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Everything is In Order

While I didn’t hit my original deadline of finishing up Seductive Suspect by the end of February, I did get it done before the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda next week. We’ll put that in the win column! So that’s all taken care of, and I have another ten days to loaf around (and maybe […]

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Cover Reveal – No Rest for the Wicked, by Krystal Jane Ruin

Today we have some exciting news! Long-time writing buddy and fellow author Krystal Jane Ruin has a new book coming out later in the spring, and I am THRILLED to be participating in her cover reveal. As well we all should be, because that’s a pretty badass cover, right? Ogle it for a few more […]

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These Things Happen

I don’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned it here before, but I suffer from chronic illness. Well, “suffer” probably isn’t the best word – I was diagnosed nearly 20 years ago (eep!), and there’s definitely been a ton of ups and downs. Lately I’ve been in one of those valleys, which resulted in a five-day […]

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Valentine’s Day Giveaway!

Well, February totally snuck up on me. It’s hard to believe the first month of the year is over already! There’s snow over here on the ground, so let’s think warm thoughts and prepare for Valentine’s Day with some free stuff! Follow the directions below, and then keep scrolling for my own giveaway – a […]

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Promo – The Boss of Me, by Merryn Dexter

Time for another 1 Night Stand! Merryn Dexter’s latest contribution to the ongoing series, The Boss of Me, comes out today. Ogle her spectacular cover for a few more moments, and then read on for an exciting excerpt! Blurb:Dear Madame Evangeline…Lou Jones loves her job, but she can’t ignore the attraction she feels for her […]

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Forging Ahead Into the New Year

Happy New Year! Okay, I’m a couple weeks behind. I’ll be honest – while I do love the holiday season and it’s one of my favorite times of the year, part of me is really glad to be settling back into our usual routine. I was a creature of habit even before having kids, and […]

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Happy Holidays!

I got to check a lot of things off my to-do list today, so I figured I might as well add blogging. Like many other people at this time of year, I’ve been chugging along non-stop lately. Being sick all last week (as in, barely able to get out of bed) and then some unexpected […]

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Promo – Dressing Lily, by Siobhan Shannon

The weather’s finally getting colder here, so for a change of pace, let’s heat things up with a lesbian romance! I’m hosting Siobhan Shannon today, who’s super excited to be promoting her new book. Let’s take a look! Blurb:If life is a game, Olivia Lyons wishes someone would let her in on the rules. From […]

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Evil Or Not?

I had the idea for this blog post bouncing around for a while, and then Tuesday happened. I’m not going to spend time on politics here for various reasons, but let’s just say that I have been very tired this week, and a lot of my computer time was spent zoning out to mindless stuff. […]

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The Attack of the 14 Nights of Halloween Hop (and Giveaway!)

October is a busy time for blog hops! This time we’re all talking about our favorite spooky movies and books in preparation for Halloween on the 31st. I’m glad that’s the topic, and I will neither confirm nor deny already having eaten a bunch of Halloween candy…. ANYWAY! I’m not really a big fan of […]

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