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I’m in that part of the cycle where while I’m still playing some Mass Effect (replaying as a different character, taking my time this time around), I’m doing some writing in my free time as well. I’ve just about worked the fanfic out of my system, so it’s almost time to start something new. The […]

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Sounds Like Falling in Love

Work is still work, and today I had to travel an hour away for my job. It wasn’t terrible, since there’s no traffic out in cow country, and the autumn leaves are rather nice.* It also helps that I don’t have to drive that distance for work every day. (*If my husband pronounces “foliage” as […]

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Ah, here’s that promised blog post a week later. Better late than never! So here’s what happened: Almost three weeks ago, I finally sat down to play Mass Effect 3. And it was amazing and addictive and I didn’t want to do anything else. I went to work, I fed myself on occasion, I pulled […]

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Sunday Snog (giveaway and fundraiser!)

I’ll write an actual post sometime soon about video games and romances and such (hint: I just finished crying my way through Mass Effect 3), but in the meantime, I’m participating in the 100th Sunday Snog! If you want to read about a ton of great kisses and enter a bunch of giveaways, be sure […]

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Defying the Skies Artwork!

Boobulon has done it again! I had an idea* for some artwork featuring the starring trio from the Skies series, and he accepted the commission. This is awesome and amazing and wonderful and I love it hard! Click for embiggening! If you’ve been following along on the DtS book tour (and if not, SHAME), this […]

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Defying the Skies Tour!

Follow the tour! What better way to celebrate a three-day weekend than with a blog tour! Check out all the sites that have been gracious enough to host me, leave them some friendly comments, and be sure to enter the giveaway! I’m giving away e-copies of Defying the Skies, the original Searching the Skies, plus […]

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Til Death Do Us (A)Part

It’s September 1st, the seasons are changing, and that’s as good of a time as any to start new things! A friend of mine, Elizabeth Lake, has kicked off her free online serial today, and I love it already. I’ll be honest – zombies aren’t totally my thing (though they’re super-trendy now), but the description/blurb […]

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Nothing Particularly Enlightening to See Here

So looking over at the blog stats and seeing that I haven’t done anything here since the 15th doesn’t feel too good. The new job got INSANE for about a week or two, and I really was doing little other than eating, sleeping, and working. It’s going well, so I can’t complain, but it is, […]

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Hot Summer Heroes Blog Hop!

It’s finally getting a little cooler here in the Northeast, but that doesn’t mean we can’t nudge the temperature back up with some hot summer heroes! No matter what your preferred flavor of hero is, you’re bound to find something you like in this blog hop! When I started the Searching the Skies series, I […]

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Back in Action!

I’ve been back in the country for almost a week, which means it’s been almost a week that I’ve been neglecting this blog. To be fair, I did have to catch up on the mountain of work that accumulated while I was gone, as well as try to stay on top of the work that […]

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