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Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

So I swore that for 2023, I would get my “year in review” post done by the end of December…and then it didn’t happen. Oops. Sorry. But, to be fair, a LOT happened and even more new and exciting things are in the works for 2024! First, the recap: 2023 was the year of eight […]

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Always Moving Forward

[insert standard “oh my goodness, can you believe it’s November already??” here] Now that that’s out of the way, I figured it was as good of a time as any to write an actual blog post, which I haven’t done in a while. All my scheduled 2023 releases are now out in the world, but […]

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Tangled In His Possession – Available Now!

  Woo-hoo! This year, I actually got my spooky season story out on time! (To be fair, last year wasn’t 100% my fault, but I’m going to enjoy this anyway.) Tangled In His Possession is my latest paranormal romance, and I love it so much, I have two different marketing pitches for it. Take your […]

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Train Hard, Rest Harder – Available Now!

  So, I finally did it. I finally wrote some gym-themed smut! And I had such a good time writing it, the whole process went FAST, and I didn’t have an opportunity to blog about it. Whoops. It’s funny – while I originally set out to write something on the lighter side, something interesting happened. […]

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Chasing the Skies and Conquering the Skies – Available Now!

  IT IS DONE. I started my blog post of July 13, 2022, with that same exact sentence. (Yes, I actually looked something up!) A smidge over a year ago, I had finished up the actual writing of the Searching the Skies series and sent it off. Now, after editing and cover design and whatnot, […]

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Sonata for Springtime and Surrendering the Skies – Available Now!

  Phew! June was such a busy month with THREE book releases, I forgot to post here about the second two. (But you’re all subscribed to my newsletter and following me on social media, so you knew about them, right? Right??) At least I remembered to update all my tabs and buy links here, so […]

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Defying the Skies – Available Now!

  Whoops, I’m a couple days late, but Defying the Skies, Book 2 of the Searching the Skies series, has been released! This is also a re-release, but I’ll post a short blurb and excerpt for a refresher. Before I do that, though, here’s the schedule for the rest of the series. The remaining three […]

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Searching the Skies – Available Now!

  My very first book baby has gotten a makeover and is back out in the world. *dabs tears* Searching the Skies was originally published on January 26, 2012, which is a LONG time ago. That even predates this website, as I had absolutely no idea what I was doing back then. (Not like I […]

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Write, Write, Write Some More…and then Keep Writing

This past Wednesday was the 11-year anniversary of this blog/site, which is kind of crazy to think about. I definitely had no idea what I was doing back then (not that I have much of a better idea now), and while there have been times when I was only posting here sporadically, I do love […]

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No Rest for the Wicked

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve started repeating blog post titles. Then I remember I’m coming up on the 11-year anniversary (!!!) of this site and I’ve decided not to let it bother me. Okay, so! As of my last post about a month ago, I’d finished writing a book that had taken me on quite […]

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