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$0.99 Sale

I’ll update with an actual post sometime soon, I promise, but for now, I just need to mention that Second Skin is on sale for $0.99 at Amazon! The sale will end in a couple days, so don’t miss out!

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The Slow Burn

In trying to keep up with the day job, hitting the promo trail for Second Skin, and doing the final edits before submitting The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions, I seem to have neglected this blog. Oops! (But I haven’t neglected Facebook and Twitter as much, so I hope you’re following me there as well!) […]

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Follow Me!

I’m just popping in to say I’m hitting the promo trail for Second Skin and I have a bunch of guest appearances scheduled at the sites of some of my fabulous fellow authors. I’m not going to spam my own blog every day with links, so if you want to tag along on this adventure, […]

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Second Skin is Out Today!

It’s here! I’m still in love with this cover, and I like to pretend I look like this when I wear my sunglasses (let’s ignore my actual picture over there somewhere to the right…). I mused about this story for a bit over at the official 1 Night Stand blog, so be sure to check […]

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The End is In Sight

As of right now, Second Skin is set to release on Friday. Cross your fingers and mark it on your calendars! Nextly, it seems I have finally unearthed myself from the great big whopping pile of work I had. Of course it’s only a matter of time before things get crazy and I’m swamped again, […]

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Which End is Up?

No real post here today, just popping in to say that 1) I am still swamped with work and blogging’s definitely taking a backseat, and 2) the release of Second Skin has been pushed back a little bit, so if you were expecting it on Friday, sorry! I really wish I could share some of […]

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Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

It’s always so wonderful to log in to Blogger and see right at the top how long it’s been since my most recent blog post. Hahaha NOT. According to that lovely little header, it’s been over ten days since my last post, so I figured I might as well write about something. It wasn’t a […]

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There Are No Small Characters, Only Small People?

(Or something? Yeah, I screwed that title up.) Not every character in a story is going to have a starring role. One aspect of writing that’s frequently on my mind is how to flesh out the minor characters and bring them to life, ranging from the secondary characters who tag along with the main group […]

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When It’s Made Into a Movie, This Will Be the Soundtrack

I know a lot of people write to music. It makes sense – what better way to get yourself into a certain mood, or be inspired by someone else’s inspirational lyrics, and so on and so forth. “What do you write to?” seems to be a popular question every time writing comes up in a […]

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Team, Assemble!

The Disintegration sequel (aka The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions, which I should really start using more since I’ve yet to come up with a better title) is coming along swimmingly. So far, I’m really happy with the way everything’s been turning out and I’m excited for what’s yet to come. That doesn’t mean writing […]

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