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Racing Toward the Finish (or, Link Party!, Part the Next)

Hello, my lovelies! I hope this winter holiday season is treating you well, or whatever 2020’s version of well is. As we race toward the end of this year, I’ve been racing toward the end of my work-in-progress, Elemental Forces. Even without having gotten to the very end yet, it’s the longest thing I’ve written by a wide margin since the kids were born 5.5 years ago, so that’s exciting. I don’t want to jinx anything or invite more misfortune into this year, especially after what happened the last time I did that, but I will say that I think I will hit my goal of finishing up the main writing of this book by the end of the year. (Will I get it fully edited and ready to be shipped off by then? Ehhh, let’s not push it.)

Since I’ve been working like crazy on the book, I don’t have an interesting blog post ready to go. But it’s been a while since I last posted, and I do have an assortment of fun links and promises of more in the future. I’ll drop these here for now to hold you over, and if I don’t manage to check in before then, enjoy the rest of your holiday season and Happy New Year!

Blazing Justice at The TBR Pile – As the name might indicate, the reviewers over at The TBR Pile have been busy busy busy this season, but they finally got to Blazing Justice and loved it! Their 5-star review of it means it’ll be entered into their Book of the Month contest at the end of December, which I will absolutely keep you posted on. (Now would be a good time to follow me on Twitter if you haven’t already done so, as I’ve been hanging out there a lot this pandemic.)

In January, The TBR Pile will also have a feature on Hunting Astrid, complete with a real blog post I wrote. As always, stay tuned for further details!

Speaking of Hunting Astrid….

Best Lesfic Reviews – I get nervous about submitting to review sites, because of course I want people to read and review my books, but they’re not obligated to love my every word, and I know I’m not supposed to interact with reviews anyway, and so on. Best Lesfic Reviews is critical yet fair, so I was especially nervous here, and then pleased with the outcome. Again, I know I’m not supposed to interact with the reviews/reviewer, but I did wind up having a nice conversation with her via email, and it was fun to get her ideas for future installments. (Oh, did I mention my editor suggested this could have series potential? YIKES.)

Broome’s Books LGBTQ+ Book Reviews – Another great summary and review by another great person I’m glad to have met. And now my own to-read pile is getting longer and longer thanks to the rest of her site! Years ago, I dabbled with posting book reviews as part of my site here, and it is really hard to keep with everything, so I’m so appreciative of readers who take on this often thankless task.