamy Books
1/26-Booklover Sue-Fun facts
1/27-Literature Litehouse
1/28-Danielle’s Domain
1/29-My Reading Reality http:/
1/30-We Read With A Glass of Wine
1/31-Diane’s Book Blog-character interview
2/1-Indy Book Fairy
2/2-One Book Boyfriend At A Time
2/3-Sweet N Sassy Book A Holics
2/4-Stormy Nights Reviewing
2/5-The Color of Ink
2/6-Bound by Books Book Review
2/8-Ebook Addicts
2/9-2 Bibliophiles Guide
2/10-Free to Be Me
2/11-Butterflies Books Dreams
2/12-Angee’s Afterthoughts
2/13-Where the Story Comes From-playlist
2/14-Books Are My Friends, Come See Why
2/15-Rockstar Reviews
2/16-Ebooks Galore

Hello Blog Hop!

We’re ringing in the New Year with lots of giveaways! And by sharing some fun and wacky facts about ourselves. There’s a new giveaway at each stop so be sure to visit them all!

I’m giving away an e-copy of The Edge of the Sphere, for reasons you’ll learn as soon as you read my list of quirks. Follow the directions on the Rafflecopter to make sure you maximize your chances of winning!

Now on to my list of fun, silly things that I don’t think I’ve ever revealed on this blog….

1. I refuse to use store-bought tomato sauce. I know I’m anal-retentive in a lot of areas in my life, but I insist on knowing exactly what goes into my sauce. When writing the beginning of The Edge of the Sphere, I needed to convey what type of person Stephen’s ex-girlfriend was and the sort of things they argued over without spending a lot of time on it, so I borrowed from my own non-negotiable demands. (Though unlike Alison, I don’t hold it against people who try to serve me can from a jar. Most of the time. 😉 )

2. I’ve always looked very young for my age. (I appreciate it, I promise!) I’ve been mistaken for a college student within the past couple months, and I’m approaching the ten-year anniversary of graduation. Sometimes when I’m out with my kids, people think I’m the babysitter/nanny.

3. I’m afraid of snails, to the point where I have a panic attack if I even see a picture of one. I don’t know what it is about those little fuckers that freaks me out so much.

4. I will eat any kind of seafood, even if I don’t know what it is. (And I have done this on some Caribbean vacations, in fact.)

5. When I was younger, my ideal woman was Geena Davis’s character in A League of Their Own. I didn’t know if I wanted to grow up to be her or date her.

6. One of my claims to fame in college was being able to tell what season a Law & Order rerun was from before the opening credits rolled. Seasons 7 and 8 were the most challenging because the casts were the same, but the film had a different quality.

7. I love Legos and I buy a new set to add to my Lego Christmas village every year. Hey, there are perks to being an adult with disposable income!

Stephen’s quiet life is turned upside down when he experiences vivid dreams of a woman he’s never met. Liora, having grown tired of her forced isolation and servitude in the land of Marindal, uses the mystical sphere housed in her cellar to attempt to reach someone to help her break free. They meet up several times in a subconscious illusion Liora creates for them and quickly form a strong bond. Stephen follows her to Marindal, where he’s instantly captured by her cruel master, Thirvar. Plans for escape become their top priority, and their feelings grow deeper during their secret meetings in the realm of fantasy. The knowledge that they will want different things once they are safe from Thirvar’s clutches taints the prospect of reaching their goal. They are faced with the decision between seeking out the lives they left behind and taking a chance on the future of their love.

Good luck in the giveaway, and don’t forget to visit the other stops on the blog hop! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Out of Orbit – The Writing Playlist

Happy New Year! I hope everybody had a fantastic holiday season, no matter what you celebrate, and may we all have a satisfying and productive 2016! Me, I got a niiiiiiice chunk of writing done on Out of Orbit while Mr. Landen and I were both off from work for over a week and I have high hopes for keeping the momentum going. I’ll admit I struggled with the last little bit of worldbuilding I wanted to work in, but I’ve finally reached the point where my universe is established and now I can just have fun within it.

Though I don’t have a really firm estimate of what the final word count is going to be (I think it’s going to fall somewhere in “short novel” territory), this is definitely a lengthier and more detailed project than the 20K-word novellas I’ve been doing recently. As such, I’ve compiled a list of more than one or two songs to help me get into the right frame of mind. I’m sure I’ll be adding more as I go along, but for now, here’s my writing playlist for Out of Orbit:

#1, Space Oddity, and #2, Rocket Man, are pretty self-explanatory. They’re my usual go-to songs for when events take place in outer space.

#3, Han Solo and the Princess – I know Star Wars is all the rage right now. This still remains one of my favorite love themes. Bonus points for the space/sci-fi connection! Lucky me! 😀

#4, One Second and a Million Miles – I’m still a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see The Bridges of Madison County on Broadway, as its run was short-lived. I’m a sucker for a killer duet, and I love this one. I can’t say the lyrics match the story I’m writing 100%, but there are enough similarities to OoO that this song has been getting a lot of airtime.

#5, This Nearly Was Mine – I’m not going to give away too many plot details yet, but this fits in, I promise. And ooooooh, did I struggle with which version to include on my playlist. I love Brian Stokes Mitchell to death and I would follow him to the ends of the earth, but — and I can’t believe I’m about to write this — sometimes I think he may have overdone it juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a smidge here. Oh well, it’s still fantastic. And fun fact: I was in the audience for the performance! Probably the worst seats in the entire theater, but I was there nonetheless!