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Still Alive, Still Not Writing

When last we left off, I’d been sick for a month and hadn’t been doing much of anything. Long story short, I wound up having major surgery for my chronic illness in mid-January. Major as in, “we’ll try to do it laparoscopically, but we might have to cut you open,” and sure enough, I woke up with a large incision and a temporary drain. At least I’ll look like a badass on the beach this summer with my new scars. Recovery mostly went well, though I had a few false alarms in the past week or two, but I seem to be headed in the right direction now. I haven’t written anything yet, but I’ve at least started thinking about it again!

While I was following doctors’ orders and sitting at home, resting, I did finally do some reading, which I rarely have time for. As I read some books that have been on my list for a long time, I realized my reading preferences have aligned with the way I write. I discovered that for me, it doesn’t matter how beautiful and deeply descriptive the prose is, I prefer a plot that moves along at a quick pace. My reading list does contain a lot of mystery and suspense, and I was trying to branch out, but I guess there’s a reason I lean toward those genres.

Other than that, I’ve just been loafing around on the internet, going to doctors appointments, and working on the neverending scarf/shawl/wrap thingy that Ravelry tells me I started back in August. (Oof.) I’ve been gradually getting out more, though I miss doing fun things with the kids, going to the gym, and drinking wine. Writing will come soon, I promise!