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Winter Wonder Man Blog Hop!

Hop along to all the sites on the list! It’s blog hop time! (And don’t you just love the title of this one? I do!) We’ve had some crazy cold temperatures here in the northeast and though it’s been milder this week, we’re allegedly due for some more snow this weekend. I hope you’ve all […]

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Strong Women

I have plenty of thoughts about the topic that gives this post its title, enough that I may have to revisit it from time to time. I like to think as myself as a strong, competent, capable woman, and I like to read about the same. After all, don’t we try to identify with the […]

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Obligatory “Year in Review” Post

Happy 2014, everyone! I hope the new year is off to a fantastic start and that those of you who live in the same region as me are keeping warm. I haven’t gone back to work yet, but I’m about 90% certain that when I do, the first thing I hand in will still say […]

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Sneak Peek!

As I try to crawl out from beneath my mountain of work and try to ignore the fact that I am SO not prepared for Christmas yet, I figured I might as well toss up a quickie blog post. I don’t have a release date yet for Second Skin, my first novella for Decadent Publishing’s […]

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A Few Little Tweaks

If this is your first time clicking through in a while (which it probably is since I’ve been lazy when it comes to new posts), you’ve likely noticed that things look a little different around here. The new banner is an updated version of the artwork Boobulon did for me when I ordered some magnets […]

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Hot Autumn Nights Blog Hop!

It’s almost wintertime, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have one last celebration of racing through falling leaves before the weather gets too cold to venture outside. Autumn is a great time for romance, whether you’re strolling through a picturesque scene of reds and golds or curling up in front of a warm fireplace. Hop […]

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The Disintegration sequel (working title so I can make the label: The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions) is underway and the words are flying onto the page. I know I was hesitant to begin this one for a while, but all of my misgivings are gone. Despite having a touch of the flu (I could […]

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The Big Book of Orgasms Blog Tour! (with Giveaway!)

The Big Book of Orgasms has been out for about a month now, and so far the reception has been fantastic! I’m thrilled to be a contributor to this anthology, one of the 69 (hee hee hee) authors who packed a ton of action into a very short number of words. I won’t spend a […]

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In case you missed the facebook announcement and it’s not showing up at the top of your screen, I first need to point out that this site/blog is now finally under its own domain, woo hoo! is up and running, and hopefully will continue to be for a long time. Anyhoo! In my last […]

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Bedded Bliss Blog Tour!

Today on the blog I’m pleased to feature a new release from Cleis Press, Bedded Bliss: A Couple’s Guide to Lust Ever After, edited by Kristina Wright. It seems that so much of erotic literature available focuses on “the chase”, the building of tension, and then just stops when the happy couple hits the “happily […]

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