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Book Tour, Review, and Giveaway! Being Amber (New Atlanta #1), by Sylvia Ryan

Follow the tour! Description: Both danger and sex are inescapable in the Amber Zone.  Jaci Harmon was born a Sapphire, but after she’s summoned to receive her final designation, the testing reveals she carries a gene slated for eradication. Within a day, she’s sterilized and dumped in the Amber Zone, where the damaged are corralled […]

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This is Not Trope-tastic Thursday

After thinking it over for a bit, I’ve decided that Trope-tastic Thursday is going on hiatus for the summer. It’s been a fun weekly feature, and it does help me feel like I’m not totally slacking off on the blogging, but one of my freelance writing jobs just started up again and my summer music […]

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Hump Day Hook!

Happy Hump Day! Last week I posted an excerpt from The Edge of the Sphere, the conclusion of Part One. The book isn’t totally linear, and there’s a lot going on simultaneously. This week, I’ll post the last couple bits of Part Two. Enjoy, and don’t forget to check out the other hooks this week! […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Author Avatar

Trope: Author Avatar Description: Not limited solely to books, the Author Avatar is a version of the creator of a work inserted into the work itself. This can work in a number of different ways. Sometimes the Author Avatar is the narrator, giving opinions on what’s going on in the story. Other times, he/she just […]

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Hump Day Hook!

It’s time for everyone’s favorite day of the week! I realized in flipping through past Hump Day Hooks and my labels/tags, I’d never dropped any hooks for The Edge of the Sphere in this weekly feature. Shame on me! Let me get on that right away! 😉 As always, don’t forget to read all the […]

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Book Tour & Giveaway! Donor, by Ambrielle Kirk

Follow the tour! It’s no secret by now that I love fantasy universes and anything that pushes the boundaries of the imagination. Today, I’m pleased to promote Donor (Dresdan Coven #1), by Ambrielle Kirk. Enjoy the excerpt, click through the links, follow the tour, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Audience Surrogate

Trope: Audience Surrogate (#3) Description: In this type of Audience Surrogate, the character is crafted so audience members can easily picture themselves in his/her place. Obviously, great writing (or film-making, or theater) is supposed to make us feel like we’re right there amidst the action, but this is a bit stronger than that. Sometimes it’s […]

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Hump Day Hook!

And here we are yet again! I just sent in the first round of edits for the upcoming Defying the Skies. As I went over the document one more time to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I was struck by how much this exchange resembled last week’s HDH! However, it’s pretty obvious that there […]

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[Working Title]

I’ve written about my title woes before. Even when I don’t have a title for the book I’m working on, I still need something by which to refer it when I’m talking with friends, other than “that book I’m working on”. And even when I do have a title, sometimes a snappier name comes up […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: The Watson

Trope: The Watson / Audience Surrogate #2* (*I was going to make this a three-part series, but I think Point of View has been discussed to death on writing blogs. Two parts it is! Don’t forget to pop in next week!) Description: The Watson serves as the voice of the audience, asking clarifying questions so […]

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