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Take Notes, This is How It’s Done

Dragon Age: Inquisition arrived at my house almost two weeks ago, and I’ve been playing it non-stop since then. (The game is MASSIVE, and I know I still have a ways to go. At least I’m getting my money’s worth! Writing can wait.) I’ll reserve my final judgment for when I finish my first playthrough, […]

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My Mind is Everywhere Except this Blog

This is just a quick check-in so I can stop feeling guilty about the “last post” date whenever I sign in to Blogger. Writing has totally taken a backseat to other life goings-on…actually, not even a backseat. Writing isn’t even in the same vehicle. Everything’s fine, there’s just a lot of STUFF going on in […]

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3 Reasons to Write a 1-Night Stand – Guest Post by Tara Quan

Halloween is just around the corner, and I’m thrilled to be hosting fellow Decadent Author Tara Quan today as she promotes her brand new book, Flirting With Fire! This time around, witches and warlocks turn to Madame Eve’s services for an unforgettable night. Tara’s here to talk about why the 1NS books are so much […]

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I did the unthinkable recently. Really, I don’t know how I survived. It’s a miracle. I went away on a week-long family reunion…and had no internet access. Gasp. Shock. Horror. (Okay, to be honest, I had my phone, but I — unlike some other people there — didn’t want to spend hours a day on […]

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It’s a Quiet Thing

I’ve mentioned a couple times here and there that I used to be a teacher. My husband is still a teacher. His mother is a teacher. His cousin and his wife are teachers. My mother is a retired teacher, as well as her best friend/my godmother, and one of my aunts. And since I used […]

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Elysium (or, My Sudden Bout of Shyness)

So I signed another contract this week. It’s for another novella for the 1Night Stand series, titled Elysium. I started work on it right after I finished The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions and blazed through all 20K words of it in about a month. Truthfully, I’m not quite sure why I didn’t blog about […]

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It’s been said for a while that there are no truly original ideas anymore. Which, well, maybe. I haven’t decided whether I agree or disagree with that, but I subscribe to the concept that it’s all about how you spin an idea and make it your own, and not whether the core ideas are similar […]

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Cross Post: The Name of the Person Sharing Your Bed

I’m over at the 1Night Stand blog today talking about the inspiration for Second Skin. Well, truthfully, I’m talking more about my love for Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, but I promise the two are related! Go check it out, and I’ll be back here in a few days with a new, fresh, shiny […]

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It’s Only Words

It took some time, but I seem to have finally gotten some writing mojo back. I finished up the first draft for a short story I plan on submitting to an anthology, and I’m starting to get super excited about the projects I intend to work on next. Writing for anthologies is always an interesting […]

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Promo – Intergalactic Heat, by Jessica E. Subject

My fellow Decadent Publishing author and sci-fi romance enthusiast Jessica E. Subject is celebrating the release of a compilation of some of her 1Night Stand stories! I’m thrilled to be able to share an exciting excerpt over here (not to mention excited about the release itself) – be sure to check it out! INTERGALACTIC HEAT […]

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