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Tangled In His Possession – Available Now!


Woo-hoo! This year, I actually got my spooky season story out on time! (To be fair, last year wasn’t 100% my fault, but I’m going to enjoy this anyway.) Tangled In His Possession is my latest paranormal romance, and I love it so much, I have two different marketing pitches for it. Take your pick!

You know those TV movies where the uptight high-powered businesswoman has to move from the big city to a small town because of [whatever reason], but it’s all worth it because she finds love? It’s like that, but the love interest is possessed by a demon. Whoopsie.


Longtime readers and followers will know how much I love the game Dragon Age 2, especially the Hawke + Anders romance, which is most likely my most favorite video game romance EVER. So, is this technically a modern alternate universe retelling of part of one of my favorite games? …possibly. But hey, since I’m in charge here, it means I get to pick the ending. 

Blurb and excerpt time? Blurb and excerpt time. 


When her great-aunt dies, leaving The Yarn Barn in need of new management, Lucy Hawkins jumps at the opportunity to quit her stressful sales job. She moves to the quaint tourist town of Willow Vale, ready for a fresh start when she takes over the business. While introducing herself to her new neighbors, she meets Zeke, the owner of the occult shop next door. Friendly yet reserved, Zeke piques her interest, but he turns down her suggestion of a date.

Late one night, a frightening incident causes Zeke to reveal why he doesn’t want to risk getting too close to Lucy: he is possessed by a demon, an evil spirit that killed his grandfather several years earlier. Though he has been able to prevent it from harming anyone else since, he agonizes over what could happen if he loses control. Despite his worries, Lucy persists, and ultimately persuades him to allow her to provide the companionship he’s been too afraid to seek out.

They embark on a romantic relationship, with Zeke becoming the doting, compassionate partner Lucy has always dreamed of. The demon within him, however, remains a lingering concern, especially when it comes to intimacy and his fear for her safety. After a traumatic outburst, he vows to rid the world of the malicious force, even if it costs him his life. Lucy accepts his choice, but there’s one thing she needs from him before he carries out his plan. Can she convince Zeke to share every part of himself with her, demons and all?



“I convinced myself it would be a mistake. Even last night, after I told you my darkest secrets, I believed it would be better if we avoided each other.” His knuckles whitened on the countertop. “But when you touched me, the first time anyone’s touched me in years, I surrendered for a few blissful moments. Which was also a mistake, as I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.”

She sensed an opening. “I could do it again, if you’d like.”

A faint groan rumbled from his throat.

Shifting to the side, Lucy reached over and rested her hand atop his. His skin was warm beneath her palm, and she entwined their fingers together.

His eyes closed as he swallowed. “Why do I find it impossible to resist you?”

“Because I made a career out of being very persuasive.” Her grip on him tightened. “Deep down, you know I’m right. You can’t spend the rest of your life pushing people away.”

Zeke swiveled toward her, his hand slipping out of hers. “You really are stubborn.”


“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

She refused to back down, tilting her head to stare into his chocolate-brown eyes instead. “I think I know what I can and can’t handle.”

Indecision washed over his face and he turned away from her. With the faintest of touches, she used her fingertips to guide his head back in her direction. Electricity sparked between them as she drew her thumb across his cheek, memorizing the rough feel of his stubble and enjoying the shudder she elicited. He leaned into her cupped palm, his hot breath floating over her wrist as he pressed his lips to her skin.

Need consumed her, both her desire to explore more of him and her wish to erase some of his anguish. “Let me be closer to you, Zeke,” she murmured. “It’s okay to give in.”

The intensity with which he kissed her caught her off-guard, ripping the air from her lungs. She recovered quickly, though, and planted her free hand on the other side of his face as his tongue plunged between her parted lips. The ends of her fingers threaded through the silky strands of his hair as she kissed him back with fervor, enthralled by the taste of his soft lips. His arms snaked around her waist, holding her tight.

He drew back far too soon, and she whimpered at the loss of contact. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said, his voice strained and unsteady.

“Too late.” Lucy steered his mouth back to hers and delivered a teasing nibble to his lower lip. “We already are.”

Tangled In His Possession is available in paperback and on Kindle Unlimited!