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Vacations and Links and Whatnot

Happy 4th of July! I’m on vacation this week and might actually be getting the chance to relax for a bit. (Turns out traveling and vacationing with two toddlers is more fun and less demanding than doing so with two infants, which is what we did last year.) I’ve been reading and knitting, and there’s […]

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Out of Orbit Update

Mark your calendars! As of now, Out of Orbit is set to release on July 15th, though it’ll be available for pre-order on July 1st. (Meaning I need to get my butt in gear for scheduling promotions and stuff.) Also, one of my editors and I reworked the blurb to tighten it up and not […]

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Cover Reveal – Out of Orbit

How awesome is this? Like, seriously? I love this cover sooooo much. I didn’t really have any sort of mental image of what the cover could look like going in, and this is so much better than anything I could have come up with. It’s the perfect blend of “space adventure!” and “people are gonna […]

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Outside the Comfort Zone (or, Revealing the Mystery)

So I’ve been hinting at my new project in the past couple posts, and it’s time to come clean. I’ve been dodgy because this is something new for me, and I’m determined to make it work. I’m about 5K words in (and I have a great outline, for reasons I’ll talk about below), and so […]

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The Name Game, Part 4

Here we are at the final installment (for now!) of this name-related discussion. It was delayed slightly by a nasty eye infection I’ve been battling for two weeks (boo!) and the first round of edits for Out of Orbit (yay!), but I’m back and in blogging action. But I will blame any typos on my […]

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The Name Game, Part 3

Next up in this series – the meaning of characters’ names. Right off the bat, I’ll start by saying that though I’m a bit of a name nerd, I don’t make myself nuts when it comes to the origin and meaning of names. I didn’t even really care about that when it came to naming […]

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The Name Game, Part 2

I’m knocking out the next installment in this series because I just got a big, obnoxious assignment at work that is going to suck up a lot of time and energy for the next week, so I’m using the rest of tonight to pretend it doesn’t exist. (But it should pay reasonably well, so silver […]

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The Name Game, Part 1

Since I got the contract for Out of Orbit sooner than expected, my writing fingers are already starting to get itchy. I read the two books I wanted to read, and for whatever reason, video games are not calling to me right now, so I’ve already started outlining for my next WIP. I’ll go into […]

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Out of Orbit – Coming Soon!

Well, that happened faster than I expected. A lot faster, actually. Either way, I signed the contract for Out of Orbit, so at least I won’t be jumping out of my seat every time I hear the email alert on my phone. Details about a cover, release date, etc., will be forthcoming, so stay tuned! […]

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Crossing the Finish Line

(Just a reminder – the Smexy Romance Blog Hop and Giveaway is still going on, so if you haven’t entered yet, don’t miss out!) Moving on…. I made it! With a couple days to spare! I finished writing Out of Orbit on Saturday night, so before my self-imposed deadline of the end of the month. […]

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