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A Humble Brag and a Humble “I Kind of Suck”

Because balance is everything.

When last we left off, I was debating about whether or not to temporarily shelve Sonata for Springtime. (And, obviously, blogging about it instead of actually writing anything.) After some internal debate, I decided to keep plugging away at it. I did write maybe a third of a chapter or so, which isn’t all that much. I suck.

On the flip side, though, Fire Beyond the Frost is…dare I say it…doing well? It’s getting good ratings and even reviews and bookmarks at Amazon and Goodreads, at least. I won’t have hard numbers for a while since it came out at the beginning of the fourth quarter of the year, and I still don’t know how said numbers exactly work with the Kindle Unlimited program, but it looks pretty good from where I’m sitting? I guess? Relatively speaking, of course?

Ironically, FBtF had plenty of time sitting on the shelf before publication. To recap, I took a break somewhere in the middle to write Second Skin, and then after that, I left it alone for quite a few years until I edited it like crazy this past spring. Funny how a book I had serious confidence issues with is now getting attention. If nothing else, that should remind me that putting something to the side for a bit isn’t an automatic failure.

I’m now also wondering if I should really dig into this niche and write more lesbian romance. I mean, I don’t want to write lesbian characters just for the sake of writing them, but if it seems to be working for me, maybe I should go with it for a while? In my last post, I also mentioned wanting to go back to my sci-fi roots, and how there’s another idea that’s been simmering in second place for a while. After mulling it over for a bit, I think it could really work if the main characters are two badass women who happen to fall in love by the end, rather than a man and a woman. And I think we’re all in agreement that no matter what else is going on, we all need some more badass women in our lives.

Judging by the amount of question marks in this post, I’m clearly going through a bout of indecision and insecurity. For now, though, I think I do need to move on to something else and see if new! flashy! F/F! sci-fi! gives me the boost I need. And even if it doesn’t work out at first, I just need to remember it may work out in the end anyway if I need to put it away and go back to it later on.