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Some bandwagons I jump on. (Though I still haven’t seen “Tiger King.” But maybe soon.) Everyone else seemed to be giving their sites/blogs/whatever makeovers, and I figured it was time to do some updating here as well. Quite a bit of the previous version was a lot of placeholders and “eh, good enough,” but I think this is much more reflective of my personal aesthetic. Whatever that may be.

I’ve been futzing around with the header for a while and I’m still mulling it over. I may still tweak it a bit, but it’ll be close to what’s up now. (Or I may stick with my usual “eh, good enough.”)

I also debated for quite a while about whether to keep the dark text on a light background or make the switch to the reverse. Ultimately, I like the light-on-dark better, but it became apparent that that affects the legibility of some past posts, as I manually changed the text color for things like blurbs and excerpts. As of right now, I’m going to make that sacrifice, but who knows—I may just eventually get bored enough that I go back through and fix it.

Everything else is basically the same, and of course, there’s a new sidebar over there. I’ll probably play around with it a little more here and there, but for now, I like it, and I hope you do too!