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IT IS DONE. Sorry, we all know I can’t help being dramatic whenever I finish a writing project. (Or at any time, really.) The writing, the editing, the fucking blurb…I am DONE with Sonata for Springtime and have shipped it off to one of my publishers for their consideration. Phew! This journey was a long […]

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January = Time to Write!

I’m way too busy and/or lazy to go back and check, but I’m pretty sure I usually write a blog post around this time of year about having a fresh burst of writing energy. The holiday season doesn’t leave much time for writing, despite usually having some days off. This past December in particular was […]

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Adventures in Social Media

So there’s been all sorts of noise lately about the future of Twitter. I still have no idea what’s going to happen there, but, like many other people, I’ve been trying to work out some backup plans. Twitter is probably my biggest marketing tool at this point, not to mention I’ve met some awesome people […]

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The Deeper We Go – Available Now!

Halloween may be over, but it’s still shapeshifter season! Okay, honestly, I was trying to get this one out before Halloween, but I ran into some hiccups with That Giant Ebook Retailer for the first time (which I’ll detail in an upcoming post). Everything worked out in the end, though, and since this isn’t specifically […]

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Off the Shelf

Firstly, the release schedule for the Searching the Skies series is still being finalized, but I promise I will let you know when I have details! Okay, so. Summer has ended, the kids are back in school (thank GOD), and we’re all returning to reality after some great vacations. I held firm and did not […]

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Finally Finished Up That Marathon

IT IS DONE. Conquering the Skies, the fifth and final book of the Searching the Skies/Geneva Greyson series is finally finished. I have bundled it up and sent it off; receipt has been confirmed, and now I’m waiting for details on a release schedule. While it’s been a fun ride, I won’t lie and claim […]

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Awards Season

I’m thrilled to announce that Disintegration has won the silver medal for erotica in this year’s Independent Publisher Book Awards! (aka the IPPYs) This has been a long journey, one that’s been well-documented on this blog, and if nothing else, regardless of how long I’ve been doing this, I’m still learning a lot about promotion […]

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The Home Stretch (of what feels like a marathon)

The release of A Flame Among the Stars went swimmingly, which is always a good thing. Reviews are popping up on Amazon and Goodreads, and they’re largely favorable. As of right this second, I don’t have any additional promotional events coming up, but that can always change! As the saying goes, however, there is no […]

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A Flame Among the Stars – Available Now!

Oops, I’m late with updating again. Bad Thea. *slaps wrist* (Though I guess I’ll take this opportunity to remind you to follow me on Twitter and sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already, as that’s what I’ve been focusing on lately!) A Flame Among the Stars is now available in paperback and Kindle […]

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From 2021 to 2022

Hey, I’m only a week late with my “year in review” post! 2021 was a busy year writing-wise and 2022 looks like it’s going to be the same. Let’s recap what happened and what’s coming up! 2021: The big event of this year was re-releasing the Disintegration series. New edits, new formatting, new (awesome!) cover […]

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