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Trope-tastic Thursday: The Lost Lenore

(Don’t forget to leave a comment on the Spring is in the Air Blog Hop for some prizes and to check out the rest of my VBT schedule! Also, this is my 100th post! Woo hoo!) Trope: The Lost Lenore Description: The Lost Lenore is a dead love interest of one of the main characters. […]

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“Disintegration” Virtual Book Tour!

The Disintegration Virtual Book Tour kicks off today! Thanks to the fantastic people over at CBLS Promotions, I’m taking over the internet for the next two weeks with interviews, guest posts, etc. If you want to follow me around to learn everything from my thoughts on paranormal romance to the story of my most embarrassing […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday (Friday): Hot Scientist

Sorry for the late Trope-tastic Thursday! If you’re looking to participate in the Spring is in the Air Blog Hop, make sure you leave a comment on this post. Trope: Hot Scientist Description: Who says women can’t be smart AND sexy? The Hot Scientist is always dressed to impress (with or without white lab coat) […]

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Spring is in the Air Blog Hop!

If your weather is anything like mine, it certainly doesn’t feel like spring is in the air. But that’s okay! The Spring is in the Air Blog Hop is sure to warm things up for you! Spring has always been traditionally linked with romance, and for good reason. Flowers bloom as the ground thaws out, […]

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Congratulations to the winners of the Lucky in Love Blog Hop! Over here, Amber gets a spiffy new magnet for her fridge and Meghan won an ebook of her choosing! For the grand prizes, Shadow37 won an Amazon Gift Card and Heather B. will have all sorts of swag from the swag pack filling her […]

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Lucky in Love Blog Hop!

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! (Okay, I don’t have even a drop of Irish blood in me, so I’ll stop pretending right now. But green is my favorite color!) Have you ever stopped to think about how much luck is really involved in dating? Back before I got married, I sometimes wondered how people […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Childhood Friend Romance

I have a feature and giveaway going on over at Sensuous Promotions today – be sure to go check it out! Trope: Childhood Friend Romance Description: Our lovestruck protagonists have known each other for nearly their entire lives. Over the years, the innocent games of childhood have evolved into mature feelings of passion and love. […]

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Realism vs. Excitement

Those of you who’ve seen my facebook posts know I’ve been working on some action scenes for the StS sequel. (The gun-slinging hero type of action, not that kind of action.) I’ve been struggling a little bit with this section, and I think I’ve pinpointed why: while the point of this part of the plot […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Amnesiac Lover

Trope: Amnesiac Lover Description: In this trope, our love interests have already found each other and have started on the path to “happily ever after”. But then…tragedy strikes! One partner suffers some injury or other experience that results in the loss of memory and can’t remember his/her true love. (In some cases, both partners have […]

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I hate titling things. Sometimes the perfect title comes to me right away, and I ride out the entire project without having to worry about it in the slightest (see: Disintegration). Sometimes the issue tugs at the back of my mind while I’m writing and the title doesn’t appear in my brain until about halfway […]

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