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Hump Day Hook!

So I finally got around to mentioning in my last post that Defying the Skies, the sequel to Searching the Skies, is set to come out in July (give or take a few weeks, as always). For this week’s HDH, let’s revisit Skies: Original Flava with Geneva and Ash! (Don’t forget to check out all […]

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This, That, and Other Things

With all the events that have been going on, as well as the weekly features I do/participate in, it’s been a while since I’ve actually written a typical blog post. In a perfect world, I’d sit down and organize my thoughts into a cohesive narrative…but I think we all know by now that our world […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Pretty Boy

And we’re back! Trope: Pretty Boy Description: While usually handsome in his own right, the Pretty Boy isn’t your rugged, muscular, lumberjack type. You know, the type that oozes testosterone with his every grunt. Pretty Boys are typically on the slender side (if not shorter than your average male), and have more dainty, delicate facial […]

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Hump Day Hook!

It’s that time again! Today we’ll revisit the first of the Disintegration prequels, available for free at Smashwords. Don’t forget to visit all the other authors after getting hooked here! She tilted her head back. His breath danced across her neck, and the scent of his skin wafted towards her nose. A combination of the […]

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Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop – Interview with Charley Descoteaux

Welcome to a stop on the Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop, where we’re showcasing erotica anderotic romance authors from the Absolute Write forums. Each day, interviews will be posted,and when it’s all said and done, some lucky commenter will win a huge prize! Click here for the entire blog schedule and details about the contents of […]

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Hump Day Hook!

(If you’re looking for the Caliente Blog Hop and its associated giveaways, scroll down or click here!) It’s Wednesday, and we all know what that means! This week’s hook comes from the third of the Disintegration prequels (which *cough cough* are FREE at Smashwords). After your attention span has recovered from this hook, don’t forget […]

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Caliente Blog Hop!

I don’t know where you’re geographically located, but the weather’s finally warming up where I am! Summer’s just around the corner, and it’s time to crank up the heat with the Caliente Blog Hop! Every blogger on the tour will be contributing a sizzling post and hosting a giveaway with some great prizes, so be […]

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Of Editing and Eyebrows, with Delena Silverfox

Today we’re in for a special treat! Author Delena Silverfox has dropped by to speak to us about the importance of having a professional editor look at your work. (I myself turned both the eyebrow maintenance and the editing over to those who know what they’re doing YEARS ago.) Editing is like eyebrow maintenance. Some […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette

Even though it’s not part of the main trio, I decided to throw in one more hair-related trope for fun before we move on! Trope: Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette Description: Not to be confused with the Brainy Brunette, the Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette has very dark (maybe even black) hair and never ever sports a tan. Not […]

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Hump Day Hook (with giveaway!)

Let’s see how good my hooking skills are this week! …wait. I should rephrase that. 😉 This hump day’s hook comes from Departure, available for free at Smashwords. Don’t forget to check out the hooks from the other authors listed on the main page! “Don’t get involved with a man who has kids! At your […]

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