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Life Imitating Art

This past Saturday was my birthday. I’m now 34 years old, so pretty firmly into adulthood by now. It sounds stupid, but sometimes I forget that being a responsible independent adult has its perks. Like, I’ll think, “Oh, I wish I could (do whatever thing)” and then remember hey, wait a minute, I can! A […]

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Lazy Summers

I know today is the first official day of summer, but we’ve already had quite a few hot days up here in New York. (And just think, not long ago we were complaining about the brutal winter! We’re all so predictable.) I’ve been plugging away on the WIP, but after a good start, I’ve lost […]

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Promo – A Thorned Rose in the Sand, by Lea Bronsen

 It looks like the summer weather is here to stay in New York (right after we were complaining about it being so cold for so long, of course). To heat things up this Memorial Day Weekend, Lea Bronsen has a new release out, set in the Sahara Desert. There’s sand, motorcycles, camels, and plenty of […]

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Closing Montage – Coming Soon!

I’m excited to announce I just signed the contracts for Closing Montage, another contribution to the 1Night Stand series. This one’s a short one, though I managed to pack a lot into those ~16,000 words. The 1NS series doesn’t allow for direct sequels, but there’s a brief reference to Elysium in the first chapter, and […]

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Going Back to the Same Well

As my old series Trope-tastic Thursdays indicated, tropes are not a bad thing. We all use them, whether we’re aware of them or not. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say there are some tropes I like better than others, and some themes or character types keep popping up. I’m on Chapter 3 of […]

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Stop Overthinking Things

A couple months ago, writing/blogging buddy Krystal Jane posted a graphic depicting a (real) conversation between Stephen King and George R. R. Martin. Save yourself a Google and go here to read her post. If you scroll down to read the comments, you’ll see me lamenting my similarities to Martin and swearing to be more […]

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New Things For Spring

(almost nailed the rhyming title, but not quite) Lately, it seems that all of my creative-minded friends have been talking about what new project they want to embark on. I would say something poignant and poetic about it having to do with the time of year, with spring just around the corner, and everything waking […]

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Just Pacing, No Racing

Since I last checked in 20 days ago, I did, in fact, finish the novella-in-progress. I’m wrapping up proofing/editing now, and then I’ll write the %#$&-ing blurbs, and then I guess it’s ready to ship off. Yay. As I mentioned in my last post, I’m not 100% thrilled with the pacing in parts. It is […]

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Racing and Pacing

I’ve finally arrived at the final chapter of my novella-in-progress (okay, there’s going to be a little epilogue, too), and as always, I’m sprinting toward the finish line. I don’t know what it is about endings that gets me to write faster. Maybe it’s because since I write in order, I’ve been thinking about the […]

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Happy New Year! (Also, Let’s Talk About Word Count, Part the Next)

Happy January! I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start! I was so determined to kick off the new year with good writing habits…eh. It’s been all right. I’ve gotten a chapter done in this first half of the first month, but it’s not like it’s the longest chapter ever. So […]

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