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Nothing to See Here!

No, really, not much to see here. I finished Mass Effect: Andromeda, and it was very good; while I will replay it soon, I haven’t felt the burning need to start over again yet. I’ve also been reading for a change, and paying attention to my neglected knitting. Edits haven’t started yet for Seductive Suspect, so I’m trying to spread the love between my other hobbies in my limited free time.

I feel like I should start a new writing project soon, though. I have one idea pretty much completely fully outlined, and two more that need a little more baking. I’m debating whether to start the former and work on it whenever I feel like it (and try to get back into good writing habits), or wait until I’m feeling really fired up and attack it head on. There’s no good answer, of course. And let’s face it, with two rambunctious toddlers running around, a day job that’s in an upswing on the busy spectrum, and some lingering issues with my chronic illness, sometimes I am just TIRED. But one way or another, writing always manages to worm its way back onto my list of priorities. I’ll get there, I promise!

(Oh, and I suppose I could write a better follow-up post about ME:A, but all in good time!)