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Trope-Tastic Tuesdays: Birds of a Feather

Trope: Birds of a Feather Description: We’re all familiar with the Opposites Attract romance trope. Birds of a Feather is pretty much the opposite of Opposites Attract. (Oh ho ho, see what I did there.) Here, both characters in a relationship have similar personality traits and share common goals and interests. Birds of a Feather […]

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Character Names, Part Wherever We Left Off

Edits are underway for A Flame Among the Stars, and I’ve also seen a mockup of the cover, which is AMAZING. As soon as I’m allowed to share it, I will, because it’s seriously gorgeous. I don’t want to spoil anything, but: DRAGON. Also, as soon as I have a firm release date, I’ll be […]

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The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions – Release Day!

  It’s here! The Fall of the Midnight Scorpions is now officially available on both Kindle Unlimited and in paperback. And! AND! To celebrate Release Day, Disintegration, Book 1 of the series, will be available for FREE on November 1st and 2nd, so if you need to catch up, now is the perfect time! Don’t […]

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Even More Disintegration News/Updates

Firstly, while I have your attention, go vote for Disintegration over at Cover Wars! I know I’m biased, but really, there aren’t enough words for how much I LOVE this cover. Okay, now that that’s out of the way…actually, there isn’t a ton to report from my writing world that hasn’t already been covered. Just […]

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Trope-Tastic Tuesdays: The Lost Lenore

(Parts of this were originally published on March 28, 2013) Trope: The Lost Lenore Description: The Lost Lenore is a dead love interest of one of the main characters. Not only is she dead, her absence has a profound effect on the character for the rest of the work, to the point where it influences […]

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Disintegration – Release Week

  The official release day for Disintegration was on August 30th, and it was a great week! Pre-orders went out, some ARC reviews went up beforehand, pages have been read on Kindle Unlimited, and I even sold a couple of paperbacks. Phew! I’m also in the midst of some promo events, so let’s have a […]

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Trope-Tastic Tuesdays: Author Avatar

(Parts of this were originally posted on June 6, 2013) Trope: Author Avatar Description: Not limited solely to books, the Author Avatar is a version of the creator of a work inserted into the work itself. This can work in a number of different ways. Sometimes the Author Avatar is the narrator, giving opinions on […]

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Trope-Tastic Tuesdays: Act of True Love

Trope: Act of True Love Description: So our characters are madly, hopelessly in love, but the universe is often cruel and refuses to let them be happy together for more than five minutes. (Fucking universe, man.) One of the pair—or sometimes even both!—is so very much in love, they will make a great personal sacrifice […]

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Disintegration Updates, Part the Next

If you haven’t seen the full cover for Disintegration yet (which means you may not be a newsletter subscriber or a Twitter buddy, which means you’re missing out!), here it is in all its glory: Everything’s still on track for an official release day of August 30th, though I may make the paperback live earlier. […]

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Trope-tastic Tuesdays: Silver Fox

Before we get to this installment of Trope-tastic Tuesdays, a quick announcement: the newsletter subscriber bonus is going to be changing in a few weeks, so if you haven’t already signed up and received your free copy of Sweet Escape, don’t miss your chance! You can use the form that’s over there on the sidebar, […]

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