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Cover Reveal – Seductive Suspect

We had a couple hiccups along the way, but the cover for Seductive Suspect is finally ready for the world to see! If this doesn’t scream “sexy mystery”, I don’t know what does. I mean, really. Though we haven’t solidified an official release date yet, the book goes up for pre-order at the end of […]

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So Much For Relaxing During the Summer

First off, I just got the mock-up for the Seductive Suspect cover, and as always, it’s fantastic. It’s not completely finished, so I can’t share it yet, but I can’t wait until it’s ready! That exciting email with the cover stuff might just motivate me to write soon. So far this summer has been CRAZY, […]

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Off to a Good Start…Or a Terrible Start…Okay, Some Kind of Start

I’m never one to pass up jumping on a good bandwagon. Writing/blogging buddies Krystal and Michelle recently made great posts about going back to their old writing projects and critiquing their opening lines. They were a ton of fun to read, and I also never shy away from self-deprecating humor, so I figured I’d have […]

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Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition….

Hey, a post that’s actually about writing! Or something close to it, anyway. Though I haven’t actually written anything lately, I did just finish the first round of edits on Seductive Suspect. When doing my own proofing/editing before submitting a manuscript, I have my list of words I check for to make sure I haven’t […]

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Women and Storytelling (and TV, I suppose)

There’s not much to report on the writing front over here, and then when I decided to check in and write a blog post anyway, I was having issues with Blogger loading. I know, excuses, excuses. So I figured I might as well grab some of my tags to use as a title and ramble […]

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Nothing to See Here!

No, really, not much to see here. I finished Mass Effect: Andromeda, and it was very good; while I will replay it soon, I haven’t felt the burning need to start over again yet. I’ve also been reading for a change, and paying attention to my neglected knitting. Edits haven’t started yet for Seductive Suspect, […]

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Setting the Pace

As promised, here are some spoiler-free thoughts on Mass Effect: Andromeda. The game’s been out for almost a month and I’m not finished with it yet (how’s that for pacing?), and I’m really not sure how much I have left to go. Based on the level requirements to unlock certain things, I think there’s still […]

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Spring into Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway!

Spring is here! What better time to share our favorite reads for the season? Join in and tell everyone about what new reads you’re excited about! For my stop on the hop, I’m giving away an e-copy of Elysium. The book takes place in the spring, and for good reason—themes include new beginnings, taking a […]

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Seductive Suspect – Coming Soon!

One little revision later, and the paperwork’s all done for Seductive Suspect! Watch this space in the future for more details like the cover, the release date, and other fun things. For now, have a blurb, which might change since I’m still terrible at writing them*: When Veronica Campbell agrees to take her sister’s place […]

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Promo – Fiery 10-16, by Lea Bronsen

I’m taking a short break from playing Mass Effect: Andromeda (more on that soon, just know that it’s GOOOOOD) to bring you a hot Hot HOT new release from Lea Bronsen. Seriously, there’s plenty of fire and heat in Fiery 10-16, a dark romantic suspense. Keep reading for the blurb and featured excerpt! Blurb: Runo […]

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