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On Fire!

Mark your calendars, Fire Beyond the Frost has a tentative release date of October 4th. I hope to have a sparkling new cover to present to you in the next couple days, but in the meantime, have this picture of me jumping over some burning logs.

I did complete that obstacle course race I mentioned in my previous post. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and the thought of quitting absolutely crossed my mind at least once, but I hauled my butt over that finish line (and then made a beeline for my free beer). I also climbed that big cargo net you see in the background, which was another triumph considering I’m afraid of heights. Well, not necessarily afraid of heights, but afraid of falling. Same difference here.

I crashed hard when I got home and went to bed earlier than my kids that night. As everyone had promised me, I went from “Okay, that’s over with and out of my system, don’t need to do that again anytime soon” to “Weeeeeelllllll, the Long Island course in November is probably flatter…” within, like, two days. So yeah, of course I eventually signed up. But I vow to get some new writing in between now and then!