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Always Moving Forward

[insert standard “oh my goodness, can you believe it’s November already??” here]

Now that that’s out of the way, I figured it was as good of a time as any to write an actual blog post, which I haven’t done in a while. All my scheduled 2023 releases are now out in the world, but I’m still writing and prepping for 2024. There are a lot of fun and exciting things coming up in the next year and beyond!

First, you may have already noticed the new logo and header here! I decided it was time to make my branding more consistent (whatever my “branding” is, anyway) and went back to Emily’s World of Design for a kick-ass logo. I am madly in love with this and am currently in the process of sticking it on stuff. That’s a highly technical term, by the way.

“How can I get one of those nifty bookmarks?” you may be asking. Another fun recent project was creating an Etsy shop to streamline my process for selling signed copies of my paperbacks. I may eventually make a listing for the bookmarks alone, but for now, I’m just sticking one into every book I sell, so hop on over to TheaLandenBooks and take a look! You definitely want a signed book to go along with it anyway, right?

The last bit of exciting news that sort of ties into the previous two: Since I’ve been releasing more books in paperback, I thought it might be fun to start investigating book fairs and author signings and other in-person events. As of right this second, my first scheduled appearance is in Fall 2024, and some of them book waaaay in advance, so I have some scheduled for 2025 already! I probably should make a new tab here for listing these events so, uh, keep an eye out for that.

(Revamping this entire website is also on my to-do list…)