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Trope-tastic Thursday: Fiery Redhead

You knew it was coming! Trope: Fiery Redhead Description: Unlike her softer-haired counterparts, the Fiery Redhead is as bold as her tresses. She’s outgoing and outspoken, with a strong personality that won’t let her back down from anything. You do not want to make an enemy out of the Fiery Redhead. She’s got a bigger […]

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Hump Day Hook

I’m trying out a new blogging event – Hump Day Hook! Let’s see how well I can “hook” your attention on Wednesdays. A new feature should involve a new project, right? This little excerpt comes from my current WIP, in which I’m *ahem* trying some new things. Sari leaned over her and stood on her […]

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Callum and Ro

I treated myself to some more commissioned artwork at deviantArt, and I am thrilled with the results! Here’s Callum and Ro at the beginning of their first intimate scene: Artwork by Agregor. You absolutely want to check out the rest of his gallery (though be warned, there is plenty of nudity!) Let’s have an accompanying […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Brainy Brunette

Part Two of this series! (I bet you can guess what’s coming up next week….) Trope: Brainy Brunette Description: If there’s a female character who’s known for her intelligence (as in, that’s her most prominent trait), there’s a very high chance she’ll be a brunette. Hot Librarians and Hot Scientists often fall into this category. […]

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Departure – a newly-released FREE short story!

I had so much fun with the Disintegration prequels, I decided to self-pub some more shorts here and there and release them for free. Fresh off the e-presses, here’s Departure! It was my first time making my own cover (using stock photography, which was credited appropriately in the front matter, and I notified the artist […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Dumb Blonde

This week’s TTT is the first of a three-part series about one of the most basic descriptors writers use (and its implications). Trope: Dumb Blonde Description: Need a ditzy character? Making her a blonde is one way to solidify that characterization, thanks to some old stereotypes. “Dumb” can cover a lot here – she can […]

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Keeping with the Alternating

I finished some writing projects, so you know what time it is……OMG VIDEO GAMES. *cough* Ahem. I started Mass Effect 2 on Saturday. I wasn’t thrilled with all the gameplay changes (though I am getting used to them), but damn, the story hooked me right away. With the first one, I played some here, played […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: I Have Your Wife

Trope: I Have Your Wife Description: In this plot trope, the villain does something especially dastardly – he/she kidnaps someone very close to the hero in an effort to manipulate him to follow their orders. As the trope name indicates, wives are usually the victims here, but everyone from children to very close friends can […]

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Titled! (finally!)

In this post, I expressed my woes over not having a title for the Searching the Skies sequel. The same thing happened this weekend as with the original book – I finished the first draft, and still had no title. I decided last night that THE TIME HAD COME, and I was going to title […]

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The Spring Air Addled My Brain

In all the excitement with the holidays and the blog tour and buzzing around like a busy, busy bee, I completely forgot to announce winners for the Spring is in the Air blog hop! Ooops. Congratulations to Cassandra and Mark, who will be able to adorn their magnetic surfaces with a kick-ass magnet and read […]

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