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Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

After what felt like forever, I finally got the thumbs-up from my surgeon last week to resume normal activity. The PICC line is finally out, and I’m no longer on antibiotics, so I’m feeling pretty good. All this happened just in time for me to be a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding this past weekend, so I jumped right back into things. I figured if I could last on the dance floor (barely) until midnight, everything else would come back easily. I went back to the gym yesterday, I go back to work next week, and I can take care of my own kids again. I’m sure my mom is glad she packed up all her stuff and my husband likes having that room available again.

And, of course, we all know what else is on this list – writing! I did manage to knock out a few paragraphs for Sonata for Springtime last week before getting back to living my life, and I’m hoping more will soon follow now that my head’s not all fuzzy from the antibiotics. I probably haven’t gotten very far since the last time I blogged about this project, so I might be repeating myself, but this is sort of a transitional chapter, and then the next three will be FUN. I don’t want to call it filler, but, well, it’s not the most exciting part of the book. Now I just have to get to the end of it and I’m hoping the middle third of this book will just fly out of my typing fingers. I’ll consider anything a win at this point!