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Hump Day Hook, with Giveaway!

Not only is it everyone’s favorite day of the week, but all of us Hump Day Hook participants are hosting giveaways! Make sure you check out all the links this week, so you can be sure to shower yourself with gifts! Neither my latest release or my WIP have hot, summery scenes, so I’m going […]

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Cover Girl

Hey, a real blog post! As promised, it’s time to dissect the cover of Defying the Skies, and all the FEELINGS I had about it. To refresh your recollection: I’ll be totally honest here: My very first reaction was “…where are her pants?” (Okay, if we’re going for total honesty here, it was “GENEVA Y […]

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Hump Day Hook!

Wednesday, Hump Day…no matter what you call it, it’s everybody’s favorite day of the week! Defying the Skies is still new and shiny, so I’ll try to hook you again with some naughty thoughts from my very first sequel. As always, be sure to check out the other fantastic hooks! The idea intrigued her. “I […]

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Hump Day Hook!

It’s Wednesday! This week, I’ll be presenting a special Hump Day Hook to coincide with my latest release, Defying the Skies. Once you’re done reading the hook (and the other fabulous hooks this week), be sure to enter the giveaway, because I’m giving away two free e-copies! Marcus is missing and Geneva is pissed. Watch […]

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Defying the Skies Celebratory Giveaway!

Win this! Good morning, and happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. (And if you didn’t have the holiday weekend off, I hope you at least kept cool!) To help chase away the Monday blues, I’m giving away two free e-copies of Defying the Skies! Turn on your fans, grab a cool beverage, […]

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Defying the Skies Release!

What better way to celebrate the holiday weekend than with a brand new release? I’ll admit that when I first saw the cover, I had some mixed feelings about it, namely about Geneva’s…uh…lack of pants. Yeah. However, after I marinated on it for a little while, I’ve decided that this is pretty damn cool. Would […]

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Hump Day Hook!

Oh my goodness, is it Wednesday again already? Time certainly does fly when you’re working your ass off having fun. This week’s excerpt comes from my big WIP, my first major F/F project. Our lovely heroines, after spending much of the book in the middle of nowhere, treat themselves to an overnight trip/mini-vacation when they […]

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Time to Breathe

I usually don’t post too much of a personal nature on here. While obviously, this blog is in my own “voice” and there’s a lot of “me” in my writings (as with any author), for professional reasons, I do like to maintain some distance between day job-me and smut writing-me. And it’s that day job […]

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Hump Day Hook!

Happy Hump Day! I know I’ve been kind of slacking with the blogging lately, but every now and then, real life gets crazy busy. To help make it up to you, I’ll share a superfun longer excerpt from Defying the Skies (sequel to Searching the Skies), which will be released soon! Once you get your […]

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Hump Day Hook!

Okay, fine, you all win. I’ll give you a tiny bit of resolution for The Edge of the Sphere for this week’s Hump Day Hook. This is from the “interlude” between Parts Two and Three. (You might notice a trend with each section ending similarly.) Happy reading, and don’t forget to check out all the […]

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