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Quick Update

Flight of the Dragon Queen is set to release on January 18th. This time around, I was actually on top of my game and exercised good communication skills, so a month-long blog tour also kicks off on the same day! The cover isn’t 100% done yet, but I saw the first mock-up and it’s pretty […]

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Promo – Seducing the Darkness, Book 1, by Shiela Stewart

Today on the blog, we’re sidestepping over just a bit from sci-fi and fantasy to bring you some paranormal romance! Readers love vampires, and this excerpt from Shiela Stewart’s Seducing the Darkness doesn’t disappoint. Snap this one up quickly, because Book 2 is on its way! Blurb: An outcast by her kind, Trinity Ford has […]

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Almost a month since my last post? How’d that happen? At least I can report that Out of Orbit is underway. I’m not going to lie and say I have an astronomical word count I can brag about, but it’s coming along. Really. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done serious sci-fi and the […]

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That Expected Post About Title Woes

First, a friendly PSA: There is a nasty strain of strep going around, which is resistant to some antibiotics. ASK ME HOW I KNOW. Also, I never, ever had a sore throat with it; I just thought I had a bad cold that wasn’t going away, and I didn’t seek medical attention until it had […]

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Ducks in a Row

It’s that time. My writing fingers are getting itchy and I think I’m ready to start a new project. It’s an exciting moment – opening up MS Word, seeing that beautiful blank page, and going to “Save As”. But am I really ready? I don’t have a formal checklist of tasks I need to complete […]

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Guest Post and Giveaway! – Love for Sale, by Linda Nightingale

Today we’ve got a really great guest post and giveaway by Linda Nightingale. She’s here to talk about Japanese lifelike robots and how they relate to her new book, Love for Sale. We all know how much I love my android/cyborg romances, so I’m thrilled to be hosting her here. And! Plus! Also! Linda is […]

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Book Tour for The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions

The book tour for The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions kicks off today! I’ll be commenting and tweeting and sharing and whatnot, but here’s the schedule so you can follow along as well for some new excerpts and fun interviews. (Don’t be shy about showing some love to the generous tour hosts!) September 14th: Starter […]

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Meet the Team – Ro Bernard

Last one! And my favorite, of course! (from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions) Name: Ro Bernard Role: The Leader Country of Origin: Palavia Known associates/affiliations: Former member of The Midnight Scorpions Greatest accomplishment: Winning a training tournament with other new recruits at the time of her initiation, despite being younger and smaller than most […]

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Promo/Guest Post – Aquarius Rising Book 2: Blood Tide, by Brian Burt

Today we’re in for a real special treat! Award-winning author Brian Burt is here to talk about a new sub-genre of sci-fi, “cli-fi” (or, “climate fiction”). Since the first book in his series, Aquarius Rising: In the Tears of God, won the 2014 EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction, I’m pretty sure he knows his […]

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Meet the Team – Reggie Quinn

(from The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions) Name: Reggie Quinn Role: The Muscle Country of Origin: Charytar Known associates/affiliations: Occasional patient of Dr. Cassels; cousin to Ted Quinn Greatest accomplishment: Leaving home and becoming completely self-sufficient at age 15 Biggest fear: Dying alone Additional information: There are a number of allusions (some made by Reggie […]

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