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Fall into Romance Giveaway Hop

After a hot and humid summer (that stretched well into September and even a bit of October), I’m thrilled to finally surround myself with sweaters and soup and other fall things that don’t necessarily begin with S. And at the risk of sounding like a stereotype, I do enjoy pumpkin spice. To celebrate, I’m participating […]

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As Seen on TV (or Movies, I Suppose)

Whoopsies, a month went by without a post. I fell into another black hole of work at the day job, and only managed to climb back out about a week or so ago. Also, due to part of that, I managed to wind up on the local news. Again. At least this time I had […]

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Whoops, it’s been almost a month since my last post. I’ll be totally honest here – I did very little writing this summer. There are various reasons/excuses, but since I can’t go back in time and change things, I’m trying not to beat myself up too much over it. For most of my past books, […]

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Things I Love This Summer

This post admittedly has little to do with writing, but I figure things that make me happy can lead to being in a good frame of mind to get some writing done. Also, all of these came to me as recommendations from other people, so I might as well pass them along! “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” – […]

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Out of Orbit Interview (and Giveaway!)

It’s August, and I promised exciting Out of Orbit-related things! For the entire month, my featured interview will be up at The Romance Reviews. In addition to some excerpts and fun behind-the-scenes details, there’s also a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card! So pop on over and leave a comment to enter!

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Promo – Submissive on the Run, by Tara Quan

Time for another 1Night Stand! (I’ll never get tired of this series, both reading and writing!) Today, Tara Quan takes us to the Carnivore Club for some naughty activities. She’s also giving away a $15 gift card, so don’t forget to leave a comment here and enter via the Rafflecopter. Enjoy! Blurb:Obscene wealth and a […]

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Interpersonal Relationships

In between working on promotion stuff for Out of Orbit (watch out for cool stuff in August!), I’m slowly but surely plugging away on Seductive Suspect. It’s still too early for a really good estimate, but if I had to guess, said estimate would be I’m somewhere between a quarter and a third done. Probably […]

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Out of Orbit – Release Day!

It’s officially here! Though it’s been available for pre-order since July 1st, now you can get Out of Orbit right now without having to wait! Also, stay tuned for some exciting OoO-themed events! Blurb: Following an explosive space battle, Captain Jasmine Hale’s escape pod crash lands on an unknown planet. She communicates with some of […]

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Promo – Hunger Moon, by Merryn Dexter

We’re busy little book bees over at Decadent lately! Today I’m shining the spotlight on fellow author Merryn Dexter, whose steamy new book, Hunger Moon, released yesterday. Enjoy the delicious cover, and check out the blurb and excerpt! Blurb: A Charming MaskTroy Lansing, envoy to the Brighton Pack has one mission – to find out […]

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Promo – Rocking the CEO, by Catherine Peace

I love the 1Night Stand series, both reading and writing for it! Catherine Peace’s latest installment, Rocking the CEO, is out today – be sure to check out her amazing cover, blurb, and excerpt! Blurb: This last year of Joss Richards’ life has changed for the better—or so she thinks. A new band, a new […]

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